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How do I avoid this fate?
that old bitch WERKN IT
transition before the age of 50 and do not hold conservative/religious views
don't be a mef
learn to walk in heels
>John, 51
>transition before the age of 50
is 50 a hard cutoff or is like 45 too late too?
why can't i be religious?
The rope
this is the kind of tranny my therapist was working with all his life
Ich hasse dieses Land
on their way to the library to read stories to kids
by not visiting a german red light district
why is it always germans
To be honest if I were your therapist I'd seek out a therapist
i dont think its rotlicht desu just looks like your average small town
you cannot be american evangelical specifically any other religion is fine
germans (and anglos) are the tallest and most masculine looking races so when they want to me femme they get the most mindbroken
i hope they all blow their brains out for ruining my life
its Duisburg Vulkanstraße, just gotta look up the shop with full name and phone number on display
oh. im american nondenom
lol i actually saw so many hons when i went there
why would anyone voluntarily look that grotesque? i do not understand
as long as you don't act like the evangelicals like the republicans you should be fine
what is a fetish
i don't, religion is a very personal matter to me. that said i do wish everyone was religious but i dont believe in doing that by force
Don't do AGP anon
>How do I avoid this fate?
Anglos are short as fuck what are you talmbout
you're thinking of asians, north western european are generally quite tall
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No I'm thinking about anglo manlets
Literally only 2 cm above the chinese on average
they're not agp, they're mef fetishists
it's because of dysgenic diets in bongland
huh, I always thought anglos were insanely tall
t. burger
Why dont we see a lot of scandi or balkan hons? Why is it always germanics and anglos?
Because Denmark, Norway and Finland individualy have only the same number of inhabitants as Berlin, and only Sweden has like twice the size.

The total number of Scandinavians in the world is just slightly more than the number of dutch people
>john 50 and 1 day
fake infographic, the average height for a man here is NOT 5ft 8
its fake
and your map doesn't state 'anglos' ie anglo saxons, remember 90% of the population of london is indian manlets, middle eastern manlets, chinese manlets etc, nothing whatsoever to do with 'anglos' as you insist on calling us
Its true, the food here is awful

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