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>I'm a legbutt and I support Palestine
can someone give me a qrd why /my/ ppl support these genuinely awful people? like most of you wouldn't entertain a trumptard or christcuck but a muzzie? different story
leftism is a cult, you don't think for yourself, just do what you are told
I'm more against civilians being slaughtered but it's cool you made the issue about yourself like a sniveling little faggot!
I don't understand ot either, like christanity now allows gay marriages and western countries have gay parades and stuff, while muslim countries with sharia law literally behead gays
u can be that without sucking off hamas
middle easterns aren't worth giving any fucks about
Are people 'sucking off' hamas or are you reacting to 24/7 ragebait being shot into your brain by targeted social media bubbles? (you don't have to answer lmao)
>middle eastern men are so ho..ACCK
nta but "89 percent of Palestinians want Sharia Law (Islamic Law) to be the official law of their land." So I'm guessing that they'd probably stone me for my beliefs and way of life, so fuck em. Jews can go to hell aswell
Supporting shitlestine is the peak npc position in 2024
t. conservative thinktank


sounds legit
Said no one ever
It’s essentially the intersection of a few beliefs. Standard anti racism and intersectionality.
People of middle eastern origins including Muslims have faced discrimination in the west, and such discrimination drastically increased post war on terror. A consequence of this is that there is very little dissociation between "Muslims" and "brown people" at least in Anglo American discourse , even if one is a faith and the other is an arbitrary umbrella term for various peoples of different faiths and languages.
Intersectionality and antiracism enters the equation by a declaration that peoples minority statuses can intersect. A black Muslim from northern Nigeria will have a harder time through American TSA or at a traffic stop than an Albanian white passing secular Muslim. This is where right wingers get the term oppression Olympics from, since the theory of intersectionality makes it that privileged and discrimination overlap on every individual.

To summarize, Muslims are a minority in these places, as such they are oppressed by the state, but many left leaning spaces don’t engage with the religion aspect, instead focusing on the racial aspect.

This is not to say that Muslims jews and Christians are very different since they all advocate for wife beating and stoning the gays de jure (in the texts they judge holy) but it’s harder to stand up for an underclass if they don’t fit into the perfect box of an oppressed people. So the question of Islam has been kicked down the road in favor of discourse of race.
are you gonna tell me that only a minority of palestinian muslims want sharia law ? now THAT sounds legit
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>Wants to stay in their own country and have their own laws

Show your nose.
As a Native European, I am willing to accept billions in reparations from the Muslim World for the Centuries of invasions, subjigations, slavery, mass murder, mass castrations and mass rape.

Afterwards they can kindly fuck back off to their homelands, because as Natives of Europe they would be living on stolen Land.

I am all for LGBT Rights, and according to some historians, we had relatively open minded religions before christianity.

My Homeland and my People ought not to be part of some International Globalist Cosmopolitan Playground.
If you have to do it, go to Antarctica, Some Island in the Ocean, some barely populated African Region, I don't Care...
But Why Here?!
AI slop
yes a lot of people are protesting with palestinian flags and they don't ever say anything about hamas doing bad things.
As Natives of Europe, they would be living on *our* stolen Land.
It's wrong for Palestine to be an open-air prison and a vehicle for genocide
It's wrong for people to commit hate crimes against LGBT people
Simple as
Canadians will see this then import another million bc diversity is strength
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Hamas are freedom fighters there is literally nothing wrong with fighting back against your colonialist oppressors fuck Israel.

Fuck off Mossad.
i don't even support israel but i don't like what hamas is doing either and i don't like islam.
People on the left tend to support the person who they perceive as the underdog or little guy even if that underdog's own views are contrary or opposed to their own.
Shut you pathetic both sides npc.

