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I need some help with choosing a cage.
I plan to wear it more or less 24/7
My dick, luckily, is small enough to be pushed inside leaving maybe 1cm outside. Luckily because I strongly prefer flat or flat-ish designs.
Now the question is, there are supposedly anatomical base rings on AliExpress, are they any good? (
https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNDVVri ) having dedicated places for the strap is probably nice too, but that hook for balls look rather uncomfortable, even if aesthetically pleasing. Catheter or no catheter? How to choose the right diameter?
don’t wear it 24/7 that’s how you get a uti, wear it for a few hours a day at most
Well that's if I'll wear catheter, but what if I don't?
then you'll smell like pee
I tried that it wasn't fun it hurt like hell all the time no matter what I did so I just gave up. Sometimes I wear it during sex tho
I don't have a pp which is kind of like being stuck in chastity 24/7
I get utis too
i have one like your picrel except not entirely flat. it feels great to wear but i've gotten (harmless but annoying) UTIs from pee getting stuck in my dick. so if you don't have a really small one and don't want to unlock to pee maybe get something with more space. but still smaller = more comfy usually, the bigger it is the more frustrating. i prefer feeling like there is just nothing which small is good for, not just the looks but the feeling of wearing it.
Well anything bigger and it's just way too big when flaccid and dangerously small in case of erection
then you'll smell like pee even more
is there any way to do something like this if you've had orchi.
Sooo maybe a setup like this one will help?

Seriously tho, it's not like OP's gonna weld their cage shut
>dangerously small in case of erection
no such thing
Just wear a regular chastity belt that vagina havers would wear. Since you don't have balls it shouldn't be a problem flattening it out.
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Like picrel. If you don't have balls a penis chastity belt will just fall off easily.
this doesn't seem good for long term use
Tbh realistically none of them are that good for long term use, it's kind of just a fantasy
enjoy your lead poisoning
The best choice for long term wear, is something that isn't flat/inverted and doesn't have a catheter, those are for getting spicy
I have a vagina and I want one of these so bad
I would have to clean and I might accidentally touch my clit
be careful with smaller cages that have a small opening for peeing. I cut my urethra pissing in a metal cage because the opening was so small.
imagine like a water jet but it was piss and it was cutting my flesh.
luckily it wasn't serious and healed in a couple days but it scared me bad enough to kinda ruin cages for me :(
Skip catheter due to uti risk. You can still kinda pee out a flat one but you should still wash every second day or so. Just unlock for barely a minute then put it right back one. While not as cute the cage nub one with a big opening is probably the best for 24/7. Especiallt for hygiene. Strap is a must. If you feel aching after a while ring is probably too small, or strap not tight enough. I mained a rounded nub one not too different from the flat ones, its good. Diameter for ring you should probably buy two or three sizes that you think might work. Costs a little bit more but worth it
Well the ones that are not flat/almost flat are waaay too big for me
I know how to test for it
Was it because of a sharp edge or...?
I thought the hygiene part was obvious enough to not include it into the oppost :/
Got a pic of that "rounded nub"?
There are only 3 sizes- 40, 45 and 50 mm and I'm 40-45. What should I get?
there is the one that looks like this but instead has a slit in the middle, where you put your foreskin
look it up
(if you are cut, well, unlucky)
Im not, but I have the opposite issue, the foreskin is too fucking long. In fact, I'm 99% I can cum even with the cage on if the foreskin will be outside
So let me get this straight, are you saying you can achieve an orgasm with *just* your foreskin?
no sharp edges on it. it was just too small of an opening for my urethra to let pee through. so the force of peeing pushed too much and cut the end of my urethra from what I could tell.

I've been hesitant to wear cages ever since because it traumatized me a bit. but I know a better fitting cage would never do that
Anyone with a foreskin can do this
where do I get bigger rings? I had a knockoff cobra with the 52mm ring and it was still hurting after a few hours.

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