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You guys don't look very oppressed to me.
god that flag is so fucking ugly, who is deciding these things for the entire community? take a fucking course in vexillology
Nobody asked me if I wanted to belong to this shitshow. Blame the libshits or the jews or whatever.
>the majority of people at least subtly dislike you but that can't be true because uhhhhhhhh *posts regime virtue signal*
Orgs, gubments, and people insisted on race representation for some fucking reason. This is fucking haram, especially since we don't see LGBT representation amongst blacks or latinos.
It's the community who decides. The community is fucking retarded.
>More than 50% of people in the most progressive country would not be ok with their own child being trans
But there were a few colorful flags on a street in London for one month so that doesn't matter
>>More than 50% of people would not be ok with their own child cutting his dick off
fucking hell it should be 100%
There is no such thing as a trans child you insane person
Damn so I didn't transition at 14 then. Weird, I thought I did
I feel sorry for your parents.
wait is that what the extra bullshit in the flag is? FUCK
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If men would have the balls to transition together with their children this would not be a problem. Toxic masculinity is the problem.
Women and men who pretend to be women should be kept in barns and milked.
>People don't want their child to be brainwashed by people like kooffalz
Yes. People that are okay with this shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
Don't be, they were ok with it because they're normal and empathetic people, not 4channers that seethe and shit themselves over a few flags
I feel sorry for you.
What would you do with the milk?
Well if the flags are so insignificant then nothing will happen if I take them down right? Oops I got arrested. Looks like it wasn't just a few flags.
>over a few flags
I have seen that ugly piece of shit flown a billion times in a billion places. It's fucking ugly and I hope it all gets torn down
You are endorsed by the institutional power and rejected by the working class

Die bourgeois parasite.
I mean if you destroy someone's property you'll get arrested, that's generally how it works
>kids mutilating their dicks/boobs at 12 are totally fine but they cant decide if they into adult partners until they turn 18, 17 is still a kid

Zoomer logic is INSANE.
And im not even bothered at troons, but how do they rationalize chemical castration is less scarring than fucking someone older
americans are insane in general, imagine cutting off your kids foreskin and thinking you're not an evil freak
they unironically think its cleaner and healthier i asked my parents about it. its sad indoctrination.
Im just glad that foreskin restoration exists
Why do doctors still endorse that shit
Normies put obnoxious stuff like this up and trannies get blamed for it
I genuinely don’t understand this talking point. Do you think people suddenly develop sex dysphoria the moment they turn 18? Or are you just doing the “I dislike this thing therefore it does not exist” meme?
Get your INternetCELebrity coal off of my board please
Why? Early transitioners have the best chance at getting good results by far. If you feel bad for anyone it should be the honmonsters like >>36378950 posted that waited until it was too late.
There are more churches in this town than gay flags
This shitshow is the reason why you're free in half of the world
>we don't see LGBT representation amongst blacks or latinos
Excuse me? Don't be so ignorant. Madonna took black queer artists to the center of the stage in 1970, get on with the times
>Invalidates queer people's existence
You're free to do whatever you want with your flags, but if you mess around with other people's properties, you find out
No, it's the reason I'm about to lose rights.
>endorsed by the institutional power
>Literally condemned by churches
I guess you only have eyes for the institutions that oppose your cause.
Most queer people are working class. That the poorest of the poor are infighting over culture, the elites keep financing the brainwashing of people like you with the same old thing: religion
>mutilating their dicks/boobs at 12
That's a lie, that's not legal anywhere.
>Chemical castration
Hormones aren't castration, they're a treatment for dysphoria
>Trans kids
Conservatives were right about you people.
You are historically ignorant.
You didn't have these rights until all this "shitshow" started. Get your timeline right.
Guess what happens in countries without this "shitshow"? No fucking rights. It's not a coincidence, bro.
Considering the plummeting acceptance rate I don't think you are right.
Why do you talk like one of those niggers who livestream themselves screaming at things?
You view queerness as something so evil that a child could not be it.
The funny thing is that we have gifted kids, genius kids, retarded kids, schizo kids, autistic kids, psycho kids, even criminal kids
But queer kids? No, that's impossible. In the mind of the queerphobic at least
do you think trans people were never children? did they just appear one day aged 18?
