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File: progesterone.jpg (60 KB, 1500x804)
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>make you horny
>make you attracted to men
>you have to finger yourself to take it
>but you need it for breast growth
was this drug created by chasers?
forced prog doses for all transbians
i've heard of estrogen turning straight men into straight women, but not prog. do trannies really be rapehons for an entire year before prog fixes them? maybe even longer cause idk how long trannies delay prog for
the endocrine system really is the ultimate chaser
I honestly believe it just pushes you past the "nurture" part of your sexuality, if you were actually into women and not just psyoped into it than you still will be. Rest is true though.
it doesn't do shit
Prog absolutely flipped me around from rapehon to desperately wanting to be raped by men
It's insane, I don't know if I want this but I am filled with lust now
it doesn't make us straight it just makes us bug chasers to breed us on 4chan and set up grindr accounts but never actually follow through on anything
prog didn't affect me sexually at all, sounds like a meme
I mean estrogen started it for me and the progesterone made it more intense. I used to just live as a straight man and now I have no interest in women and men make me really horny. Crazy how it works really
What do you mean the "nurture" part of sexuality?
Yeah pretty much this
>get on prog
>masturbated twice today to the thought of being roughly manhandled and thrown around by men
>still incredibly horny
I have been in a lust filled haze all day I can't function, I can't take it, I am so needy for cock
Fuck this gay drug
I mean it a "nature vs nurture sorta wat, like if you're mtf you were most likely pushed into repressing your attraction to men, and gaslit into being attracted to women.
i feel like an alien when people say prog increases their libido because for me it significantly decreased mine. am i doing something wrong
Progesterone didn't make me any more attracted to men, it did tipple the boys dominance from my mind. Now the woman is the dominant force.
My tits are enormous.

Im horny but because im ugly no one will sleep with me. Im still taking it and suffering from worse depression
what dosage are you guys on and how do you take it? are there any brand names? should i start at one dosage and increase after some time?
200mg daily. Boof it.

I shove my fingers inside me and pretend its a hot man's cock.
how long have you been on it?
i promise you can find SOMEONE on grindr sis. men will
i did oral for a month and then switched to boofing
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Okay fine I'll boof it.
If I have 100mg prometrium capsules can I just shove it up my ass? Is there a best practices here?
the advice i followed was to pierce the gel capsule with a needle prior to insertion. if its not a gel capsule idek if you CAN boof it. but if it is, you basically want to insert it only as far as necessary for it to not fall back out. if you stick it in too far, it gets absorbed into the wrong vein and that one goes straight to your liver, so you might as well swallow it at that point.

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