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Honfidence Edition

Are you honfident and at peace with yourself? What are the steps to attain honfidence?
>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.
Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
AGP - any guy's pooper?
I went to Montmartre with my friend and almost had a panic attack.
Also a guy called me jeune homme.
Which at least shows I'm perceived as young so it's better than monsieur but still.
Fuck I just want to stay inside.
What causes honfidence? Never understood it.
> What are the steps to attain honfidence?
MEF and other extremely fetishistic behaviors paired with an unbreakable ontological belief that you are actually a woman. There is one final component, and that is narcissism. You have to have a complete disregard for the feelings of others.
>unbreakable ontological belief that you are actually a woman
Is this common for AGPs? I have never believed that.
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autistics are more likely to be trans, autistics literally cannot read facial expressions, if somebody tells them they look feminine today, they'll take it at face value to mean they pass even though people are just trying to be nice
I'm autistic and hyperaware about the fact I will never pass.
I am autistic too, it doesn't make me so delusional. Actually I am more like opposite, I don't trust people and overthink everything they say in a wrong way.
reminder that this is transphobic anti-scientific trash and you should feel bad for peddling it
me niether. I get turned on being a little bitch in panties as much as the next guy but I have never believed I actually was a woman.
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Why is it transphobic
Why is it anti-scientific
reasonable levels of hugboxing
> etiologically distinct conditions
nta, but a reasonable interpretation of blanchardism would conclude that agps aren't trans, and that an attraction to women would strongly indicate that idea without considering any other factors
thus there would be a need to gatekeep agps from transitioning to limit harm and an easy test for it
>attraction to women would strongly indicate that idea
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hello fellow parisian tranner. want to bond over how much we both hate this city? today i went to canal saint-martin and got called madame like three or four times in my black boymoder hoodie but i refuse to girlmode rn and risk being hatecrimed given the context (picrel is me).
>agps aren't trans
What does trans even mean then?
Usually the AGPs are extremely dysphoric and have a very strong desire for SRS and to live as a woman, is that not what the word transsexual means?
I've never been gendered female ever.
I'm an actual hon.
How does it feel being called a woman?
I'm thinking of shaving my head to look normal and not get attacked.
it says it right there in your screenshot, that there is a statistically strong relationship between agp and attraction to women
trans people present with a brain sex at odds with body sex, resulting in dysphoria
to use blanchardian sounding language, what blanchardism proposes is that agps instead experience a "pseudo-dysphoria"
similar to how there are no really bisexual or gay agps under this model, they are "pseudo-bi" or "meta-attracted"
under this model, it supposes sexual desire from agp leads to mimicking characteristics of either dysphoria or androphilia
>How does it feel being called a woman?
it unfortunately does not make the worms go away, but dw i def don't pass 100% either lol i'm hoping qassemyar will save me.
>I'm thinking of shaving my head to look normal and not get attacked.
shaved head is poonercoded lol don't do that if you're on HRT and don't want to look queer. we're probably mostly safe in paris realistically presuming you live intramuros and not in some french dreamer banlieue populated by mouthbreathers.
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anyone starting to lose faith in the idea that they're a man while still believing that transition is ridiculous and expensive and doesn't solve anything
I identify as AGP, you can't actually tell me I'm wrong
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Yes, let’s use the Benjamin scale instead
I can tell you to stop debasing yourself and sucking up to authority all I want, pickme
Does anybody have a link to the book “Why Gender Matters” by Leonard Sax? There was one particular chapter of the book that used to be posted here and it was really, really enlightening
Oh you'll go to qass? I'm thinking of Eyraud, Jammet or Beneduce.
Qass isn't that impressive, kind of expensive, and mostly off ALD.
Any reason you want to go to him?
>shaved head is poonercoded lol don't do that if you're on HRT and don't want to look queer
Fair lol.
But it seems almost only nafris have long ish hair when it comes to guys here.
>we're probably mostly safe in paris realistically presuming you live intramuros and not in some french dreamer banlieue populated by mouthbreathers.
I live in the 9th currently but will probably move to the 19th or worse soon.
>somewhere between iii and iv
now what
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>Are you confident?
Yes ma'am
Benjamin's theory is totally dead now, Fisk killed it in term of clinical methodology, and Blanchard/ Freund in term of etiological and typological theorizing.
Someone posts screenshots from it occasionally.
They probably have it, I'd wait for them to show up.
Once we have it I will add it to the header.
don't care
if you graduate to tranny go to mtfg
ok tranny
>blanchard notes that both groups were utter fruits as young children
>yet they’re still somehow totally distinct because they get turned on by different things

