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>it is a dark and rainy evening
>you hear a knock on your door
>you open the door but don't see anyone
>instead there is a large cardboard box next to the door
>inside the box is a cat boymoder
what would you do?
what is the purpose of this thread. so stupid and autistic. you should be ashamed.
please don't be mean :(
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I'd take the box inside my house and put it in a corner, if it's cold I'd put it near a heater. The I put some milk and biscuits near the box and some outfit like picrel next to it and just go back to watch tv, playing video games and smoking weed.
what if the boymoder would then wear the outfit and then sit on your lap?
I would tolerate it if they don't disturb me playing video games
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ah ah ah.......... not so fast!

Neko boymoders... the AI is learning how to be CUTE :o
with my penis
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they think they come across as more feminine by pretending to be mentally infantile retards because they hate women so much that's how they view them
Nahh they probably got diddly diddled by their dad or uncle and are just stuck in a parallel world... Don't be so judgemental and try to make the best out of the situation and help them by enabling
>calls thread autistic
>is being autistic
really didn't think that one through, did you?
these look like the one you will occasionally see on /in/'s polish thread but with an underage girl. Very suspicious. I am accusing you of begin a polish pedophile
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