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I try so hard to be cute and submissive, but every time people want me to thug out and suck my "bbc" which by the way, not all of us are hung like a python. Mine is actually fairly small at only 4 inches, but I still get both men and women submitting to me and wanting to suck me for some reason and its very strange.

I dress in subby pastelcore hello kitty drip and for some reason thats not enough to send the message across that I'm not a top no matter how much you beg me to. I'm Jenny not Jamal. Stop trying to make me into what I'm not!
show bbg babyjirl
No joke, how fat is your ass? You might need to accentuate that to get your point across
No! I don't even want to use mine unless its being put into a cage.

I'm kind of flat, I think from too much sitting. You're right, I think its a problem.
>I try so hard to be cute and submissive
The "try" part makes me curious; do you actually want to be submissive, as in is that where you feel most comfortable/happy or does it not feel genuine in some way or forced? If that last one's the case then maybe they pick up on it or something and assume you're a compensating dom?

If it's that first one then have you clearly communicated that, and if so, why not just block people who try to push you anyway?
Post tits
honestly you sound cute
I try! I wish I was able to get more matches. But its like, I don't have many options, and when ALL of them seem to act the same I start to become concerned.

>If that last one's the case then maybe they pick up on it or something and assume you're a compensating dom?
I have no idea how they get that impression, I'm very polite, accommodating, I cook for them, and sometimes I even buy them or gift them things. Thats about as submissive as I think someone can be!

I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of girl. You'll have to get to know me first.

Aww, thank you! I appreciate that kind anon.
wanna frot with a fat white cock?
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>I dress in subby pastelcore hello kitty drip and for some reason thats not enough to send the message across that I'm not a top
but i do that and i'm a top
>I'm kind of flat
Start squat ASAP. Practice taking good pictures that show off your butt
Well yeah people have this expectation of black amabs that transcends gender. If you are black and have a dick you are expected to by a hypermasculine guy who makes everyone his bitch, even if you are a girl and on hormones and a bottom.
I mean, I'd rather get to know you more than do anything sexual right away.

That sounds nice. Maybe we could trade accessories and outfits?

I'm sure it'll make my joints hurt but if it gets me a more round toned butt I'll give it a shot.

>If you are black and have a dick you are expected to by a hypermasculine guy who makes everyone his bitch
Thats completely unfair

>even if you are a girl and on hormones and a bottom
Its wild that the people who used to own us like slaves end up being so submissive that even when basically offered a free black submissive they'd rather be the one getting owned. What a strange world we live in.
>I'm sure it'll make my joints hurt
Just do regular unweighted squats. It shouldn't hurt your joints any more than standing up and sitting down
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>Thats about as submissive as I think someone can be!
That's not really submissive, that's just being a wholesome partner lmao. I bought my ex cute gifts, took her to places she said she wanted to go, held her hand in public, teased her when she blushed, we took turns cooking, I try to be polite to everyone (though I have my limits), but when it came to sex I full-on dominated her. Think verbal bullying, restraints, teasing her, biting, primal play, roleplay, you name it.

Being submissive in bed doesn't mean you have to be submissive everywhere else, nor does being "submissive" in the household sense (again, the stuff you listed doesn't sound like a dom/sub thing and more like you're just a cute and involved partner) doesn't automatically mean you have to be a sub in bed.

When all of them assume you're a dom then either you're sending signals without you noticing it, or they're just fetishists who want a specific experience out of you regardless of what YOU want.

(Also ngl your description does sound really appealing, how you can go this long without eventually attracting a loving bf who wants a cute bottom housewife is beyond me lmao)
You sound cute. The way you describe your taste in dress sounds even cuter. And of course, black girls are made for loving, not for bottom chasers. I hope you find a good bf who makes you realize how beautifully feminine you chocolate cuties are, anonette.
Why are cute brown girls always American
Vocaroo yourself imitating dreamybull my beautiful thug princess
>tfw Black and a trans woman but blessed with a 4inch gock
I sympathize for you though sis. The experiences of transmisogynoir aren't understood by /tttt/ trannies though
Wanna husband?
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Black trans girls are bottom princess and made for being plowed, spoiled, loved, bred, and wedded by olive-toned FUBs
Why are you black? Can't you just choose not to be black and skip all the BBC comments?
It's so simple, and yet you are here complaining.. baka
You sound cute and kinda perfect. Do you date women who would top you?
the idea of a bottom that cant get plowed because everyone wants her to top is hilarious and adorable
>No! I don't even want to use mine unless its being put into a cage.
kys retard
I'm sorry to hear that anon
Every trans girl has some kind of loosey goosey joins from a connective tissue disorder so y'know maybe it does hurt some of us to just stand up and sit down
good evening Luna
based, us brown trannies gotta stick together and kill crackers.

t. indian tranny
Killing future generations of white people by ingesting all their lil white swimmers? Also, post curry hole, my poojeeta princess
nothing could have made me less horny
are you by any chance a programmer???
you will find a white daddy again someday Luna <3

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