Stop sending billions in tax to arms to Israel with missiles and then you will be allowed to say you don't care.
i don't really have a lot of saying in where my tax money goes, anon.
>both sides npc
how dare i think peace is better than picking a side
It's their own job & journey to advance towards a less dumbfuck trad society.
This has nothing to do really with Israel committing warcrimes and palestinians being massacred. Muslim palestinians being - MAYBE - on average more homophobic doesn't mean I should jump to support the state of Israel
You are correct, the other guy is an idiot.
Would be nice to just pull all money we send/spend on Jews/Muslims/Africans...
We have enough problems and I don't care if these horrible people can't help themselves to fight wars.
Better for them to fight with sticks and stones than actual weaponry.
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I won't support ethnic cleasing, genocide or apartide just because I'm gay.

I think human rights come before my sexuality maga retard.
I already said that kikes can get fucked too, I want a state like Japan with a ~97%homogeneous society
It's a human right to live in a world without faggots. If you disagree you deny me my human rights
Wait were they Palestinian? It just says middle eastern
>oppressed by the state
>violently threaten the government, rape thousands of underage girls
>murder dozens of natives
>establishment openly says they need to try harder to suppress 'Islamophobia'
>arrest a man for trying to save his daughter from an Islamic rape gang

Such discrimination.
“Palestinians” have demonstrated over the past 100 years that they are completely incapable of coexisting alongside anyone different than themselves. I find it very difficult to care about the death toll of people who would parade my naked raped body through the streets in celebration with their women and children because I’m Jewish and lgbt. “Palestinians” are no different ethnically or culturally from the other middle eastern Muslim countries bordering them(who’s people were shuffled around and borders redrawn after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and don’t have a fake victim complex about it). Like hmm I wonder what happened to the Jews in the rest of the Middle East? It’s almost as if they were forced to leave their homes and property to flee to Israel as refugees. That’s what happened to so much of the region, yet the Palestinians are useful idiots for the rest of the Muslim world to complain about Jews existing. People who say it’s invalid to bring up lgbt politics are retarded. The average lefty uses us to virtue signal, but couldn’t give less of a fuck about fags in reality. Look at how they’re willing to vote 3rd party or abstain from the upcoming election even tho trump has vowed to outlaw us. Fuck these murderous Muslims. I put lgbt lives over all others because that’s what we’re forced to do while we’re still oppressed
Even if they are fundamentally incompatible with our civilization, what's happening to the Palestinians is utterly barbaric and worth condemning on principle alone. That doesn't mean we should tolerate offenses by Palestinians or otherwise immigrant muslims on our side of the world, concerns over those incompatibilities are still legitimate.
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spot on
I think it’s a lie that a population isn’t responsible for the actions of their state. I remember in school they tried to make us think the fire bombings in Dresden were a tragedy. Like no, sorry, the nazis and their genocide didn’t appear out of nowhere. Y’all voted for them, and turned your neighbors over to the gas chambers, so you deserve to be killed. I feel the same way about Hamas. Like yall have been trying to kill Israeli citizens for 80 years instead of develop your own country. If this took place 200 years ago, the palis would’ve been rightly removed from the map. You can’t shoot thousands of missiles at a nation and expect that to offer you more land.
>hurr they don't like muzzies therefore they're zionists!! *retard noises*
you are genuinely fucking retarded my nigga that i just cant LMAO
>oy vey the 6 gorillion
fuck off kike
Liberal governments are also responsible for handling the situation so poorly. In the UK's case, it's merely a matter of how much their government truly despises its people. It they had gun rights, then the officials that let Rotterdam happen would have been strung up from street lights
Lm@ing at all the anons going "b-but their civil rights!" Okay faggot, you do that while they throw you off a building. If they want respect from me then they should respect us first. Simple as. Until then, Idgaf about their struggle.
>if you don't vote for the globalist pedo you don't care about LGBT issues!

