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old: >>36371773
you cant adopt black men silly, they are adults
we need to do something about femsec theyre becoming too annoying now
we need to do something about femsec personaly im holding a sit-in protest at this airport until my plane boards, I hipe everybody else is doing their part
I’m hungry
well then go back in time and stop her gf from cheating on her
did she actually got cucked by a cis lesbian?
her own words
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i would like one gf please thanks
post hedge fond portfolio and list of sold start-ups
i'm a bottom actually
you have 5 minutes to find me a rapehon gf or it's OVER
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weed lol
my 3 weedsmoking gfs
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i'm so horny all the time
hag nonop autistic top x zoomer cis theatrekid bottom
this gen is so slow
cuz we're all on the server chatting
its slow whenever im not posting
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For those who remember my dilemma. Pic related is the sticker I ended up going with.
A fun conversation starter that does not make me look like as much of a pervert as some of the other options do.
That is what happens when a general has an associated discord.
As it is we only move at a decent speed when Lago is here.
wish i was hot and aware of it and not disfigured and retarded
im disfigured and hot
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I don’t think people realize you’re joking because we’ve been having a thread a day. lol
at least you are self-aware im probably also hot but too retarded to be confident in it
i didn't know anyone was on the server and i just tried to join but it instakicked me
it's over :'(
a thread a day keeps blanchard away
dw im also totally not on the server and in dms and voice and absolutely not playing strip amogus or anyhthing like that haha
I think you have to like agree to the terms and conditions before some timer runs out. It took me a few tries to figure it out
what the fuck is strip amogus
ugh that's so annoying, i was multitasking bc adhd brain so i guess i messed up
haven't used discord in like forever so thanks
lago kicks out hons :(
i only posted that to get people posting again, works like a charm everytime
it's amogus but you can strip one piece to veto airlocking once and when someone does get airlocked they also remove one piece, finding imposter means surviving crew gets to put one on again and surviving imposter gets to put two on
also everyone is on cam obvs
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it's ok sweetie i accept you as you are
she is not gonna kick both her gfs
I'll never be allowed in the lesgen discord... it's over...
*lago proceeds to kick out the entire server*
It might be a low effort thread but that doesn't mean I won't make a high effort request for a cis Asian gf.
I want to sniff stinky transbian arm pits
what are you even doing to achieve that? posting here doesn't count
i want to not be scared of my neighbors and actually feel at home in my flat and not like im just waiting to get kicked out
having someone sniff your armpits is kinda cute
good ugh or bad ugh
bad ugh because good ugh, if that makes sense
I want to sniff stinky cis girl armpits...
mine are too stinky, you wouldn't like the smell
yeee i am feeling that too
Not even the most fun stinky place to sniff. Just high on the list.
what could possibly rank higher
Pussy, feet
i kneel
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why are you still forcing the feet meme
Feet are low tier when it comes to smell. Fun for body worship, but not because of the smell.
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i NEED to kiss her under the moonlight
cute feet...
have no interest in feet but I would let gf do whatever she wants with them also just seems kinda cute her being into them lole
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Pick your gf
me in the middle
I pick the other four
>I pick the other four
unbelievably based
From the left: 2, 3 and 4 are the standout gfs.
But I would have to go with 3. Tall, muscular and the least femme presenting. 10/10 would bottom for any time.
i dont even want a gf i just want normal friends who arent weird and always "busy" i.e. not actually my friends ha ha
I have been into feet longer than you have probably been alive
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i think i have a binge eating disorder and im trying really hard to fight it
bet how old
I'm in my 30s
well im 27 and I highly doubt youve been into feet as a child so
My gock is the egg and cisussy is the sperm
I was always drawn to them even before I was aware of anything sexual about it like, even as a kid I would catch myself being really interested in womens' feet without knowing why, same with pregnant women too actually.
trip on acorn
Lol i hate acorn though
tfw lonely and compounded with sad because I'm late on my hrt
I'm on sublingual E and my moods swing like crazy, cried the whole day because I hurt this one girl since I just am not romantically available mentally, couldn't even leave the house to go to the store, had to go back and forth for like an hour and still cried on the way back..
Did you really have no other E options? Sublingual is literally just one small step above standard oral.
I refuse to believe that gels, patches and injections were just not available for you.
the highlights of my day are when i make her smile honestly
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I need the 2nd and 3rd ones so badly . I hope they like chubby girls
i know a girl who has levels that matches my levels and she only takes 2mg sub daily
metabolism can make sub work wonders
You have to look past just E2 levels when it comes to oral and sublingual E.
Not only is it known to have a massive association with blood clots, but it is also known to spike E1 levels. Since E1 and E2 compete for the same receptor sites, this could cause you to end up with an E1 saturated system. E1 saturation is hard to detect unless you specifically test for E1 levels (not common or even available in many counties) and can mean that even if your E2 levels are technically good, they are not actually bring put to use since they cannot access any receptor sites.
Hence why oral and sublingual E is known for stalling transitions or even causing backsliding. Gels, patches and injections are infinitely safer and more effective to boot.

Did you seriously do zero research before you started HRT?
i dont trust doctors so i just take a mix of birth control, various herbs in high doses, and fresh horse piss, and i look and feel great
my ex used to make me really stupid and that was kinda comforting.. but then I'd interact with people way dumber so my illusion of being a stupid doll for her would disappear instantly
i didnt read all of that because she looks good and im not a nerd sorry
ah but that's only cause you can't see my teeth or all the other fucked up bits of my body
take the compliment or ill bite you
Me when she leaves: We're so wrong for each other we should break up
Me as soon as she comes back: Omg I love you so much never leave me
Me 5 minutes later when she says something I don't like: Ugh we should break up
wow are u me
i'm in heat... i need to mate
if you own a farm you can
that's called BPD. You should talk to a therapist. Seriously.
don't listen to her, therapists will only try to tame you and make you boring
I am in therapy I've been in and out of therapy since I was like 7....BPD is incurable
this has to be the week
i need her so bad

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