Then how come the queer kids weren't "impressioned" by the heterosexual society into being straight?
How come this "orientation changing" influence is completely one sided and you can "make a kid gay" but never the opposite?
Revisit your deepest prejudices, grow as an individual
Queer is a sexuality. You giving kids a sexuality while it's illegal by the law. See the problem with that specific thing compared to all the other types of kids you mention? No you don't see the problem? You're a retard and danger to society.
Don't talk about them in the third person, bro. Leftists were right about you. You target the most vulnerable of all, the queer children
Nobody is talking about making kids gay though. We are talking about "trans kids".
>plummeting acceptance rate
You might want to recheck your sources, cause queer acceptance is growing in each new generation
Not only that but queer self affirmation also grows
Less queer people live in the closet everyday. Log off the internet instead
>That's a lie, that's not legal anywhere
Gender reafirmation surgery is legal and endorsed by troon activists though
>hormones aren' t castration
They 100% are, when i was a kid i was anorexic. My dream was to be slimer, i almost died trying to reaffirm my fantasy, and my way to reffirm it was to vomit all my food until satisfaction.
Teenagers are fragile and prone to body diamorphias, reaffirming them is not normal nor correct.
How can someone that is not even allowed to decide how to use their genitals for pleasure (sich as having sex with someone over their age, which is not ethic either) is in conditions to figure how to chemically mutilate their genitals and endocrine system instead?
nta but what are you saying here? wdym "giving kids a sexuality"? people aren't given their sexuality
Nah I am an atheist. If the christians that believe in the sky daddy sound more sane than you people, the problem is with you.
>Gender reafirmation surgery is legal and endorsed by troon activists though
where are these "activists" that want 12 year olds to go under the knife?
>Log off the internet instead
Take your own advice.
You have no qualms about heterosexual children, even though that's also a sexuality.
Seems like your bias is overtly focused only on the non cis straight children.
Denying they even exist at all is a form of hate. Nothing is more dehumanizing than pretending your neighbor isn't even there to begin with
Where were these trans kids 300 years ago or why are there no trans children in africa or asia? Gays existed since the beginning transgenderism is a recent thing.
Jokes aside whats the difference between endorsing bulimia/anorexia and endorsing trannysm
LGB is sexual preference rest are mental illnesses.
this picture is a really good example of linear perspective, you see, in reality the street and flags are all parallel but in the picture it looks like its going inwards and getting smaller as it gets further away! so if you want to depict depth in two dimensions, like in a drawing, you need to make things shrink and converge towards the horizon as they get further away!
A heterosexual kid has absolutely no awareness that is heterosexual until it goes through puberty and has its first hormone rush and gets a boner while looking at a girl.
So it can't know if it's heterosexual until it happens or not. If a kid know about this before hormones develop or not it had be influenced somehow because kids can't think about this stuff they are kids they literally can't think further as boys wear blue and girls wear pink so if you put pink on them they will think it's a girl. They are kids they have a fraction of your cognitive skills if you don't give them constant supervision they will literally get killed by almost anything.
>He is playing with dolls he must be trans!
>She is hanging out with boys and has short hair she must be trans!
Imagine being a tomboy or a boy who likes dolls at this day and age.
>A heterosexual kid has absolutely no awareness that is heterosexual until it goes through puberty and has its first hormone rush and gets a boner while looking at a girl.
I accept your concession groomer.
trans people constantly say this is wrong and dumb but you people still keep pushing this idea
I think if you have to resort to calling people a paedophile you might be the one floundering
your dumb post just indicates you might have been a very late bloomer, plenty of people know who they like way before puberty
>trans people constantly say this is wrong
No they don't. You people literally invented the term "egg cracking".
Sorry too old for you to groom. Try catboy ranch :).
Did you just touch that doll? Let's go see the uncle doctor.
Sounds super familiar just 60 years apart
anybody that says egg should be immediately executed, it's a very small minority of reddit troons, and it doesn't really align with what you're saying about liking dolls making you a girl anyway, the freaks that say egg are talking about dumb shit like self inserting as women in video games constantly, which doesn't mean you're trans, but that is different than liking barbie
>if I just stick my fingers in my ears and scream paedophile that'll work
have a conversation or don't, but let's not waste everybody's time ok?