You ought to be strung up along with anybody else who tries to justify siding with the establishment.
I thought you guys didn’t have cell reception Ahmed? Pls go back to Egypt where you belong

I hate this shithole I HATE IT
Unlike you I'm white
Mossad has taken over the board.
Glad to hear that your sparknotes skim of Hegel and Marx is more important than the material reality for lgbt people in America. You people truly don’t deserve to the air you breath
We don't have gun rights because the government is not even slightly 'liberal'. Ewen if iot was liberalism can only work if you reject internationalist nonsense, ethnic homelands should be run by natives for natives.
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whats it like knowing that reddit is actually based and you guys are a bunch of cringe softpussies?
whoa reddit being based as fuck for once?
rare reddit w
The left are your allies you authoritarian retard, you belong in the same ditch as them and the globalists.
>all those likes
WTF holy BASED. Also this does not fit the /narrative/! Did 4chan lie to me
Given the "free palestine" bit in the OP it makes it a pretty two side thing, since "free palestine" is inherently about Palestine vs Israel
>would rather proverbially jerk themselves off into the ballot box than do something to support me

Enjoy the revolution in your discord server retard. Meanwhile, the adults have to go outside
Why do you have a weird apartheid nazi state tho
>be a retard
>surprised that he's being addressed as such
retard. get rid of your brain worms, some of us genuinely don't care and if they both killed groups each other that'd be excellent
>im all about the bloodshed and proliferation of suffering, actually
>i love waaaaars
Wrong dumbfuck, ideally both would be uplifted into not having some really backward views.
>apartheid is having to treat your neighboring state that actively shoots missiles and sends suicide bombers into your country daily with heavy scrutiny and security while treating the Muslims who live within your nation and abide by its laws fairly is apartheid
>retard is so retarded that she has to move goalposts to a strawman a new argument
lmao unironically seething for being a retard. don't care + you lost + keep seething
I hope you're a tranny under the age of 18 because otherwise you're a gigantic womanly faggot
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>some poor immigrants got in a fight in a shitty neighborhood, therefore carpet bombing starving kids with cluster bombs is a good thing
Yeah, it's zionazi time
>peaceful hospital bombings are accidental, we're very fair and tolerant
>killing thousands as a response for deaths of dozens is fair, actually
I thought jewish cultists didn't exist o 4chan.
One human is worth 500,000 Muslims. The toll is not yet paid.
Israelite zionists are not human lol. Jews are human, but not all Jews are the former. Although sadly the overlap is larger than I'd hope
Dude, talking online doesn't change the fact that every single Muslim in Gaza is going to be dead by mid-2025.
>im a ghoul on the winning side of the genocide so I'm justified as the victor
I personally don't care too much about the death count, but history will turn to condemn the actions of Israel state.
>y-you can’t kill our soldiers, they were in a hospital. Some of them even put on stethoscopes
Who cares? Less Muslims = a good thing no matter what.
>reee you can't just do that! you HAVE to love your Islamic sisters!!! you HAVE to support throwing lgbts off buildings and overall homophobia, and gangraping women because it's their culture!
No, I don't think I will.
And so is less israelites/zionists. Next point?
plain and simple antisemitism, they look for any excuse to hate jews, even if they have to support people that want to openly behead them
I only hate Israel because it's an awful nationalistic government.
based post