This may be a false equivalence, but this is like saying a drunk and a tweaker are totally different even though they’re both addicts.
Dysphoria can result from something else than brain sex. Would you consider person in OP dysphoric?
>utter fruits as young children
Most aren't atypical in childhood, and start having gender fantasies in late childhood.
Very different from the often gender atypical hsts.
literally went outside like that the otherday
Yes, heterosexuals and homosexuals are totally distinct. My desire of being a woman depends and feeds off my attraction to women.
>Any reason you want to go to him?
idk he did an excellent job on my friend's FFS recently, i don't really agree that he's "not that impressive". i mainly need type 3, hairline lowering and some bone shaving on my chin/jaw but nothing that dramatic, he seems good for what i want.
>I live in the 9th currently but will probably move to the 19th or worse soon.
19th like belleville/jourdain? that's a really nice area ngl, i was in the buttes-chaumont last week and was thinking i'd like to live around there. the parts closer to stalingrad and la villette are dire though. i'm in the 17th near enough to étoile, not a bad place to live all things considered but holy fuck is it boring, i'd rather live somewhere like the 10th/11th/south of the 19th but i doubt i'll stay in paris.
>>blanchard notes that both groups were utter fruits as young children
Where did he note this?
Cross-dressing does not make you fruity.
I exclusively masturbate to the idea of me being a girl these days. What does that make me?
>I exclusively masturbate to the idea of me being a girl
what do you think
>a drunk and a tweaker are totally different even though they’re both addicts.
Are you arguing that's not the case? You treat alcoholism different than meth addiction so yes, they are different
I think I need someone much more radical than him desu.
He's good on the brow but I need some hardcore stuff on the jaw, mine is literally as wide as my zygomatic bones.
I'm thinking of doing several rounds with several surgeons potentially, trying to use the ALD as much as possible.
Also I heard quass didn't do type 3? I might be retarded sorry.
And no I meant like Stalingrad.
The 10th isn't great desu. My dream would be to live in the 8th/7th/6th.
I'd rather see fancy buildings and old people than kebabs.
Tbh I don't feel like I'm long in this world anyway so it doesn't matter.
I actually think this is the closest one I agree with but that "remarks" category is hilarious, I've never really seen an etiologic framework that includes "and here's other random shit I think!"
> Dysphoria can result from something else than brain sex.
which would not be equivalent to the dysphoria trans people experience according to this model
from blanchardism, you could infer that doing something about the sexual desire instead would fix the pseudo-dysphoria
the usual treatment for paraphilias being some combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, ssris, antiandrogens, and puberty blockers
> Would you consider person in OP dysphoric?
what physical traits determine dysphoria from a glance?
>etiologic framework
This isn't one...
a fetishist?
Is treatment for meth addiction and alcoholism really all that different? Granted withdrawal symptoms are different but when I was in rehab I noticed that they didn’t divide people based on whatever substance they were abusing.
you have agp, it's more complicated than just a fetish
>the usual treatment for paraphilias being some combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, ssris, antiandrogens, and puberty blockers
Doesn't work, there is nothing you can do to shut down your sexuality completely.
For as long as sexuality is active in an AGP male, dysphoria will be present.
To reduce suffering and to alleviate dysphoria, AGPs transition.
Blanchardism does not say anything about brain sex. If it's just pseudo dysphoria, how does their actions over it differ from real dysphoria? Don't the dysphoric AGPs do the same things you would expect from "real trans", including genital surgery?

