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I think that I am not trans after all and that makes me sad.
Should you be happy? Most trannies are miserable
why? you should be happy idiot
why does that make you sad?
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IDK I felt like this for a year and when you spend so much energy and mind space on something only to just come back to square one you feel cheated out of winning something?

I'll probably feel trans again in a week or so.
This girls such a fucking babe
She isn't that hot.
would lick her feet
not as something sexual but like bet that would calm her down...
yes i'm autistic :(
Remember you don't need to be trans to troon out. Trooning has many other advantages, e.g. it makes your body much more desirable for many other men
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I want to fuck top left AND top right. Just when I thought I could repress those bi thoughts...
why do you think you're not trans?
why does that make you sad?

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