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My FTM boyfriend started taking antipsychotics and now he's become so boring.
All he ever talks about is work and the gym. I miss my little freak. How do I convince him to go off it?
funger hell yeah
In some states, he can't get surgery if he goes off of it. Please don't take him off of his meds if he doesn't need to go off of them, because you will then be ruining his life and he will leave you.
i mean can't he just keep going to the pharmacy to get his perscrip and then just not take them lol
i don't know how to fully describe my thoughts here but like
i totally understand where you're coming from. i cant stand normies they really are so fucking dull and boring
on the other hand, if this is something that makes him happy, maybe you should just leave him instead of t rying to ruin his life
it sucks but you won't get the same man back and he will probably resent you if he finds out
i'm sorry, but you may need to treat it like he died or something (since he basically did)
relatable. sorry op. i started taking antipsychotics and now i am boring af and sexually dead. sucks to be insane ig
He's going to act differently off of them versus on. They'll up his dose until it becomes clear that he's not actually taking them, and then he'll lose every chance he has to further his transition. You're not going to win back the original guy you had, you just need to deal with having him as he is.
If an FTM goblin is lucky enough to get an angelic MTF gf, he should completely base his life around pleasing her and financially providing for her. He doesn’t get bodily autonomy. And he should thank her for putting up with him
I really don't want another partner to die. It's so hard to find someone I click with. If I lose him I'll probably have to fake another suicide attempt to end back in the psych ward
antipsychotics make everyone boring and a bit mentally dull. ask him to lower his dose at least or tell him to stop taking them.
am I your FTM boyfriend? I got physically healthy and found meds that work and now I'm a boring lump. It's very strange. I didn't expect to miss being crazy and I much prefer this, but I do miss it a little.
idk talk to him about it? do you miss him being mentally ill or do just you wish he was more interesting and less of a boring normie?
Why do you assume OP is MTF?
Don't make him get off his meds. if you actually care about him you will accept that he has changed
what the fuck happens in funger?
you say this like multiple FTMs on this board alone wouldn't die for this opportunity
you say that like they haven't already

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