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Imagine how happy you’d be if you were this delusional
i actually thought this was a man, she could probably just change the glasses and be ok, makeup too, her hair is way cuter than 99% of hons i see
what kind of honcope is this
I genuinely just thought this was like a buzzfeed type man
i didnt say she would be hot or look good i just mean there are obvious things she should be changing to deal with her man face but ofc they never bother
Why even post this?
oh my god why do you care
this is like the most pointless shit to get mad over ever
this looks like every male he/him youtuber including the blouse
wow he looks pretty young for 50
Is that Brian David Gilbert
that's actually standard for that train company, they do this for everyone
That person could continue living life, happy and oblivious, or they could come to /tttt/ and hear what the resident ogre incel troons have to say
Got a good chuckle from me
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cis people are dumb at perceiving gender, especially men, especially older people
i had stuff like this when i was a babytrans turbo hon too
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pick your delusion terminally online trans person
>That person could continue living life, happy and oblivious, or they could come to /tttt/ and hear what the resident ogre incel troons have to say
The latter is better because you'll start cutting yourself but at least you won't be cringe

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