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>Been looking for an IT job for last 3 months.
>Every interview cancels on me a day before or that only exception life undergoes dramatic out of control circumstance.
>Working dead end wagie job while paying rent in a new area I don't even live with for trans housemates.
>Scared on how to handle a interview when they expect some guy but will get some femme ditzy fag with tits and a guy's voice.

I hate being over-educated, and underemployed, my bachelor degree is worthless. I think I would be more happy living the 4chan fantasy in a cage next to some guy's bed as his puppy girl and not have to worry about anything but making him hot food and other stuff all just to feel secure, loved, and like I have a purpose in this world.

My expectations were so high. How did I end up from being on top of the world feeling like I was actually going somewhere to some dead end ditch in life? I really am trying to avoid any negative self harmy thoughts. I made it so long now and my body is pristine from trans 41% signs. I don't wanna talk about these thoughts with anyone IRL because it will only do more harm than good. This fucking post is ruining my eyeliner for the day, I hate crying, but at least posting is a way to vent about my dark feelings and need for escapism.

I just want to be stupid so I am not aware.
>I made it so long now and my body is pristine from trans 41% signs
Please try to keep this up! I made it through the bad patch and I'm forever grateful to my younger, sadder self that my body isn't all scarred up
the market is bad right now. maybe it will be prosperous again within a decade but by that time your tech skills may become outdated. you are not alone. many find themselves in the same situation as you. you will have to be creative in how you will survive.
This happens to everyone now. We are in a recession.
i have a graduate degree and have been a neet for 5 years. it’s fine because trannies don’t really have status anyways, and it’s very possible to find someone to support you if you need money
>I think I would be more happy living the 4chan fantasy in a cage next to some guy's bed as his puppy girl and not have to worry about anything but making him hot food and other stuff all just to feel secure, loved, and like I have a purpose in this world.

I mean, the cage isn't even needed. 1.5 income households are pretty common here, having a partner who contributes a bit to the household already makes a big difference. You can also feel secure, loved and like you have a purpose without turning yourself into a clicker-trained doormat or some stuff like that.

(Though of course being a well-adjusted partner socially doesn't mean you can't get freaky in the bedroom anyway)
This. Op stay in school for now and try and get a masters or PhD. Will help you wait out the market as well as be better equipped to do well in it when it’s back. Just particularly brutal out there atm
Did I just choose wrong then housing with other trans women? They work some wagie jobs but don't have full time and don't seem like they want it because their mental health is spikey from lack of income which to me seems paridoxical. Where is here for you? Here we are living together like rats working and barely making ends meet because some blackrock hell company owns all our property.
>Every interview cancels on me a day before or that only exception life undergoes dramatic out of control circumstance
Are you primarily linkedIn farming?

I think this method of job seeking is basically dead. Overloaded with retards creating ever escalating demands to "stand out" from the crowd. Linkedin only works if you run a top 5% blog and spend your whole life committing to public repos.

Otherwise the only way to break in is actual networking. Meeting people face to face and mindfucking them into respecting you.
>Scared on how to handle a interview when they expect some guy but will get some femme ditzy fag with tits and a guy's voice.
So exactly what they expect? I am confused why this would be a problem in IT at all.

>How did I end up from being on top of the world feeling like I was actually going somewhere to some dead end ditch in life?
Probably from focusing on academic skills moreso than social skills. Turns out academics are almost entirely irrelevant to the job market.
you're not alone anon, i've neeted for the best part of a year (de jure i've only been unemployed for five months, de facto i mentally checked out from my last toxic job last summer and spent months on sick leave while actively applying for other things and not getting anywhere). the job market rn is dire, as i was saying to another anon yesterday it's definitely just not an *us* problem as many of my cis friends went through or are still going through long phases of unemployment. hang in there is all i can say. i'm applying for the civil service because it seems a bit more merit based than who has such-and-such a degree or knows such-and-such.
>Here we are living together like rats working and barely making ends meet because some blackrock hell company owns all our property.
this sounds a lot like my home country lol where are you from anon?
>Are you primarily linkedIn farming?
Zip Recruiter, Indeed, Linked in, local ones. Literally all I can including google.

