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Thoughts on gays for Trump?

Are they just stupid or mentally ill?
Or maybe republicans are just gays lite version
These men have no AIDS, no Monkeypox, just healthy, loving, & monogamous relationships. If you want to call that mentally ill, go ahead librul. Keep coping
They probably don’t agree with the open degeneracy in the lgbt community. They probably have family values and care about their county and communities. Oh and for sure they have national pride in being American where they have all their freedoms. Idk why it’s hard to understand why lgbt or POC can vote republican. It’s like anything left wing goes down this sad bitter hateful rabbit hole where you end up a commi.
Found em
Theyre just insecure and think throwing other gay people under the bus will make them “one of the good ones”
They will be the first to go as no one will wish to harbor them
licking the leopards' boots puts your faces perilously close to theirs
Stupid mindset that’s already been proven false. You all have your heads so far up your own asses and then choose ignorance.
they're normal people with their own thoughts. not everyone has to agree with u.
Okay retard
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Some of us care more about the economy than our sexual identity sis. Gay rights can take a backseat for a minute while I'm paying rent.
Yeah we know you retards actually buy their party line but youre doing it because you feel insecure around other gay people
You really think trump is going to redistribute wealth to the lower class? Based on what? Or are you so fucking dumb you think rich people getting richer means theyre going to have less ability to exploit your labor?
He cut everyone's taxes in his last term and inflation was very low. Under Biden, the poor and middle class are worse off--that is a fact.
Renthogging? Yikes, not a good look
You have brain worms. Seek help
You've allowed yourself to become reduced to a single issue voter
You would vote for the genocide party if twitter talking heads told you that they were the "pro-LGBT" side
Good on them, there seriously need to be more monogamous romantic gays out there and I'm glad at least some of them are fighting against the horrible hookup culture.
>Npt voting Trump is pro genocide party

Okay retard
I wouldnt vote trump if he was pro lgbt either. There is nothing redeemable about him as a person or a politician. Blaming a president for the effects of unregulated capitalism in order to call for the further deregulation of capitalism is just a sign of improper economics education. Not your fault really, schools deliberately teach it wrong so as to not spread “communism”. Really its just there so you dont realize your labor is being exploited
oops... I meant to type that immigrants hate LGBT people, so it makes sense they are voting for Trump
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Bidens probably a pedo too im sure.. theyre all on the same team. Still ridin with diamond joe tho
Why are gays always for things that hate them?

Look, free palestine and all, but honestly I don't trust that they won't come here and stone us. Same with Trump, he's just domestic.
If your labor is being exploited that's a skill issue
No it just means you arent a nepo/trust fund baby
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Hate me? It’s becasue I’m American I have all my rights Buddy. Conservatives care about America and Americans
You guys have no idea how much I envy you that even your conservative party supports lgbt to some extent
You would be a loser no matter what ideology our economy adhered to
Im top percentile iq. Right now thats being wasted because im a neet who lives off passive income. I could be designing some very powerful machine learning solutions but instead im getting high and having lots of great sex. Im just not a piece of shit so i realize my lifestyle comes at the expense of many exploited workers, most of which reside in asia
cool cope and bottled angered post sist but.. literally who asked?
Do you ever wonder why people dont like you or do you just know? Say something of value next time
meant for >>36377537 and >>36377453. keep crying over being a useless piece of shit lmao
Last election I would have been one of them if I had been old enough to vote. Trump losing in 2020 is what allowed all the religious extremist nutjobs to get such a foothold in the party. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s any going back at this point. It’s gonna suck casting my first vote for someone that I hate, but people like me having their medication taken away is way worse.
You literally don't have to vote though. Right now both parties are backing a deranged and proto-senile geriatric. Frankly this is the worst shit since uh... ever? I mean I don't think Dubya was this bad.
Not exactly, just conservative and maybe willfully ignorant to anti lgbt rhetoric getting more and more common in the Republican Party.
With the rise of and failure to defeat transphobia, all the legbutts are unfortunately on the chopping block, these gays and maybe a few closet bis are hoping that by throwing the trannies under the bus maybe a small amount will get to keep de jure allowances of living in society instead of being beaten back into the closet just like old times. After all much of the antagonism is still directed at the idea that the kids are getting transed.

There will always be people voting against their interests, it’s just a faith based action which can happen even in atheist communities. A trust in their community’s ability to not make them a
Black sheep in the future

Btw this isn’t to say our communities are all salivating for people to oppress and murder, just that optimism can blind us just as much as the spontaneous hatred found in the pogroms and race riots of history. Humans tend to be better at rooting out bad things than fostering good things, so we are basically biologically predisposed with a brain constantly looking for bad things that need to be changed, rather than good things to better further.
you're acting as if trump is some gay hating muzzie or something
I live in a swing state, so I feel like not voting would be kinda irresponsible of me. Especially with so many of the people who latched onto Trump’s platform pushing hardcore anti trans stuff now.
plus my grandpa wants me to because it’s my civic duty or whatever lol
He’s being backed by Evangelicals (western equivalent of gay hating muzzies)
pickme gays are so sad honestly
All gays are mentally ill but these homos are especially stupid
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>family values
If only these values included different types of family, and not just heteronormative ones.
These people consider pic related an open degeneracy
>proven false.
You're proving it right with every post
>the economy
You speak like the alternative was any good for the economy
When in fact you're trading the same bullshit economic system with less rights and less freedoms
>the economy
ah yes surely the billionaire will help you and not his billionaire friends
l m a o

the answer is they're retarded, OP. see quoted for proof
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