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do we now know what our queen looked like before she transitioned?

Evidence 1 - just look to the left of our princess. She clearly shaved, had some surgery, and probably had height reduction so she could be as short as her sisters.
She's a rather terrible person but I'd totally hit it, obviously
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Good, australians are asleep right now, we can discuss Ava without interruptions right now lol. Nice ass.
Makes hitting it sweeter desu
Thats nearly a twink
That's probably inaccurate because she had FFS so that's probably not what she looked like as a guy
Yeah. I can't get turned on by anyone I actually care about desu. It feels wrong. I have to either hate them or despise them. Both is fine too.
>She's a rather terrible person
just looks like a femme twink what is the point of transition
accurate if someone photoshops a longer philtrum and hairline
to stop getting bullied for being a faggot by looking "cute"
>bullied for being a faggot
>bullied for being a tranny
what’s the difference
you get bullied a lot less for the second one if people can plausibly sexualize you as a female
have you ever considered suicide?
ava is 6'2", shes mentioned it before
people in Australia are usually fucking tall or fucking short
that guy must be 6'5"
I haven't had height reduction lol, it's a meme

if there was actually a surgery that reduced your height without making you look stumpy and weirdly proportioned then I'd consider it for sure

I am not a terrible person :( I'm actually really nice


I'm 6'1 but yeah everyone in my family is really tall
your a billionaire you are ontologically evil
lmao I am NOT a billionaire, what?
oops, i was one inch off, my bad
but damn, aussies are tall people
some of us are, like my family is, but idk I feel like the average australian isn't super tall
it doesn't bother me too much, like I think my ideal height would be 5'11 or 5'10 but my proportions are good so it's not the end of the world

the real downside is that it limits shoe options
yea you prob got some big ol stompers
>the real downside is that it limits shoe options
Nta but LITERALLY though I'm same height as you and for america am size 10 or 11 womens depending on shoe makes me wanna kms
not really

a size 10 women is like a 41EU, that's really not that big especially at 6'1
it's over
post feet
g'day ava what are you up to today


gm anon I did a bit of shopping today, got some new books and jeans
that's wonderful, enjoy the rest of your day
sorry if that was unreasonable. I don't even fuk black men really
thank you :) you too

anal sex with Ava on a bike!
on the bike?!
I’m gonna tie your limbs to the bike and drive downhill while driving into you
anon that sounds painful

it's not true!
not for me
how are you 5" taller than me and the same size foot

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