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Taking cold showers, making your bed every morning, having a clean house, biohacking, and getting up at 4 AM is truly the way to be successful in life. Every single linkedin lunatic, wealth guru and life guru follows this same habit. All millionaires and billionaires follow similar morning rituals and habits. Prove me wrong. If you're poor, you should try this and let me know your results in a year. In a Petersonian sense, being poor is a personal choice, and can be prevented and also remedied. If you're poor, it just means you're too lazy to make your bed. A poor person refusing to make their bed is also a microcosm reflecting their inability to take accountability for their shortcomings in life, neglecting personality responsibility just because it's a pain in the ass, not fulfilling their commitments and obligations. Really, you reap what you sow. If you're not willing to make your bed, the probability is much higher that you neglect all facets of your life. Making your bed is a simple, easy and effective way to become successful. That's why your mother made you do it as a child, it builds character. Your refusal to make your bed is undoubtedly a character flaw, and I regret to inform you that people who make their bed are objectively superior. Making your bed truly prepares you for the arduous aspects of life, enabling you to tackle any obstacle. The action of committing to doing what you're supposed to do no matter what has remarkable psychological benefits. You stop being a whiney bitch that complains about all aspects of life, you focus on what you can control and are ready to perform. When I yell at my employees for making mistakes, I know from looking into their eyes that they're weak, berrypicking faggots that don't make their bed in the morning and that causes all of their problems. All of your shortcomings in life could have been avoided if you just made your bed.
I actually agree with this 100% when I do all that and also don't go on 4chan I do much better at my job and in life and just plain feel better
>sleep on the floor because poor af
>cant put hospital corners on a bed i dont own
Make my bed for me your highness while I get on my knees and suck your troon bwc.
>Every single linkedin lunatic, wealth guru and life guru follows this same habit.
Why would I want to be like them? Nobody cares how you reach success in society today. There's no class, even among billionaires. Owning assets that produce wealth is the only thing that matters, and most people don't earn that--it's given to them. Made bed or not.
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Bullshiiit lol
You can eat shit, sleep till the afternoon etc, only thing that matters is exposing yourself to opportunities and acting on them
I never make my bed too, who tf does
You see, everyone? It's true.
Then your first goal is to get a job, so you can buy a bed. Once you have the bed, your life continues getting better. If you sleep on a futon like a Japanese person, putting the futon away and keeping your space clean, most likely has similar benefits.
It really defeats the point if you're not making the bed yourself, you're losing all of the psychological benefits. It's kind of a sleeper biohack method, really.
Do you happen to live with your family? Having more money improves every single aspect of your life.
it is very hot where i am so my bed just consists of a sheet, not much to make..
weak pasta
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>In a Petersonian sense
success guru larp
yeah ok
what's even better is shitting the bed
yeah but you're forgetting the part where i don't want to be a well-put successful businessman or whatever, i want wealth i can either get through doing something i enjoy on my own pace or not work for
>he couldn't get her to get into vc and now he's trying to berate us for not making our bed in the morning
trips of truth OP btfod hooooooly
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I followed a similar regimen when I was 18-20. I omitted having a sheet on my bed entirely to avoid having to fight a fitted sheet, and got up at 6 AM instead of 4. Turns out I was actually having some of the worst mental breakdowns in my life during this time - who could have guessed! Either the sheet makes you or it breaks you, I guess.
>anon got buck broken by her sheets
See, this is why I prefer to crash on couches.
Most likely other factors in your life caused that.
no.. that never happened..