Unironically thinking of just biting the bullet at some horrible wagie job to move for bare living essentials and then frequenting places where HR people hang out after work and social engineer some lonely HR guy into banging me, and then getting me a job with a continued relationship. My looks are actually pretty useful as long as men don't mind the trans thing.
>So exactly what they expect? I am confused why this would be a problem in IT at all.
Most of the men who hold the recruiter roles seems to heavily religiously post, I am scared I guess because I have not had the best experience with religious people growing up. ;-;

>Probably from focusing on academic skills moreso than social skills. Turns out academics are almost entirely irrelevant to the job market.
Gosh you are so on point with this . . . I just wanna get an IT help desk role, literally anything to get a foot in the door.
>Where is here for you?
Western Europe

And I get what you say about the paradox. On the one hand money doesn't automatically make you happy, but earning enough to the point where you can save, don't have to worry about living bill-to-bill and can just buy shit without having to check your bank account beforehand saves a LOT of day-to-day stress.

It gets easier when you're a couple because you spend less time doing chores, you have more disposable income if you share rent/mortgage costs, etc. That's why I hear more and more people around me with 1.5's.

One works full-time, their partner half-time. Partner does most of the chores/work around the house although the one that works full time still helps out (lots of which is automated these days like a dishwasher, washing machine and stuff so it's no longer a full-time occupation anymore) and that way they have more time left outside of work to spend on relaxing, pastimes, hobbies and each other.
If you manage to come to Norway and apply for the startup I work for you should be golden. We're desperate for girls (yes, trans counts) in tech positions. I assume you're in the U.S? Tech is a bit fucked there atm so it's just the market and most likely not you. You'll have to be patient but don't neglect your tech skills
i dont wanna grow up
>Zip Recruiter, Indeed, Linked in, local ones. Literally all I can including google.
Yep totally online, classic. I know that feel.

>biting the bullet at some horrible wagie job to move for bare living essentials
I assume by this you mean "move from random midsize city to tier 1 city, even with a normie job"?

Definitely a strategy I am considering myself. I have a couple years of experience and I haven't had any level of success cold applying since 2022. The only responses I've gotten have come from referrals. Starting to think that my best bet is to physically place myself near the jobs to be closer to the actual social networks.

>frequenting places where HR people hang out after work and social engineer some lonely HR guy into banging me
I am a cismale so I genuinely don't know if this strategy works but it's probably better than spam applying.

Ultimately it's the right idea though because so long as you are applying online, messaging recruiters online, doing everything online you are just some bits on a computer screen that may or may not be useful to them. When you actually meet someone and talk to them you instantly become a human capable of solving a problem they have.

>as long as men don't mind the trans thing
You are talking about tech workers, they probably prefer the trans thing!

>Most of the men who hold the recruiter roles seems to heavily religiously post
Curious what area you are in, this has not been my experience but I can understand being hesitant if that's the case.

>I just wanna get an IT help desk role, literally anything to get a foot in the door
That is how I worked my way to SWE.

tech support -> system engineering -> SWE

I assume shorter paths exist but it is what it is.
the worst time of your life is from 18-25ish because you have zero experience. just take a shit job, work for a year and a half, and then jobhop. repeat ad infinitum or until you find a job and pay you'd be content with

also you're almost certainly going to be better off as an excelmonkey analyst than an IT monkey. IT is masisvely oversaturated because everyone fell for the STEM meme at the same time
26+ is the worst time of your life because you're all old
I don't know, I'm a tech tranny and I work in IT and have a 6 figure salary but the only reason I have a job at all was that I got my friend to hire me. I also have a degree but as you have said, it's not really that useful, I think the best way to have a job is to have connections. I'm also a giga autist with no social skills and I don't even do Zoom meetings.
>the worst time of your life is from 18-25ish because you have zero experience. just take a shit job, work for a year and a half, and then jobhop. repeat ad infinitum or until you find a job and pay you'd be content with
So true.