Anon 99% of troons are either on reddit or on twitter. And the word egg cracking is very common among them.
wow cool stat you made up
>where were the trannies before medicine was invented
Living as eunuchs or offing themselves. (.05% of the population doing either wouldn’t be very noticeable in a world without modern medicine) There are a couple of rare examples of “tranny adjacent” people which we do have historical records about, you would have read about them if you actually cared to look.
> why are there no trans children in africa or asia?
This is literally just a straight up lie.
Dysmorphia and dysphoria are two different things even though they sound similar…
>Living as eunuchs
I really don't see why we had to change that
>Living as eunuchs or offing themselves
>There are a couple of rare examples of “tranny adjacent” people
So you just interpret them as trannies because it confirms your delusions cool.
It's a fact. There is a reason why most people dislike you. You ruin fandoms of any game or movie with your fetish.
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It needed a piss, diaper, and shit chevron.
It was LACKING in SOVL!!!
>It's a fact.
still seems like a random stat you made up to me
>muh vidya gaems
I don't think trans people are ruining video games I think it's the billion dollar corporations squeezing the industry but hey that's just me a person that doesn't angrily shit themselves when battletech lets you pick they pronouns or whatever
because it's evil to make people with a medical condition suffer if we have better treatments available?
>You giving kids a sexuality
Taking kids to church to learn about straight marriage is giving them a sexuality too, but I doubt you care when it's a "normal sexuality"
Which brings us to the central point of the argument that not every child fits in this "normal" cast
You think there is a difference? The oppression rhetorics is the same. You deny this particular set of individuals exist spontaneously
>Gender reafirmation surgery is legal
Not on 12 yo kids like you said. You only have lies to tell
>I'm totally not a conservative
>Nevermind our perfectly matching talking points
Sure, dude. Anonymously you can be anything.
Gay and tranny are two very different things. You don't give harmful drugs like puberty blockers to gay kids. If they are gay they are gay and that’s it. Thankfully UK already banned blockers for kids and soon the rest of europe will follow.
>Both you and the conservatives think 2+2=4 that makes you a conservative
>Where were these trans kids 300 years ago
Not in a very different place than their contemporary queers: In the depths of the closet, hiding for dear life
> Everyone was gender conforming until recently
A childish view of history
>no trans children in [...] Asia
Southeast Asia would like to have a word with you
Keep putting idpol garbage in videogames. I am sure it will make more people like you. +1 vote for trump from me btw even though I don't give a shit about politics. I'll vote for him only because the people who ruined my hobby hate him. I hope he does everything you people are afraid of him to do after he wins.
>Nobody asked me if I wanted to belong to this shitshow
same, I was okay with calling myself "Asexual" when I was in high school (like a decade ago) and nobody really understoon what it meant. Now "Asexual" is also part of the "community" for some reason.
Your opinion is worthless, and you are worthless.
you're posting like I or the vasty majority of trans people have any say over what happens in video games, I don't know if there are any trans CEOs of video game publishers
there's always been "idpol" in video games, I don't think the inclusions of gay characters or they/them pronouns is done as some underhanded attempt to make you or anybody like lgbt people, strange idea to have
>I'll vote for him only because the people who ruined my hobby hate him
so ironic, I wonder if bobby kotick will make more money under trump or biden
the people fucking with video games development are the incredibly wealthy publishers, if it makes any difference at all it'll be that trump makes it easier for publishers to make like worse for developers and continue their shit business practises that end up with video games being rushed to release and full of predatory micro transactions and gambling
Did we? A full genetic sex change unfortunately isn’t possible just yet, so a eunuch w/ female secondary sex characteristics (gynandromorph) is what we would be categorized as rather than man/woman if you’re being a taxonomy autist.
> So you just interpret them as trannies
I literally said tranny adjacent you moron. Obviously full medical transition wasn’t happening before modern medicine made it possible.
What I would do if I was born 1000 years ago
Also: archive.org/details/blacksea0000asch_e4l7/mode/1up
it's part of the "community" (hate that word) because it's outside the norm of what is expected of people, that's all, really isn't a big deal
Gays can have sex in public and in front of kids and not get arrested also people who speak against this (gays included) get called bigots and homophobic.