From a glance and quick search you can see this person most likely strongly desires to be or identifies as, wants to become or pass as woman.
>I'm thinking of doing several rounds with several surgeons potentially, trying to use the ALD as much as possible.
fair enough, i don't really mind going hors ALD because my main priority is to get FFS like soon.
>Also I heard quass didn't do type 3? I might be retarded sorry.
nah he does, you might be thinking of lachiver.
>And no I meant like Stalingrad.
my condolences.
>The 10th isn't great desu. My dream would be to live in the 8th/7th/6th.
different tastes i guess, i'm close enough to the 8th and it's pretty to walk around for sure but it gets annoying having basically nothing fun to do nearby and needing to go to other parts of the city to go out. i literally have to go two metro stops away to find a bar that isn't overpriced with shit service. i think it's a great place to live if you have money which i don't lol it's weird being the poorfag in the chambre de bonne upstairs and living alongside the rich people but never really interacting with them.
Male brained. Women can't even walk on the streets if they aren't well prepared. Now the average man dresses in a totally weird way just because he thinks it's "cool".

That's why reppers have a female brain thought.
I'm super autistic so living in a place with many people, small sidewalks, noisy people etc is really taxing on me.
Maybe if I am lucky and the RN wins my dad will get some juicy position and he'll have more money to give me in order to move out.
And yeah I totally get what you say.
I personally don't go to bars or anything, but that makes a lot of sense.
I bet the bars around here are very expensive too.
But yeah the 10th and 18th, depending on the area, kind of suck.
I was in a cop internship in a past life in the 18th and she-cops all go back from work together because they're afraid.
>fair enough, i don't really mind going hors ALD because my main priority is to get FFS like soon.
Makes a lot of sense.
I also want my soon. Hopefully next year.
I'm rotting rn, I want to know whether I need to kms or effortmaxx.
>That's why reppers have a female brain
They know they would look ridiculous presented as women.

While the hon thinks that what she is being is enough to be a woman.