>26+ is the worst time of your life because you're all old
Completely false. 26-50 is genuinely the peak of human existence. Get the power and the money that 18 year olds dream about without any of the health problems that crop up in 50+. 30 year olds have it so good they feel the need to virtue signal on social media that it isn't.
>30 year olds have it so good they feel the need to virtue signal on social media that it isn't.
Please be true. I'm 29 now and way hotter than I was in my early 20s and I'm not fully falling apart yet. Do I actually get a nice decade? I'm worried I'll wall at like 35 and it'll be all ogre
>without any of the health problems
think again buddy, it's all downhill from here
yeah but at least I'm not fucking BROKE lol

just run and do a dumbbell routine three times a week goddamn
>My expectations were so high. How did I end up from being on top of the world feeling like I was actually going somewhere to some dead end ditch in life?
that would be the standard track for early life ending and you realizing they were lying to you.
"just go to college and get good grades and life will turn out well, just do what we say and things will be fine" when you finally make it out you learn nothing was guaranteed and all you were being prepped for is to be a calm and uncomplaining cog no matter what shit hole you landed in, they didn't even bother to teach you how to do your fucking taxes, what genuine interest did they have in your survival? None. You're meat to them and you always will be no matter what you do. "The easy track" only exists for the born rich and even they're miserable by the end, just not poor at the same time. I have no hopeful platitudes for you, life was going to be hellish no matter what you did in school. Don't do drugs, that'll make shit worse and find something to actually live for so the suffering doesn't feel as aimless. Don't entertain the "knight in shining armor" nonsense, it will always come with stipulations. Better to depend on yourself and welcome what relief offers itself, than to become dependent on others for your survival, power dynamics are terrible for the health of a relationship.
I did the fitness thing already, it helped for a while then things kept getting pulled here or there.
the older you get the fewer mistakes you're allotted, oh did you overextend your knee slightly by running? well you could've walked that off at 25, you're gonna be out of commission for 6 weeks at 35.
>Do I actually get a nice decade?
Yes. Whether you are male, female, trans, whatever, 30s are where life actually begins. Everything before that point is completely irrelevant.

>I'm worried I'll wall at like 35 and it'll be all ogre
The wall does not exist. You only become more capable as you age. Not just in a career sense either. If you value family instead, a 35 year old parent is infinitely better than an 18 year old parent.

>think again buddy, it's all downhill from here
Could not be more wrong.
then you're doing it wrong and/or have a skill issue. it just werks™ for me
im almost 22 and not broke
meant reply to >>36376746
You made the wrong choice don't get out of academia unless you pass 100 percent you should have applied for a master degree
kinda real lol i mostly did a master's just to buy myself time with transition, glad i did because i've been able to stealth at each of my jobs since graduating which i wouldn't have been able to do had i gone into the workforce straight away after my undergrad.
>30s are where life actually begins. Everything before that point is completely irrelevant
I guess im cursed or whatever, because before 30 - from 18 to 30 - my life was alright. I saved a lot of money given circumstances, had a stable job for like 10 years, got a degree. After 30 things went to shit - i fell out of my masters degree, spent almost 3 years in depression and job seeking while burning through savings, and now the job market is a mess and im stuck doing entry-level shit while management are quite happy to keep me there because they dont want to pay me more but want my qualified/experienced ass. Im 34 btw.
It doesnt help that the main reason i fell out of my grad school were mental health issues. And it doesnt help that during my depressive NEET period and half-done (due to covid) therapy i finally figured out that im trans.
Wow ur literally me
Listen take it from me bachelor and master's degree don't mean shit you don't truely understand your feild until you start phd anything before that is just you learning stuff other people did before you
Not OP but damn, I'm about to turn 25 and I really hope things start getting better. I have a useless associates degree and I'm looking for any wagie job I can stomach so I can build up my savings to move out. It sucks having no idea what to do in life.

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