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I want to marry a trans girl and then she has to gender reassignment surgery but I will still only have anal sex with her.
She would be like a real girl in public and with other people but I'd treat her like a guy without a dick in our relationship.

How wrong is that? Or is this a good thing?
>t.least deranged incel
I have had the sex change but I only do vaginal sex and use my butt for pooping only
I wonder how retarded you can be that you could ever compete with the real thing?
i’m not them, but you don’t know that and why would it matter? still far better than having a penis
Is it true this fag chopped it? What a waste
it does and well
I am them and it is far better than a penis I am a girl I need a hole
Its better than having a penis in certain cases (for purely esthetic reasons) but to actually fuck that wound is just gross. You have a perfect bussy that God gave you and there are like literally 4 billion people with perfectly fine vaginas that you can fuck if you into vaginas.
chaser here, if someone forcefemmed me and gave me SRS against my will it would be really hot if I was in a sharia theocracy and forced to marry a dude who exclusively fucked me in the ass to remind me of how no matter how much of a girl I may look like, in the end I am nothing more than a coomer pervert straight male with a fetish taken too far, that would teach me a much needed lesson, GIWTWM (in minecraft)
See that guy gets it. I'd love to forcefully feminize you cut of your dick and make you a fucktoy. You'd be the perfect women, you could never say no to get fucked and would be so great full for any sexual attention because you can't come anymore. I think for most young man nowadays this would be a treat. What's the point of spending 15 years rubbing your dick so hard and numbing your brain and every sexual stimulant to the point that you're basically impotent?
Yes and she is fat now
finally someone who understands. I'm just so tired, I never signed up for this shit
just because I have a hole doesn't mean I can't say no!
Let's test that theory
you are going to rape me
I'm a law abiding man and have no interest in having anyone. I firmly believe that if you don't have a cock you will do anything to satisfy your coomer instinct in any way that is still possible for . Just gonna take a few months to adjust but you'll be pounding that prostate with anything phallic all day long
that's what I mean you're going to trick me and take advantage of my natural hornyness
What's wrong with that? It's not like you're own decisions have done you any good so far. Maybe it's time you let a real man take over.
you might try to stick your penis inside me! I have to be careful...
never ever date a tranny fruitcup stick to men
If that's the price to be freed from your obsession, would you pay it?
it would feel good but is it a good idea
Yes, it's not like you have a choice. It's an addiction and it's gonna wear you down until there's nothing left of you, so better surrender to it and find a daddy that can fix you before you're too old and everyone just sees you as a pervert
>She would be like a real girl in public and with other people but I'd treat her like a guy without a dick in our relationship.
You know bros call each other faggot and wrestle eachother if they disagree on stuff?
all trannies should do this.
>I'll treat you like a guy
The words every tranny wants to hear
she has tiny feminine feet

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