Not to generalize, there are hons who have self-knowledge but the transition benefits their AGP so they don't care.
>I'm super autistic so living in a place with many people, small sidewalks, noisy people etc is really taxing on me.
same lol this is the reason i want to just escape paris/IDF altogether, this whole region is a fucking cesspit. i long for nature.
>Maybe if I am lucky and the RN wins my dad will get some juicy position and he'll have more money to give me in order to move out.
KEK i'm curious what exactly the connection is now, i won't ask though. that's kinda based though. i'm not anti-RN per se even if i do feel like the elections have exacerbated tensions and emboldened a certain amount of retards (on all sides). it's been kinda amusing watching méluche and macron getting into bed together to stop them from getting in.
not really to me, it's very much a fetish that simply dominates my masturbation time
> Doesn't work, there is nothing you can do to shut down your sexuality completely.
assuming that is the case, it is still efficacious in helping sufferers regain control, if blanchardism is true then this would still be a viable treatment
> For as long as sexuality is active in an AGP male, dysphoria will be present.
so you agree then that this is how blanchardism interprets dysphoria in agps?
> To reduce suffering and to alleviate dysphoria, AGPs transition.
it might cause harm instead under this model, transition is a treatment for dysphoria not pseudo-dysphoria
those are questions for blanchardians, not me, i'm not the one saying agps are necessarily pseudo-dysphoric
according to the model, they would be making a mistake
> From a glance and quick search...
i genuinely do not know this person
>same lol this is the reason i want to just escape paris/IDF altogether, this whole region is a fucking cesspit. i long for nature.
Very true.
Coming back from the countryside to Paris is quite hellish.
The noise, the smell, the people.
But I'm kind of stuck here till I'm done with my """studies""".
>i'm curious what exactly the connection is
Well I'm dumb and I've already doxxed myself many times, basically my dad is a far right writer/ politologist.
He's on Cnews every month at least lol.
>even if i do feel like the elections have exacerbated tensions and emboldened a certain amount of retards
Very true.
The one thing that scares me a bit with RN is that they could very well pull off a Meloni and, since their hands are tied with immigration, dunk on trannies based on the newly minter TERF wave, courtesy of Stern and Moutot.
They could for instance gut the ALD and that's the last thing I need rn lmao.
>it's been kinda amusing watching méluche and macron getting into bed together to stop them from getting in.
That's pretty crazy.
Regardless France will be so ungovernable.
My dad believes Macron might use article 16.
>so you agree then that this is how blanchardism interprets dysphoria in agps?
>it might cause harm instead under this model, transition is a treatment for dysphoria not pseudo-dysphoria
SRS satisfaction rates for AGPs are extremely high.
>basically my dad is a far right writer/ politologist
damn that's crazy lol does he know you're a tranny?
>They could for instance gut the ALD and that's the last thing I need rn lmao
yep that's precisely what i was thinking. this would very much hit the trans community where it hurts, i'd argue it'd do even more net damage to trans people as a whole than a puberty blocker ban.
>My dad believes Macron might use article 16.
article 16 + gouvernement technique is almost certain imo, seeing as from the looks of things nobody's getting a majority. not sure what it'd mean in practice other than the country continuing to go to shit but what's new?
ur mom
yeah well ur mom fat, FAGGOT
>does he know you're a tranny
Basically I repressed for 5 years largely because of him, as I lived (and still do) with him and he would constantly tell me I'd be dead to him if I were a tranny and that it was worse than being a pedo (well he's in good terms with Matzneff).
In the end I did end up Trooning and telling him I was agp (literally brought up Blanchard and meta attraction) and he tolerates it basically.
He's against it, won't pay for it, but he doesn't kill me or kick me out or anything and isn't mean.
Kinda disappointing desu I'd thought I'd get honor killed at least.
>this would very much hit the trans community where it hurts, i'd argue it'd do even more net damage to trans people as a whole than a puberty blocker ban.
Immensely more damage. Puberty blockers concern like 0.1% of the trans community lol.
It's basically a non issue and in a way is positive because it gives us a martyr cause to rally against that is ultimately nothing.
>not sure what it'd mean in practice other than the country continuing to go to shit but what's new?
No one knows. De Gaulle used it and kept it on for several months when the putsch of the general crisis was completely over.
These are interesting times for constitutionalists.
>it's more complicated than just a fetish
is it tho? I mean for everyone...I dont have any dysphoria and prefer my cishetnormative sex liife to sex with men as femboi. I my strong preference is to love and unite with a cis het woman as man.
> SRS satisfaction rates for AGPs are extremely high.
we'd have to qualify that claim first agp might simply mean to you "woman attracted" or "not feminine"
Love the idea of an ultra right wing homophobe type of guy getting an AGP princess son, it's so poetic.
Sadly I'm a gigahon lol.
you guys have very mild autism. severe cases will take every word literally. they dont' understand sarcasm, don't understand when people are just being polite, etc.
with that hair on your arms? jesus, that's honfidence.
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I'm a Balkan chad
I really wonder if other "AGPs" have some completely different condition from me. I have never had hair on my chest, and if I did it would make me suicidal and I would remove it. I remove all hair from my arms and the back of my hands too, even though it's all translucent and not nearly as gross as yours. Putting on women's clothes with all that hair would make me sick.
kill yourself you privileged fucking cunt
That's because I have agp and you're a tranny
what's privileged about removing hair?
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Ermmm... Wow...
I mean... Wow..
Look at xer.
Zo xexy
Former III here now II? Am I recovering?
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One straight AGP GF to spoil, cuddle, plow mercilessly, abuse, manhandle, and generally treat like a beautiful and seductive lady. Just be under 200lbs and under 6'2
>6'+ FUB
why are you being psychotic
Do you girlmode?
why are you being (or condoning) an asshole to those less fortunate than themselves to such a degree that they class themselves as something entirely different? it's reprehensible behavior
5'10, 145, 26" waist, can I be your meta attracted gf?
I hate passoids.
I don't think people realize how mentally damaging not malfailing after nearly half a year of hrt is.
You're perfect, babycakes. I'm 2.5x your weight. Can your slender girly frame handle being smother, manhandled, and mating-pressed by me?
I want to be thrown around like a ragdoll, utterly unable to stop you from doing whatever you want. I just hope you don't break me in two
same i used to pluck facial hair
Only once and I looked like shit. My makeup was wonderful but I didnt shave my face for a couple days and my hair was sweaty because I was supposed to have work that day.
Went to the sports bar in a women's long sleeve, black skirt, stocking, and rubber clogs. Not voice trained at all. The bartender kept smirking and trying not to laugh whenever I spoke to her, it was pretty funny. Then I paid with my card with my dude name on it.
I must have passed to a couple men outside because one of them smiled really nice at me, never been smiled like that by a guy before.
Some people just masculinize more and go into depersonalization.
But that's too hard to understand for sociopathic luckshits who chronically lack empathy.
that anon comes into a thread full of suicidal people and reminds them to kys themselves every day. it's actually gigabased when you think about it.
I seriously have sensory issues where more than 1 day of beard on my face sends me into a panic attack.
tfw not really agp or trans but have that weird obsession over becoming a female
i don't understand myself
particularly based when you realize that, by telling people to commit sucide, xhe is demonstrating that xhe has more empathy than them
well "agp" isn't real anyways, it's just something made up to prop up blanchardism
while maybe put abrasively, that anon is technically right given that the premise is false
i don't mind it now
>past a certain age a man without facial hair can be a bad thing
I don't disagree from that perspective but you know damn well that's not how it was intended, it's just a display of self-superiority
what is that head thing
have you tried wearing bangs?
how do i un-fetishize and desexualize the desire to become a woman? i don't want to feel guilty for being a primitive sex obsessed fetishistic freak
alternative outlets
elaborate please...
I've been uploading each chapter from *Autoheterosexual* to my website. Almost all of them are up, and in a few days the remaining links will be live.


