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With how many zoomer males are turning out to be bisexual, I'm becoming redpilled on sexuality. I no longer think that people are homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. It seems more likely that sexuality exists on a spectrum.

Over here you have TOTAL other sex attraction
Over here you have TOTAL same sex attraction

And 90%+ of people are somewhere on that spectrum. Not totally homo, hetero, or bisexual. The categories we've constructed are a false image of reality.
Maybe you are all just mentally ill
I'm totally homo.
This just sounds like you want to fuck teen boys or something.
There are heterosexuals and homosexuals.
"Bi"sexuals are just heterosexuals who have sex with men sometimes because they can't get women very often.
Yes there are 'hetero' and 'homo'sexuals, but 90%+ of people are some form of bisexual, that's my contention.
True bisexuality doesn't exist though.
Let me guess, you are a fading twink looking to perv on younger, straight-passing men hoping they are bi?
Why are you like this?
Why would you think that's a redpilled thing xd sounds like far leftist shit anon
>Sexuality is a spectrum
I don't wanna be mean but yeah, no shit Sherlock. The only thing rigid categories do to people is make them scared of experiment or repress until their feelings boil over. If we treated sexuality like something much more fluid people would be way happier.
Sometimes I get confused while masturbating because my brain can't choose between topmode and bottommode, so I switch between imagining myself as the top and as the bottom randomly, it makes it hard to keep my boner going.
literally the kinsey scale
but like, really, I've never ever felt genuine arousal, at all, towards a woman's body.
I literally did try sex with women because of people like you. It sucked. They enjoyed it, I did not.
x doubt

aka bi
"Bi" men are desperate incels.
Thank you for creating the Kinsey Scale
And that is fine. I mean, you tried it and found out it's not for you. Sexuality being a spectrum doesn't mean you have to sleep with both sexes.
You might be attracted to how a woman looks for example, but not be interesting in sex with them.
Also, you don't have to change your preferences, but it's ok to branch out if you feel like it.
If a man that is mostly attracted to girls, fancies a guy once in his life, that doesn't make him gay, or bisexual even. He just had a dip on the spectrum for that person.
I hope it's a bit more clear what I mean, but as a bisexual myself, I do not think that most people are bisexual with a preference. I think most people are heterosexuals with a degree of flexibility.
Explain the difference.
this is mental illness
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I never liked topping, I would fucking hate it, but I would do it, because I could go see my manly friends and tell em how savagely I fucked that girl and they would all get jealous and I would gain respect. Got tired of that and just admitted to myself Im bi as all fucking girls are bottoms unless mentally ill. Now Im taking hrt, I was just a tranny all along. Bi bottoms are simply repressed trannies not yet accepting of their fate

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