>Hatecrimes against homosexuals have increased by 50% over the past year
>Hatecrimes against trans people have increased by 100% over the last year
>The main perpetrator are politically motivated by the right wing zoomers
>The main driver for this increase is considered to be the rise of right wing content on tiktok and other social media

Everythings fine guys, were totally not fucked
Maybe becasue the lgbt community seems to advocate for degeneracy? Those in the lgbt community who call it out get shunned and called pick mes or grifters.
Wrong? Pride just happened. Every major city had this bullshit happening.
>Endorse anorexia
>Thet starves to death
>Endorse trannysm
>They are given hope to conquer gender dysphoria and don't kill themselves
>People do something I don't like to their own bodies
>That's why I must beat them up and send them right into the hospital
Sure, good justification for assaulting other people

I hope so much you get shot by a black guy because you dared to say nigga. You deserve your own medicine
>heterosexual kid
Funny how you think they exist, but queer kids don't.
>no awareness that is heterosexual until it goes through puberty and has its first hormone rush and gets a boner while looking at a girl
That's a lie, unfortunately. Kids have romantic interests and crushes long before puberty.
>it had be influenced somehow because kids can't think about this stuff
So you're telling me that all the heterosexuality displayed for children in media and culture is an external influence on kid's sexuality and it should not be there?
So we should not only ban any kid content that displays heterosexuality, but also forbid children from attending church where this influence take place?
That's a hyperbolic lie, though.
You don't transition a boy because he likes dolls.
There's a difference between liking dolls and pursuing femininity in every action everyday for years
You're not talking about a boy who plays with dolls, you're talking about a boy who cries himself to sleep everyday wishing he would wake up as a girl. A boy who takes every opportunity to dress like a girl behind his parent's back. A boy who wants to let his hair grow and role play as a girl in every play. A boy who adamantly refuses all that is masculine while embracing all that is female
That may be a trans kid
The Church is mostly irrelevant, your ideology is forced on people by the actual powerful institutions.
He isn't a groomer, but you're far from having kids best interests at your heart, when you talk about them as these completely asexual agendered beings until suddenly at puberty everything changes.
That's not accurate to reality, where a kid's identity and sexuality will grow and mature with all the other aspects of their selves throughout years of development.
In no point that implies you aren't forbidden to interact with a child sexually.
>The Church is mostly irrelevant,
No it isn't. It has millions of followers. It has actual lobby influence over congress and the executive power. Politicians walk side by side with church
Your mere implication that churches don't have power shows us how uneducated and obtuse you are on these topics
You accuse "pro LGBT" institutions of having "real power" while ignoring one of the most powerful institutions of history that to this day preaches condemnation for LGBT people to children.
And how much would I bet that you were one of these children
>the lgbt community seems to advocate for degeneracy?
We advocate for freedom.
Unfortunately we live in a society that thinks two people loving each other to be "degenerate"
The real degeneracy is the hate in your heart, even if it's self hatred
>sex in public and in front of kids
That's a lie.
You're not being called a bigot for criticizing the community, but for using lies and misinformation to spark more outrage against us.
If you can prove someone had sex in from of children, wherever it was, you can prove they committed a crime and you should report to the authorities
But all you have is fake news
Why you hate that word?
It's not idpol garbage for those who don't hate queers.
You should be honest and say "stop putting queers in my games"
You can double down on the honesty and say "they awaken feelings I've been trying to suppress for so long"
>don't give a shit about politics
>Still declares his political alignment
The worst part of talking to someone disingenuous. You say one thing while doing the opposite
Churches have zero power in most of the West, the OP image is not from America In most of the West government, corporations and the entire media establishment shove progressivism down peoples throats and use violence on anybody who resists. Your entire ideology is just a Trojan horse for more government, the collaborators promoting it should be held accountable.
>My hateful views of queer children are as mathematical facts
Houdy mr. Conservacuck
>If you object to corporations pushing ideologies on your hobby you're a bigoted repressor

Bootlicking scumbag. Stop projecting your mental issues onto normal people.
why are people speaking as if they were never once kids
>Gay and tranny are two very different things.
The hate they get from people is very similar though. A nod to the most important traditional of all: the oppression of minorities.