Stop being a lazy trans woman. But if I were hypothetically dating a lazy trans woman, and she was too lazy to get up at a reasonable time, yes, it would be extremely annoying. Hypothetically. But that would never happen because I hate lazy people and losers.
I'm not stupid anon you don't have to lie to me
>But that would never happen because I hate lazy people and losers.
but this is extremely based. the weak are for the grinder that is called life
I'm still not going to change my lifestyle though because nothing will change for me anyways, another life, maybe
I'm male. I liked the texture of my twin mattress - it was a older style one, and the fabric at the top was pilling from years of use. The fuzziness on my back was comforting after being out of the house from 6 AM-11 PM.
This is true, but coming home to a bed already made that I could collapse into during the worst of it all made the suffering feel a little less real. It does help to note that I was homeless prior to this point in my life, so I may have just been expressing joy of having a roof and a bed, but it was one of life's little joys at that point.
Thank you for this thread, actually. It's been a while since I saw this section of my life in a kinder light.
Okay, I will admit. I have dated a trans woman before that didn't get up at a reasonable time, and cis women that did that. It was annoying, because I want my waifu in the morning. This thread has nothing to do with that.
>I'm still not going to change my lifestyle though because nothing will change for me anyways
I can fix her moment
Thanks bro, made my morning. Glad to hear. You're a legend for going through those circumstances and making it out alive.
that is pretty fair, it sounds like having completely different schedules would get pretty annoying, but if you go to the work in the morning was it that big of a deal? barring off days of course
>This thread has nothing to do with that.
i know
>I can fix her moment
kill yourself
I work remotely, which is why I'm still replying at this time
>kill yourself
Can't fix her while dead. Jokes aside, I couldn't do it. Most cowardly, pathetic and selfish action I could imagine. I despise weak people that would succumb to that. In a first world country, your problems can be fixed 99% of the time. I've never considered such a stupid thing.
weaklings are cowards imagine my surprise, it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy
i just said kys because "i can fix her" is a retarded and cringe mentality anyways and only "people" who actually go through with it deserve to kill themselves
>That's why your mother made you do it as a child
and if I grew up in a dysfunctional family / was raised by alcoholics that only cared on a surface level? nobody instilled any good habits in me. taking care of my own hygiene was something I had to learn on my own as a teenager. as an adult, I've had to learn to properly clean my place and it's a struggle to maintain especially when my mood fluctuates a lot. I'm really trying to get better though.
Yeah, I agree. I meant it only as a joke. If two people aren't compatible and don't share the same values, they shouldn't date. You can't fix someone or save someone, they have to save themselves. If you tried, they wouldn't do it, because it's not what they really want.
It's a fair point and I only used it as a rhetorical device, I agree that parents can be abusive.
saving others is overrated anyways, being together despite your faults because it's the only thing worth it in this world is the truth
Relationships are partnerships, if one has to do all the work it doesn't work. Power dynamics are a cancer on healthy relationships, if your love can't stave them off you're just looking at when not if it will fail.
>if one has to do all the work it doesn't work.
you are misunderstanding
hopeless love is the only blessed thing there is
sure little chuddie where is your billion? you can do anything productive in bed and while having your house messy. only normies procrastinate doing actual work by cleaning their house all day and taking whatever drugs they found in their latest psyop research. a programmer doing all work on the mattress with whole house fucked is much more successful than accountant normie obsessing over having perfect environment to do work so they clean all their house, take 20 pills, and when it's time to do anything they lost hours and hours and destroyed their brain with drugs and they can't focus if their "perfect" environment is interrupted. also listening to jordan peterson and whatever gurus kek. just say that your life is fucked and you are lazy retard so you listen to peferson telling you to wash your dick so you can feel better about yourself and feel superior to others who don't praise petersons and other bullshit all day. now go buy latest book from the guru and suck his dick to feel productive.
If it can be compromised and reconciled, then it's good. I think people that are wildly incompatible shouldn't be together though, not all relationships can work. That goes without saying, I'm sure it's obvious to you. Some flaws are just quirks, some are severe character deficiencies that impair their life.
What does hopeless love look like for you?
Ideally, yes. I tend to do the majority of the emotional labor, even in relationships where the woman has her shit together and is super willing to put in the work in the relationship. This isn't because I'm consciously trying to one up them, I put a lot of effort in everything I do. Power dynamics is a good point, I'm not trying to, but that should be something I'm aware of and avoiding. Most people are not completely aware of what they're doing at all times though. In many cases, some sort of power dynamic is inevitable, we should try to prevent them as much as we can though.
In a Petersonian sense, if you wash your dick every single day, your odds of being an elite engineer are much higher. If your home is dirty, and your penis is dirty, the probability is much lower. A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind.
This is a stinky trans woman with poor hygiene. Disgusting, I bet she doesn't wash her sheets weekly.
trannies are NEETchads that make your wage in a morning doing some autistic shit while still getting neetbux from the government because they dodge making their income known
>having income
something doesn't line up sis. neets don't earn wages, or have income, and that's the entire point of being a neet.
unconventional "employment"
>not all relationships can work
most relationships can't. most lives can't work, that't just how it is
That's true.
I mean it's a funny fantasy for a cute trans girl to be an autistic genius savant who is just messy but this isn't the case in reality. Most trans women are completely defective when it comes to life. The guy managing her, and the guy managing him, and the CEO will be some autistic clean guy that has good habits like I initially described. Assuming she even got a big tech gig while being a mess in every other aspect of her life.