I've also made a version of the table of contents in Markdown so that it can be embedded directly in posts on Reddit and Discord. Feel free to spread to other AGPs and AAPs.


And as always, remember that it's totally fine to be AGP/AAP and to transition because of it, and you don't have to listen to lies spouted by self-loathing transsexuals who are scared of their own true nature. Your desire to understand yourself accurately takes priority over their desire to think of themselves a particular way.
idk, i hopped on hrt instead to be honest, my attitude toward sex is a lot more healthy now
I bought a couple of dildo because why not. I'll never be a woman nor I will ever like men but I can pretend to worship cock as the women in the porn that ruined my brain, right?
is it even agp or crossdress fetish when i often "project" different fetishes and desires onto myself?
seems like a pathological sexual behavior to me
are they submission related mine are always submission related
I love wearing agp tight outfits i kinda wanna post pics
so do it
everything is so fake. fake "dysphoria", fake desires, fake sexuality
i hate myself
fake dysphoria, fake sexuality, but your desires are real
Ok i will, AGPS ONLY!!!
https://unsee cc/album#rBhwTldvZsUN
>Are you honfident and at peace with yourself?
No. No matter what I do I always feel vulnerable.
What are the steps to attain honfidence?
Born again
Based asanoyama
nobody is looking :((((
i saw something keep it up i guess
nice clothes
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>mfw it actually is just a fetish
>mfw this doesn't change how mentally draining, confusing, and devastating this condition is
Where were you when you realized it's completely over for neurotic cis AGPs?
i'm not mean :(
>i saw something i guess
idk anon kinda rude
idk what u expect that just a way to call someone ugly lol

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