The drugs given to trans youth in puberty is aimed to prevent the greater harm of a trans kid seeing their body undergo a bodily transformation that, for that kid, equals their worst nightmare. The damage of the wrong puberty will last their entire lives. And the benefits of early transition will be plentiful
because of how it's used, I am not in a community with all other people of the same demographics that include me
there are communities of people, sometimes even gay communities of people, there isn't a gay community though, that's not a thing
Way to reveal your age when the thing you're worried about the most is trannies on your games. Are you sure you're old enough to vote?
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>Churches have zero power
Right, the power is in the millions of church goer's hands,who get their viewpoint from, guess what, churches.
You ignore the powerful institutions that agree with your ethos, so you can pretend to be the actual victims but the reality is that you're still on the oppressor's side
>corporations and the entire media establishment shove progressivism down peoples throats
A flag hanging out isn't being shoved in your throat.
A preacher telling people that who disagrees with him will go to hell, that's what throat shoving is like.
You just harbor hate in your heart for LGBT people and anytime you see anything LGBT related, you feel violated
But the reality is that you violate LGBT people with your hate like you're doing now, coming to an LGBT board to spill your poison
>the entire media establishment
How is that possible when there are media outlets who thrive with homophobia and conservatism?
>A trojan horse for more government
Said the person who thinks the government should regulate people's love life
>corporations pushing ideologies
You see a queer person, and you don't see a human, just an "idea" that you oppose
And you still try to convince others that the problem is us existing, and not whatever troubled storm going on in your mind
based, our agenda is working
>normal people
You're so far from that, which is probably what you fear the most. How much like us you are in the end
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Except when there being such a thing as one would fit your narrative, right?
>I am not in a community with all other people of the same demographics that include me
I beg to differ. I think you're part of several communities that indirectly include you, but none of them put you on the front lines of inflammatory culture wars, so you don't care about them as much
The people who use "community" against you are not the same people inside the community
>Who is Rupert Murdoch?

The biggest media and news outlets around the world, fox news in the US, Sun in the UK, Bild in Germany, Kronenzeitung in Austria, sky news in Australia, etc. are consistently right wing.
i was a trans child, and I could not transition until 18 because of controlling parents (no not even DIY).

Yeah I think most legbutt people just wanna be left alone and do their thing, and most people are actually pretty live and let live and wouldn't care as long as you left them and their kids alone. You fucked up though when some loudmouthed busybodies started trying to normalize and legislate
how the fuck can you be part of a community that only indirectly includes you? if you're part of a village community it means you're in some way interacting with that community
if you live underground in the area and have no interaction with that community then you're not part of it, it makes no sense to say you're part of a community simply because of demographics, I don't interact with any other vegans or take part in any vegan activism or do anything that involves me with veganism apart from be a vegan, what community does that make me a part of?
That's right we're not bitch this time we win
Well that's the weird thing. The government and liberal society can be more or less on our side, but people will disown their teen for being gay. Plus, it's easier to fly flags than to change laws.
They’re actually only being done by illegal brown migrants, but you still brought that on yourself by letting them in because you thought the enemy of your enemy would be your friend despite them screaming the contrary nonstop
The only reason why you have the freedom to marry your spouse is because some loudmouth started trying to normalize it decades ago.
It's not a fuck up, but an achievement
>and shit chevron.
what do you think the brown chevron is?
>how the fuck can you be part of a community that only indirectly includes you?
Simple. You belong to the community of [insert your nationality] and you share it with everyone in your country even if you don't spouse patriotic views.
The same goes for your [insert ethnicity here] or [insert religion] or even [insert your fandom]
I didn't choose to be a part of the atheist community, I never took part in any meeting or group or any activism for atheists. But even so, by merely stating I'm one, I'm automatically a part of the community. I can deny that, of course. But then I like to remember a striking remark:
"In the eyes of everyone except himself, he was seen as an atheist"
You can run your mouth and say you're not in the community, but most people inside and outside the community would disagree. You do with information what you will
>it makes no sense to say you're part of a community simply because of demographics
I beg to differ
>what community does that make me a part of?
The vegan one
>most people are actually pretty live and let live
except for the ones that shoot up gay bars, and the others that get elected to ban anyone being trans at their job.
America wants to pretend the country is full of libertarians but even the average one hates gays.

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