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>be me, lonely dude
>femboy friend that I have feelings for comes over to hang out
>QT 10/10
>wouldn’t be able to tell he’s male unless you checked down there
>extremely awkward around him
>he asks if he can stay over for the night because It’s storming
>sure why not lonely as fuck anyway
>bored and have to share my room didn’t want him to sleep on the couch
(Excuse to be able to hold him a little bit)
>middle of the night staring at the ceiling bored
>he instinctively cuddles up to me
>half asleep laying on my chest
>heart starts pounding
>end up leaving the room as he wakes up from me shuffling around
>”what’s wrong anon?”
>say nothing go to porch to smoke
>spend an hour messing around with a cigarette out of nervousness
>eventually decide to sleep on the couch
>he wakes up next morning smiles at me and leaves

What do I do? I just fumbled like a dumbass. I feel like garbage after missing such obvious hints. I wanna kill myself.
bro just calm down. ask him over again another time and go slow. talk to him, dummy
Don't kill yourself you have a good shot if you fucking shoot it idiot (I mean it as a allegory not a literal bullet)
relax anon, first most important thing is to relax. following that I would say, as someone who has done things like this with guys, he probably wouldn't mind your company again. You can be genuine and let him know you were nervous about him getting so close but that you didn't dislike it. You can be coy and just ask him to hang out again and see if he brings it up or anything, but if you know he is gay or bi then confidence is probably the best. And if you end up in that situation again try not to get too horny or anything, just accept it for what it is whatever happens. Good luck the fujo in me is rooting for you.
This but also lol, bro he was literally cuddling with you. Like I can get if he was flirty but you didn’t make a move be he was literally in bed laying on you. It wasn’t “instinctive” he actively chose to do so because he wanted you to hold him close, kiss him, then pound him into oblivion. This is probably a LARP tho because there are no 10/10 femboys and if there were they wouldn’t hang out with autistic channers
>he instinctively cuddles up to me
>half asleep laying on my chest
>heart starts pounding
Don't worry anon, he knows you're into him, even if he's disappointed you didn't make a move. That little smile as he left is a good sign as well.

You should ask him out, anon. I bet he would accept.
Just do it in a timely manner, don't wait a super long time.

Maybe mention how nice last night was and how it made you feel nice
above all else anon you must post updates to this if anything happens
this please
I love these types of threads where OP updates us once in a while and we get to egg him on. It's been ages since one
it's the closest thing we get to enrichment on this board
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it’s a larp because there’s nowhere in the northern hemisphere that’s storming rn
The only update I have is that he left his lipstick here
When he comes back, you should put it on him and kiss him with it.
the perfect excuse to come back to your house... and I mean followup threads even if it takes days or weeks. Any development we need more greentexts.
don't do this
in all seriousness I think you have a really good shot you definitely haven't blown it yet
>don't do this
Why not? I'd give it some time, but I'd totally do this. Granted, I have a terrible track record with women and fems as I am a virgin.
sorry I honestly misread this as "you should put on his lipstick and then kiss him with it"
oh lmao yeah don't do this
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He’s back over at my house and I’m panicking again because we almost kissed each other, he was sat on my lap with his arms around me as I held his waist he’s a much shorter boy than me so I got extremely excited (height differences turn me on) his butt rested against my >>36376227
Crotch and I freaked out and had to leave the room. Feel like a moron right now he gave me a disappointed look that felt like he was saying “really dumbass?”

I’m such a loser
you are a moron
grow a pair and fuck him
you're in, anon!!! just gotta get past your fears
>>femboy friend that I have feelings for comes over to hang out
>>QT 10/10
>>wouldn’t be able to tell he’s male unless you checked down there
you sure that it isn't a trannoid
The only difference is pronouns m8
Stop going on 4chan and go make out with him dumbass
I failed successfully?… He was taking off his panties and I got to feel his bare butt against me, got a nice deep kiss from him and rubbed against him a little before I asked him to stop. He said he’s disappointed in me and left but gave me a peck on the cheek…
He says he only identifies as male
for the love of god anon you had the green light
anon why do you keep bailing he wanted you. does he know you're an anxious mess? what is your friendship like outside of this dynamic.
I have anxiety problems I’m sorry
Close friends talk a lot play games together, known each other for about 7 years.
the difference is hrt
after reading this all, just talk and be clear.
theres clear interest from both sides. it may feel awkward but sending a message like
>hey. I'm sorry I've been such a wreck lately, but I like you. as more than a friend. I just wanted to let you know because I know I'm coming off really weird and didn't want you to get the wrong idea, I'm just nervous
would solve everything in the long run
you didn't fumble shit
he smiled at you
maybe return the cuddle next time
god I wish I was that femboy
Please OP, say something like this
text it or discord or whatever
It’s over he thinks I’m not interested and I’m too nervous to tell him that I am
Just say it dumbass. Better if its a voice message so he can gauge your emotion.
you can't just admit you have feelings for someone, it has to come naturally, like you slowly go in for a kiss, mutually

>be me, tranny
>be 10 months ago
>in a tranny discord
>one tranny recently broke up with her worst ex
>find out we live in the same state
>asks me if i want to go hiking some day
>talk a bit, like 2 - 3 weeks
>find out we share the same ex, the owner of that discord (not her worst ex)
>be day of hike
>go to her place, eat subway
>talk some more about her worst ex and our mutual ex
>forget details in the future
>we hug to comfort each other while sitting on her bed
>for a long while
>thought of kissing her crosses my mind
>way too shy
>cuddling while laying down becomes more comfortable
>thought becomes more and more apparent
>asks me what's wrong
>"it's nothing"
>keep looking each other in the eyes
>lay sideways on the bed at first, then properly
>fucking cry because I'm a coward
>comforts me
>at some point manage up the courage
>we look at each other
>approach her with micromovements, making 100% sure she wants to kiss too
>she moves in too
>we approach each other's lips slowly
>and kiss
>end up not hiking in the end
>10/10 best hiking experience
>be today
>still together
cute story anon, i hope you two are having a blast together
Life's so unfair bros
Why I can't find any femboys at all while this dumbass gets to cuddle with 10/10
Anyone got the pic saved?
omg I hope it works out well between you two

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