don't bother. if its the same anon from earlier you'll have to excuse her cause she is genuinely legally retarded
>nationalistic government
Do you realize how retarded you sound? Has there been a nation in the history of the world who’s government isn’t nationalistic?
This is why I enjoy living in Austin. I get to keep my guns so if someone starts acting sideways I can give them a gentle reminder as to why they shouldn’t push me
Yea? Multiples of them? Nationalism is just a softer term for nazism lmfao, which I didn't want to use because it's sillier.
Y’all sounds just as stupid as q anon boomers you know, right?
>youre just as silly as unrelated phenomena of idiots peddling their dumb opinions, actually
>through ludicrous comparison I will drag you down and win this argument, in spite of lacking rebuttal to the claim of Israel being violently nationalistic
You can try again
You don’t even know what nationalism is, so there’s not really an argument to be had. If somehow you’re above the age of 18, I hope you have someone looking out for you so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself trying to do daily tasks
Nigga you live in the gayest city in the country. Lmao what threat do you face? Aside from lgbt Uncle Tommies ofc.
>condescending tone enabled
>i have won
You could have at least made an attempt, even a modicum would be better than the glorified version of facebook-tier "ur ignorant....." posting lmao
nta but are you talking about austin texas or austin minnesota
Please name a single nation in human history who’s government hasn’t “supported the political independence of its nation” or “acted in support of its interests”
>actually everyone is a nationalist, perchance if I wrangle the terminology I can paint my tribe in an inherently better light
>also whataboutism
Your attempts are honestly pretty pathetic.
Obviously not everyone is a nationalist, but every government is.
??? Are you just trying to throw your word of the day in despite it being completely irrelevant? I never used anything to justify anything else. This is the last reply you’re getting because talking to you is like talking to an ai bot trained only on Facebook users who comment “amazing” on AI pictures.
As someone who lives in reality, it is in my belief that Jerusalem and the surrounding 100 miles should be turned into radioactive glass via repeated nuclear detonation. There will never be peace in that region as long as religious radicals have their special little city to fight over.
You ever been to Palm Springs?
Yeah, like 10 years ago. I boofed it I thought I wrote state and not country. Still though Austin is extremely gay af.
Still not a socialist you slimy little traitor.

Israel is built on stolen land so Israel does not have the right to defend itself and all Israelis are legitimate targets.
Moron, they're going to send them to Europe and our corrupt leaders are going to let them in.

Nationalism is a basic moral requirement for all humans, your own people should always be your first priority. Putting your own people first doesn't make you fascist, it means you're not as mentally ill corporate stooge.
>brown = good
>white = bad
Gay muslims need our help
You misspelled "religion".
Leftism is about the rise of the oppressed
But some of these oppressed groups are no saints
>palestinian flags
That's not the same as supporting hamas. Palestine is not the same as hamas
>collectivism helps the oppressed

Delusional, you help the people by dispersing power and property rights as widely as possible, not concentrating it. If you 'abolish' private property all property just passes into the hands of the small oligarchy that always seizes control of the revolution unless statists and centralisers are killed on the spot.
Why are people talking about palestine in this thread? The subject is muslim immigration, not i/p.
I find it funny that in America we kind of accept that during world war 2 the Japanese were indoctrinated into believing death and brutality and martyrdom were honorable and the best things ever and so that nuking them into submission and occupying them until they accept democratic rule and human rights was morally correct. Yet for some reason we think of people who indoctrinate their kids from birth that the ultimate goal is to die in the name Islam and kill as many Jews as possible and by doing so they will be rewarded in heaven and somehow Israel is supposed to make peace with them and do no military action against them when they repeatedly commit terrorist attacks?
And how at the end of world war 2 the Nazis used child soldiers, a lot of them died because the allies killed them. Did we ever shame the allies for killing nazi child soldiers? No, we blamed the Nazis for using them.
Was there so much outcry when Russia invaded chechnya after Chechen terrorists repeatedly committed terror attacks around Russia? (probably the closest modern day analogue to the current war)
Americans and westerners as a whole are too fucking soft and never had to deal with existential threat to their lives. The only thing stopping the arabs from just killing all Jews is the fact that they can't.
it is unless ur a palestinian. hamas has all power
>like most of you wouldn't entertain a trumptard or christcuck but a muzzie
because two party politics means the party that isn't trying to ban hrt also happens to have a muslim vote even though muslims subscribe to absolutely zero left wing values

