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File: GOTipRVbcAAlalL.jpg (137 KB, 736x853)
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can you explain the chain of events from you coming out that lead to sex with your former guy friends? and what happened after you had sex with them, did you stay friends? did you keep hooking up? did everything fall apart? please share your stories
I fucked one of them before I transitioned.
my friend was pretty touch starved and it was kind of hot the first time but after awhile it got old, and he got a cis girlfriend who honestly I got along with better than him lol. We always but heads as guy friends so it wasn't meant to be anything more than a one night stand. I'm not very cute though.
but how did it actually happen though?
keep stroking faggot
im not stroking im genuinely curious how two people can go from being bros to fucking like that its just weird as fuck and i wanna know how the events unfolded
>but how did it actually happen though?
He was a male with a libido, and I had a mouth.
i guess he was very touch starved then. it was him who initiated this? how do you feel about it in retrospect?
I had sex with my roommate after I caught him sniffing my panties
He said I looked really pretty after starting hrt. This made me get really flustered and spend more time around him because his compliments gave me butterflies. After a couple weeks of hanging out more and me getting a little too close on the couch until we were just straight up cuddling, he put his hands over my waist and I didn't stop him. He moved them up to my chest and I started moaning. The rest is history. I was just over one year on HRT when he started to notice me that way.

I'd known him since middle school so it was a bit surreal to have this happen as adults, but such is life. Shits weird sometimes.
You didn't think it was creepy???
he was tall
anon ur so real for this
>be me, out drinking with old guy friends
>share most of my way home with one of them
>he invites me over for a tea
>accept, get in with him
>his flatmate is not at home, we are alone
>we go into the kitchen, cook tea
>he tells me how pretty I've gotten
>flattered but not into guys try to switch topic
>he starts kissing me
>can't resist much from the alcohol and he is stronger anyway
>he pulls his dick out makes it hard and shoves it in my mouth
>forces me to suck him off until he cums
>he lets me go, I grab my belongings and leave
>outside I vomit and cry

Yeah so basically the first and last time I had sexual intercourse with a man...
>The rest is history
did you sick him off?
how was your relationship after this?

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