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File: images.jpg (5 KB, 225x224)
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Bout to lose my virginity to a trans goddess and I'm really nervous cuz thjs started out as just a hot kink i never thought this would happen irl. I matched with this beauty on one of those apps, and we like each other but she REALLY likes me I'm nervous cuz I'm a straight male that's only ever been with girls, but she wants to turn me into a sissy and take my anal virginity and make me cum "like a girl" as she says my question is, will cumming from anal and using my dick less, will it shrink?? Will I become like one of those cock hungry bimbos?? Idk I'm nervous, curious and not sure I want to go thru w it. Has anyone ever had a similar experience?
I got fucked by a tranny once. Never doing it again.
please leave this board and never return.
>t. future "I got HIV from being fucked by a tranny" poster
def not
it probably won't shrink, maybe if it was like, caged for awhile but I'm not very aware of that sort of thing. Anal itself certainly has nothing to do with your dick size. This post is structured in an odd way. The language you use disturbs me. Are you on the older side? You kinda type like a boomer.
Lol post hole after it's over champ chief
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I don't know why this larp pisses me off but fucking stop it
blue board
Has anyone ever done this?

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