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I'm a 6'2 big-cocked man and my dear ftm, you don't understand what you are throwing yourself into.

Nowadays, if you don't look like you are fucking a model, being tall, well endowned, rich or etc won't help.

As a woman you can always go gay / butchmode and violated another girls orifices, but once you trans out you can't do it anymore.
Anything you do will be judged, and unless you get together with another ftm your life will be condemned to solitude.
>I'm a 6'2 big-cocked man
Are we twins

Anyway I also endorse this message, being a man is literally hell. Unless your dysphoria is utterly crippling the mental hell of being a man in the west in the year 2024 is overwhelming. Just stay as a woman, your life is so much easier in immeasurable ways.
You sound like a tranny
people troon out of necessity anon, no one wants to be trans
I wish I hadn't fucked my body on e for 3 years only to not pass, and I'd go back and tell my younger self not to do it, so idk.
Real men don't get jacked for the bitches. They do it for themselves, and the sheer catharticism of the strength itself. And only a dumbass would try to get jacked on anti-roids (estrogen).
What if I am already condemned to solitude and have nothing to lose or gain, no friends or social life regardless?
being 6'2" man with a big dick and having that sort of mentality is a little perplexing. Since it's usually only present in men that struggle with getting dates.
>be woman
>hate my life
>become man
>no longer hate my life
Why do you bitches want me to stay miserable so badly?
I'm ugly incel and a virgin
I was too until I got my first girlfriend, and even then I don't think she even loves me and barely even wants to see me now
Its easier to get neetbux asca girl
>be cis male
>understand and enjoy suffering because pain focuses you and drives you to become even stronger

i pray to be a strong qt boi
>I'm a 6'2 big-cocked man
how big
7.6 inches (19.3cm)
Why do people like you assume that everyone puts the same amount of value behind consequences as you? Of course I know men have less social capital than women, short dickless men even less. It doesn't matter to me. As a women you can get double digit suitors at a time, some ready to commit in a matter of weeks. Sexual access is trivial. None of it matters. 99% of them are wastes. When I look at you lot whining about how alone you are (and oftentimes for less time than I've been a voluntary shut in), how miserable you are for not being able to show emotion, I resent you. When you are born a woman, you are born into a perpetual customer service job for the rest of your life. What you do doesn't matter. Your only job is to smile and be pleasant. I don't care for this life and I want to opt-out.
im 3 years shut in. You can at least do custemer service jobs, men have to do some real work
nobody is stopping you from doing customer service jobs big boy
>3 years shut in
Wow man, things must really suck for you huh? Me too. Get over yourself. 'Real work'. Life is governed by pareto principle, 80% of jobs, men's jobs, are nothing but societal lubricant for the top 20% to actually contribute to society. If you think you work a real job, you are almost certainly mistaken.
Be like her. wear manly clothes. Boymode !
It’s always the bitterhons
Before I pooned out, I was an ugly fat porn addicted virgin with no motivation to do anything because of crippling gender dysphoria. Men and women alike avoided me and treated me like a freak. Pooning out gave me a life. Testosterone allowed me to gain muscle, to grow a beard, to look decent. Watching my body change gave me thr motivation to improve my life. Now, I have friends, I have a job, I don't feel completely miserable looking at myself. I even have a loving girlfriend, who wouldn't have dated me if I wasn't ftm (she's st4t).
You only think being a man is terrible because you're a repper who is miserable as a man. But living as a man can be fantastic if you're someone who can truly benefit from the effects of testosterone. Life can be good.

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