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Is it bad that i masturbate to other trannies being jealous of me
unironically yes
But seeing their suffering feels so good
No. That's awesome; keep doing it. Anyone who says otherwise is just jealous
it is bad, but also based
maybe? but i do it too so idc either way
Dream girl
Hot, I would like to seethe over you and know it's getting you off. They more you make me want to rope the hotter it is for you. That's incredibly sexo
yes, but now I'm going to start doing it too
Do you mean pinterest-chan or me
I just feel bad because this probably means I'm meta attracted and don't actually like guys
I like both, but you in this case. Attractive behaviour
who would be jealous of soph
no thats based as long as you actually pass
Please post suifuel pictures
Yeah it makes you a bad person but the good thing about that is you won't care because you're a bad person
I still don't think I do but that's probably also the reason why they seethed so hard at me
Soph is tripping again?
I don't post myself on this website sorry
Built for chaser cock
I'm not Soph
Jealous about what? Jealous of an ugly ass autistic bpdemon? kys
based if you're actually hot
lolcow if not
I’ve only ever been sad or sorta uncomfortable when other trans women express jealousy, how tf are you getting sexual thoughts from that
Guess I’m a good person idk
go to therapy then because that's indicative of a fundamental problem with who you are as a person, i hope for the sake of yourself and all those around you that you learn to be better than that
you don't like like that THOUGH
does that mean it’s ok for them to trauma dump?
yeah thats kinda retarded.
its great to feel superior to ugly trannoids but jacking it to that feeling is hella weird senpai
Wdym by that
why are weird young trans women so into this idea of competitive transitioning
Males have an innate desire to be better than other males.
wait this is so true bc women never ever compete with each other i think you cracked the code anon
I got bullied for being a fag and then a tranny growing up so seeing people that looked like my bullies feeling inferior to me makes me feel better about what happened
that's not a healthy way to process and deal with something like that, anon
i got bullied as a kid too, but like i think u have some other mental stuff going on there sis
not to be a boring moralfag but try a little solidarity even though it’s difficult
like people having melt downs how they don’t pass and have shit genetics and parents
>wait this is so true bc women never ever compete with each other
Both males and females compete with one another. But they compete on different basis's and for different reasons. It's rare that females aim to be the best at anything, they typically avoid competition. Males on the other hand actively seek it out and create competitions where there actually isn't one (like trannies competing to the hottest).
Why should I they deserve to suffer for being cowards
Okay but how is that related to this thread
because they get off on it? and having a meltdown usually makes you feel a little better? seems like a win win
sometimes it’s not as simple as just being a coward
and in any case, it’s understandable to be afraid of being trans nowadays - everyone’s situation is different
once again, you should go to therapy, this is indicative of a much larger problem with you as a person and how you perceive other people, the hatred and vitriol you have for others isn't healthy, normal, or good, and, not to be like "be a better person" but be a better person and learn to have love for other people

you do you i guess, but to have these feelings in your heart isn't good for you both short and long-term and isn't good for those around you either

learn to be good, anon, it's a better life to live and would go far in making you a worthwhile person rather than whatever the fuck this shit is lmao because all you've shown in this thread is you're a miserable, vain, disgusting person who genuinely enjoys the misery of others because it makes you feel better about your own pathetic self
To be desu I start feeling bad when they actually have a breakdown and aren't just seething for a bit
Whatever Oldshit
>whatever oldshit
stop wasting the gift of early transition on 4chan of all places you idiot
it speaks volumes that the only place you can draw confidence from is just starting hrt earlier
when did you transition?
i do this except im a femboy who passes as a girl without even trying, its even better since I dont even identify as a girl i just look like one.
>posting on 4chan
wow we really all are just ngmi in the end huh
you're evil and have turned me into a whore
trip on EarlyJune :(
Didn't she transition at 9? Also she's ugly
she transitioned at 12 and gigapasses you're delusional
She's a gigapassoid I just think she looks mid
Also to clarify I started puberty blockers at 12 I only got hrt at 14
She gigapasses as an average chubby girl though
Give me a tall, ethereal, clocky, twinkhon elven waif any day
>Chaser admits to being homosexual
i got neither until i was 16 and i will always be grotesque because of it
gigapassing as an average chubby girl is fine. i uglypass as a very ugly fat woman and im happy with that when i actually feel like i pass
also you are gay
>it’s a youngshit won’t shut the fuck up about the age they started hrt episode
get some friends please
I'm happy that you pass and also 16 is still pretty young
Jokes on you but I'm actually the twinkhon. I racepass and normiepass which is fine enough for me. If I have to be a tranny I'm happy being me
it's not young enough even if i barely pass fully clothed my body is a disgusting abomination just like my soul
i wish i was agamp so i could love myself like you
Pass to people who aren't your race
I use that word to mean there are signs and people who know them can figure you out. Like other trannies for instance
Proofs or gtfo
friendly reminder to OP that to take such joy in the misery of other for the sake of feeling better about yourself makes you no better than the people who bullied you :)

i hope you learn to be better, anon, i really do

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