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Who is lgbt voting for?
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Definitely biden.

Debate almost demoralized me but ultimately I'd rather vote for bidens handler's than trump's fascist revolution.
I'm a Trumpbian.
I'm not registered to vote and never will be. Fuck 2 party bullshit. If I did vote though I'd probably write in a name. I'd vote my doggo that passed away.
>crossing my arms and pouting about the unfair system instead of using my one and only avenue for having a voice in society

>hurrrr your vote matters!!!!
If you were talking about local politics then yes, that's where it matters but instead, you're spouting a low-iq leftie talking point in a thread about voting for the president lmaoo. Fucking retard.
You think I BELIEVE your vote matters? a 2 party system is not a democracy. I admit we live in tyranny, but Im still gonna take the 30 minutes to vote on the off chance it does anything at all. I'll take a miniscule chance at making a difference over nothing at all, because I actually give a shit. The reason you're not doing it is because you're a useless sack of shit.
>moves goalpost
>The reason you're not doing it is because you're a useless sack of shit.
Oh my god. Imagine getting this fucking and utterly btfo'd that you make this post. Gurl I can't roflmao
You should vote for Trump even if you're trans since those are all good things
What's the point of voting in a non-swing state that also has zero chance to turn into a swing state this year (as voters for the winning party are very motivated to vote this year for their party again, zero seeds of doubt)? I don't get it.
You type like a 12 year old. So I rescind everything I said because I don't even think you're old enough to vote.
only the first thing is good, who the fuck gets mad at not being able to get drafted
How do you think states turn into swing states exactly? By everyone staying home and jerking off? Worthless sacks of shit in this thread
Thank you. I accept your concession of getting completely and utterly btfo'd. Anything else?
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imagine getting this sassy and childish because you dont wanna get out and vote. I get it if someone gets mad about people not voting, but you're getting this uppety defending your decision not to. 'Gurl I can't roflmao'
Is this really how you derive value from your life
"btfo'ing" anyone who encourages you to get out and do something useful with your one singular life you have to live? For 30 minutes? Every 4 years? Really? You're a sad human being
Relax, I don't even live in the US, the question is for states like California. Do you really believe there is any point in voting for Republicans in CA this year? Or voting for Democrats in the equivalent Republican stronghold state? States become swing states when the public opinion starts changing, which clearly didn't happen in California for example, that's what I meant by "zero chance to become a swing state this year".
meant for >>36377742. Lol babe you literally got mad that someone said they don't vote and you had an autistic melty. Anything else?
I live in NYC so unironically my vote doesn't matter, but Biden.
You're making the mistake of trusting polls. You realize most polls are conducted by calling landlines which our generation don't even have, and the other half are opt-in website-specific online polls. None can be trusted. There is no proper random polling system that exists.
you know there are other elections other than the presidential election.. right?
at least like... hm.. 10 posts itt are made by the same poster. you have anger issues get that sorted out no wonder no one likes you
Too many religious extremists have infiltrated the Trump campaign, so unfortunately I’ll have to vote for the lolbertarian
>lol babe
>autistic melty
Are you seriously like 10? It doesn't require anger to call someone a retard. Its truly retarded not to spend 30 minutes of your time every 4 years even on the miniscule chance that it makes a difference. It is your ONLY avenue for having a voice. You are eliminating any chance of democracy existing for you because you're too lazy to spend 30 mins, then you same people will cry about legislation that hurts lgbt people. Was the extra 30 mins staring at 4chan worth it over your only chance to actually make a difference? Is it? Is the time you're spending RIGHT NOW trying to "own" me worth more than even the smallest chance of actually having your perspective count?
Just think about it.
Yeah, I'm actually starting to think you are actually genuinely and legally retarded. I said >>36377499. I also live in a blue state, remind me again why I should care about presidential elections without getting assblasted about it again.
>who the fuck gets mad at not being able to get drafted
Irrelevant. Just being 25 avoids the draft. If we are in a situation in which that rule is superseded (a major war of attrition), then a ban on trans wouldn't help either.
Trump 2024
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of course you are.
No >>36377712 was meant for you
not usonian nor in the united states nor have I ever been in the united states but if I was I'd vote for biden because I'm a latinx brownoid and Trump might assemble the anti illegal squads to kick me out
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My dude I'm not even that poster but your responses are some of the most cringe, sad, and pathetic things I've ever seen on this website. It's the literal embodiment of two people sitting down the play chest, but then one player takes a shit on the board, rubs his pieces in it, and then starts hurling it at the other player. Then, when that other player calls you a a desperate loser weirdo and gets up to leave, you claim claim victory. Get over yourself dude, you're pathetic.
>that seething tl;dr
No, I won't read it thanks.
voting for biden because he sucks and it's fucking hilarious
>My dude I'm not even that poster but your responses are some of the most cringe, sad, and pathetic things I've ever seen on this website.
Meant for >>36377837 and >>36377829. All this cause I said I don't care lmao. Literally terminally online children getting this mad over what? Saying I wouldn't vote kekw.
Idk i can't tell if this is some weird psyop to depress the vote, you just want to shitpost to farm (You)s to prop up your ego, or if you're actually underage b& larping as a cynic. Any way you slice it, you should get some help or something because it's not a surprise why you have no friends and have to shitpost on 4chan to feel alive
Yeah, that's true, still makes sense to participate in house elections I guess
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You don't belong here. Not at all. Begone!
>All this cause I said I don't care lmao
Yet you are still here trying to "own" and "btfo" everyone, because you feel this need to 'win the argument' of whether or not you should be allowed to sit and jack off instead of voting this november. Well, you have the right not to vote so you already 'won'. But maybe some people just want to give it the best chance of not losing crucial rights and we need all hands on deck. But you know what, I'm not the other anon(s?) but I say that with your attitude and intelligence level then I agree with you that you shouldn't vote. In fact, you should stay home 24/7 and never leave the house so that no one has to deal with you. You're completely insufferable and obnoxious.
>all that seething projection
Ok, anything else?
>Yet you are still here trying to "own" and "btfo" everyone, because you feel this need to 'win the argument'
Genuinely loling at the absolute state of this thread. Seriously, can any of you come up with actual real posts instead of retarded projections as to why I should care?
I'm gonna guess this is a chatbot because I need the hope that humans aren't this sad and lonely
its really simple, just leave the thread if you don't care. Those of us who care are gonna keep encouraging people to vote and keeping arguing for the cause. You have a right not to vote, just don't vote then.
Not a real post and argument. Next!

Works for me. Glad that's settled but don't forget this started because one of you started malding about me saying this.
I don't vote. democracy is a sin.
if i were living in the best country of the world

i would vote for Drumpf
trump exclusively stated that he's coming after adult trans health care so the trannies ITT saying they are trump sided are literally just dumb people. even if every one of his policies was something you supported actively voting for a candidate that supports you losing access to HRT is madness. id rather live in a neo liberal illuminati shadow government that lets me be a woman than any kind that doesn't.
he wants it to be legal to beat you to death in the street for offending someone with your presence
This image looks fake as fuck.
Both are horrible but Trump is a fascist piece of shit, I'll vote for less worse option
You're an idiot if you'd vote for Biden just because you want to use a specific bathroom, when he's literally destroying the economy and country for everyone. In fact, that article says Biden is "promising it for his second term" E.G. trying to get useful idiots to vote for him.
I ain't voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump

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