it's been this way for an entire year
anti immigration is an openly accepted opinion to have now, and nearly every euro i've known has expressed that for the past 10 years
Blaming people for violently resisting imperialism makes you an imperialist. You'd probably freak out if Tibetans gutted every Chinese person in Tibet even though that would obviously be justified. There are no 'civilians' among occupiers.
Because muh freepalestinefags get upset when threads like this are made even though they support people who genuinely hate their guts. It's almost like a psyop at this point where we just can't say anything or else we're j*ws/z*onists.
nta but imperialism is based
Muslims were the imperialists and calling them the 'indigenous' would be like calling the Spanish indigenous to the Americas because they slaughtered and assimilated the natives 500 years ago
leftards can say this but if I say I think we should kill all [undesirables] I get banned from 4chin, added to the NSA surveillance watchlist, charged for hate crimes and yet I'M FUCKING RIGHT
Both of them literally are? Both Palestinians and Mexicans carry DNA from peoples who have been living in their regions for thousands of years. Palestinian case is even worse as Arabs are authoctonous to Middle East and have been living all over it since recorded time

Israel is a genocidal settler colonial regime and should be abolished like Rhodesia, French Algeria and South Africa
Hamas unironically did nothing wrong when it comes to the zionists

There were no raped girls, and the only beheaded babies were Palestinian ones by zionist forces

Being anti imperialist is nationalism AKA right wing.
It's a literal baby killing settler colonial ethnostate and no amount of pinkwashing will make queers support your genocidal criminal state

you can't even write homogenous you retarded spastic, end your life.
Original post was obviously made by hasbara zionist troll
Nationalism is the belief that each nation has the right to manage its own affairs free of external coercion, that's inherently anti-imperialist. Meanwhile internationalists believe rule by foreigners ie imperialism is morally acceptable, they'll literally call you racist if you object to foreign politicians ruling a country and acting against the interests of the native population.

If you state the indigenous people of a region have the right to fight foreign influence and rule themselves you're expressing nationalist sentiments.
>Both Palestinians and Mexicans carry DNA from peoples who have been living in their regions for thousands of years.
oh no it's retarded
You are fucking stupid. Mestizos are not indigenous and they do not claim to be. They are their own thing (I am a chicana of mestiza ancestry and I would never in a million years call myself indigenous because I do not follow that culture).
Beyond that, it doesn't really matter. Just look at the facts, the behavior, how reprehensible one side is. They tell children to martyr themselves. They follow a religion of a mad warlord who killed everyone who opposed him, kidnapped the wives of men they slaughtered as sex slaves, and raped prepubescent girls. They tell children that genocide of jews is their end goal and they will not stop until they are crushed
>you can't even write homogenous you retarded spastic, end your life.
I see, you are an american and you believe the world revolves around america. You speak confidently on issues you know nothing about because you are a retarded child who never faced reality and are a loser like that hamas-supporting man child that bombed berkeley. Kys please
>They tell children to martyr themselves. They follow a religion of a mad warlord who killed everyone who opposed him, kidnapped the wives of men they slaughtered as sex slaves, and raped prepubescent girls.

Didn't know Palestinians were Jewish
Muslims are oppressors and thus can't be freedom fighters.
Muslims are oppressed by genocidal zionism and american imperialism
I don't understand this argument. Piece of shit middle eastern people exist therefore I should want them murdered en masse? What are about the white people that murder LGBT people, should I want white people genocided?
islam is inherently oppressive so they can't complain about being oppressed
>killing thousands as a response for deaths of dozens is fair, actually
Shouldn't have fucked around and found out, sandnigger
All religions are, especially abrahamic ones, you're just a racist zionist bigot
Hamas did nothing wrong
>you're just a racist zionist
what's wrong about that?
mmm no but I don't like any of them anyway
all abrahamic religions are generally oppressive, but islam is necessarily always oppressive and always will be. Christians and jews can and have reformed to much less awful ideologies.
NPCs think that if someone from a specific group has wronged you in some way then that gives you the right to just hate the entire group.
This is false, and Islam doesn't have to completely oppressive, in older times they were far more tolerant to queers than judeo-christians

