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CHASERS would you rather date this woman, or a post-srs trans woman?
I like helping and being of service to my partner, so I'll choose vidrel.
i will just stay single
Chasers like trans women because that’s their fetish. I’m early in my transition still have a full beard and guys still like me for being a “girl” it’s so weird. Like it’s cute they see me for me but it’s weird
both are disgusting. sorry. i do not have a quad amputee fetish, nor do i tolerate SRSussy. what an awful question. what an awful question. you didn't even give the quad amputee a dick, so this is literally just choosing between two disgusting options i would never go for. sorry to any quad amputees reading this and getting offended. i am sure it's possible to like you without being a weird sadist. but i will not
post beard
It’s full. FULL
I have all my limbs but no penis
So the question is, would I rather have a fucknugget or a mentally ill fucknugget
what a waste
How does she wipe her ass and how capable is she of holding down a job.
If I gotta do it all for her I def pick the trans chick.
Otherwise, I think I'd just make the pick based on which one vibes with me better.
Where did you buy this sex toy from, OP?
this is how girls work we have no penis
would webmrel in a heartbeat
thats stupid
>no penis
What's the point then
go on google and type naked lady and you will understand
I typed in pregnancy fetish once
never again
The woman
>The woman
Why would they bother with a post-op tranny when biological women exist?
If you feel like trannies are faulty half-people that you only put up with when you get to play with a penis then that's on you
trannies tolerate a lot more abuse
this, a lot of abusive men straight up target trannies
Is this a human trafficking victim wtf
why would they bother with a pre op tranny when biological men exist?
That's hard. I don't really find amputees very attractive at all, even if she was a non-op. But I don't find post-ops very attractive either. I've unfortunately seen what a post-op neovagina looks like, I'd much rather have a biological woman.
i wouldn't date anyone without feet, nasty low quality fakecunts are horrible but it's not comparable
>Post Op tranny
Majority of the reasons I give you fags the time of the day is for the obligatory sodomy, you get a ugly pussfilled frankengina you expect me to touch, I might as stick with a real woman and not deal with the shame.

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