Don't know what you mean by unconventional, my autistic brain takes everything seriously. I guess being a rich successful NEET is like being a bisexual lesbian, contradictory. The only way this fantasy would be feasible is if she retired at 30, thus she can technically be a successful NEET, or she's an anime hacker girl.
nobody mentioned tech jobs
>Don't know what you mean by unconventional
i mean anything that isn't employment. gambling, investing, maybe kinda freelance, doing porn idk
>The only way this fantasy would be feasible is if she retired at 30
what are trust fund kids
Alright, I'll take you seriously since you're kind of giving me serious responses. In this fantasy she's a programmer, but we'll ignore that for a second.
Self employment is actually employment. Not trying to be an asshole, just teaching rn.
Possible, but not plausible. For investing, you would need capital, which normally means you worked to get that capital. Unless you're a quantitative math genius, you won't make insane gains from investing to the point where you'd retire early and be a NEET. You need to actually be savant level and high IQ.
> gambling
You also need to have near savant level skill for this, I believe. You need to be relatively smart to count cards, make sustainable gains from winning, and also not get in trouble.
>what are trust fund kids
Sure, but in this fantasy she's supposed to be a genius, successful, productive programmer. The goalpost keeps changing. I don't care though, I'm not trying to argue, I'm just humoring you in a friendly way.
>Self employment is actually employment.
yes but it's just fun to make wagies seethe
>Sure, but in this fantasy she's supposed to be a genius
no not really. you don't need to be a one of a kind genius to know how to make money lol
clean your house babe
i don't have a house
clean your apartment
i don't have an apartment
i am worthless and retarded
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I can fix her moment
I'm some ugly faggot who's been stuck in his room since I was 11
there is nothing to fix. there is nothing attractive about my physique. I don't have any reason to be alive
you need to stop letting your own delusion encourage people like mine's
break free, git gud
Aren't you a trans woman?
i'm afflicted with the delusion that is transgenderism, yes, kind of
Then don't misgender yourself. It's not a delusion, that's who you are, a woman.
kill yourself faggot
no. suck my dick, foid.
Real question for people in thread are cold showers a meme. I sometimes do them for the anime waterfall training vibes or snow fairy vibes and I kind of like the feeling once I start to relax I to the chill. But I always give up the habit in the winter.

Are the benefits legit enough to try in the winter to or is it just a grift?
>suck my dick
I'm probably taller and larger and hairier than you
Don't do it in the winter unless you feel like you can handle it, listen to your body. If your body says no, don't punish your body. You could get really sick, so be careful.
Woman moment

No you're not, weakling. Clean your room and make your bed, it'll solve all your problems if you keep doing it.
genuinely kys
I may be weak but the rest is probably still true
I'm not cleaning my room, fuck off, my bed is made, I lay down most for like half of the day and don't wanna get filth on my sheets
can you actually damage your body by taking cold showers if it doesnt want them? im nta but my body needs to be punished
sure, woman. even the way you act hostile towards me is feminine.
Just don't do it when you're sick and it's the winter. It could give you hypothermia in theory, just pay attention to how your body feels. The average shower isn't that long and the temp of the shower itself won't get that cold for it to be a real concern. It's unlikely you'll randomly harm yourself. I do it in the winter, but I'm used to it. you're all women so I don't know if you can handle it, listen to your body.
im sick right now. its not winter yet but hopefully being sick is enough. im gonna go for it. will bring results
Okay, it better not be for a self harm thing.
I actually tolerate cold in pretty well as long as I get out before my jaw starts to tense up to much. Which would give me a headache. It's just that the temptation of a hot shower that zones me out of reality for 30 minutes is to tempting.

But I def get out of hot showers feeling lazy and cold showers feeling relaxed but alert.

Off topic but I actually wonder if cold exposure would be a good therapy for people with self harm issues as It does release similar brain chemicals that make cutting so relaxing.
>even the way you act hostile towards me is feminine.
literal insanity
listen to yourself man
listen to me, woman.
Don't bother with these types anon, it's not worth it
I'm horny and feeling simp-y at the moment. But I'm just kind to women in general. I'll keep humoring her if she keeps humoring me, it's funny anyway.
it was but i was too weak to go through with it fully anyway
maybe. im too weak willed to commit to it just like cutting so

i feel clean and refreshed though
Don't cut yourself my queen
There was a time where I took a cold shower then went out for a run at sunrise every day and it felt like I could take on the world then
Because that's how winners live. If you include making your bed in your morning ritual along with the rest of that, you will feel like god. Everything I'm saying is true but the lazy trans women don't want to make their bed, even though it will make them rich, successful, and beautiful.
Coming from wealth has a higher chance of helping you succeed than this bullshit. Prove me wrong
im convinced that you are under influence or you genuinely have some mental disorder. like manchildren autist loving in mother's basement talking about taking over the world because he made the bed, brushed his teeth and is reading obvious cash grab books. which one is it then?
Are you the foid I was talking to earlier? I have tons of cash grab books, one is around my desk right now t b h
go read it then, you clearly have nothing to do other than sperging out on this thread for hours talking about making your bed.
nobody wants or can prove you wrong
Let me take you on a date instead shawty
But the funny thing is that everyone who does what I talked about said it makes their life better, makes them feel like a winner. Those were the high performing phases of their life. They're tigers. When they stopped doing the habits I mentioned, their lives got worse. How am I wrong? I wish for their success t b h. Everyone who is calling me a schizo never tried the good habits I mentioned.
nigga you are a zoomer larper praising your role models from tiktok and youtube shorts talking about productivity this productivity that but you spend all your time here. you have bigger issues to focus on. anyone who obsesses over productivity is not productive.
I'm not a zoomer. Females shouldn't use the n word. Neither of us are black.
why does no one enjoy biohacking yo

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