You're really just a racist spewing bullshit, and religions beings oppressive doesn't mean its followers can't be brutally oppressed, Muslims are the most oppressed group on Earth
>in older times they were far more tolerant to queers than judeo-christians
are you counting the adult men keeping children around as dancing sex slaves when you say that?
>Muslims are the most oppressed group on Earth
probably true, as islam is the most oppressive ideology on earth
if you actually cared about them you would be against islam in general, like me. Unlike you I actually care about muslims as people, which is why I think islam should not exist.
>I see, you are an american
I'm canadian. the UK is a third world country, why on earth would i ever validate it's retarded language.
To be fair, everyone from both sides is like that. It's just on the right its directed towards brown people and on the left its directed towards white people.
They are oppressed by zionism, racism and imperialism
Yes, Hamas and Houthis are for resisting all of it hence why they have my critical support
Even if many Christians are bad people Jesus was a virtuous man and he would be a good model to emulate
I hope women can be free from female genital mutilation, sex slavery, forced marriage, I hope gays can be safe from fanatics who want to kill them. I hope the women protesting in Iran to not wear the hijab won't be killed for their actions and I wish safety to them!
and they will thank you by beheading you the moment they get the chance
oh and and I pray for the ex-muslims who get death threats, or are in the closet about their believes because the backlash can be deadly.
>good role model
>shows nothing but weakness and meekness in anyway
>dies to humans like a little bitch
lol irl people like him are just cucks that will get exploited
Aisha age was 19, and she was never raped

Muhammad did not kill Christians, only Pagans and Jews who attacked him

FGM is common among Pagan African societies, not Muslims, and a zionist talking about genital mutilation is really fucking ironic

You're just making shit up to hate Muslims and Swana people, like all zionists do
I honestly do not care who wins the war i'm just happy all the sand niggers are killing eachother
They do not because they're not ISIS and are only defending themselves, Hamas thanked communist parties in the West for denouncing zionism
Ideally, people should be peaceful. Unfortunately the evils of the world necessitate a a wicked response. Israel's actions aren't morally good but the actions of Hamas make it necessary.
I'm catholic, I don't support circumcision either. But I know that Hamas are obviously the greater evil here.
>You're just making shit up to hate Muslims and Swana people
How is it making shit up? It's the truth? What they do is evil. Evil practices should be stopped I don't give a shit if it is "their culture" IT SHOULD BE STOPPED BECAUSE IT IS EVIL
>They do not because they're not ISIS and are only defending themselves
lmao the head of Hamas Sinwar (who was cured of cancer in an Israeli prison btw, people regularly die in first world countries because medical malpractice and israel could have let him rot but they treated him because they aren't an evil death cult like islam) has personally killed and tortured gays quit lying
None of what you said is truth, you're just a hasbara troll

Zionists kill babies for fun, zionists incinerate hospitals, refugee camps and kindergarden school with white phosphorous, zionists behead and torture babies, zionists shoot pregnant mothers for pure sadism

You're a piece of shit, don't speak of morals to me
meanwhile in the real world people who aren't terminally online know that israel is in the right to respond to terrorist action and Hamas is pure evil, go blow up a university or something you deadbeat. I'm sure your parents want you out of the house and they are getting tired of you.
Meanwhile in the real world ppl (rightfully) think zionists are pure genocidal scum of the earth
>It's their own job & journey to advance towards a less dumbfuck trad society.
and when they show up here and force us to be included in their 'journey'? (that also goes for orthodox jews forcing shit on places like brooklyn too before anyone thinks i'm 'pro-israel')

leftists go to bat for ANY white muslim who is visibly muslim. they also don't give a single fuck when brown muslims insult black ones and call them abeed, jareer or slaves. this happens in france 24/7
being very outwardly muslim and white alone like david myatt (doesn't apply so much to being a secularized white muslim) is like being a white hon, you get exemption from ANY white privilege
>Zionists kill babies for fun, zionists incinerate hospitals, refugee camps and kindergarden school with white phosphorous, zionists behead and torture babies, zionists shoot pregnant mothers for pure sadism
your brain on propaganda
objectively more people support israel
don’t think this is good, homophobia sucks and is bad… but also consider that gay Palestinians are getting killed in the war too? innocent people dying? fuck Israel

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