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I went from 320, to 170 in about a year, and apparently now everyone wants me? This whole time my years of endless isolation and rejection were just because nobody wanted to fuck a fat person???

The fuck?? Now everyone treats me kindly. They believe me and take my side on basically everything. And laugh at my shitty jokes.

And I'm tall too, I'm 6'2, and definitely non-passing. But yet somehow everyone wants my ass now. And it's just irritating how it wasn't my makeup, or how I dressed or my personality.

NOPE, just not fucking skinny enough, I guess all it took for people to treat me like a human was to not be fat. Fuck people honestly. I hate human beings so fucking much dude, y'all are full of complete shit!
you'll forget and become like them soon. sleep well!
maybe i should go back to anamaxxing…
Give it a year or so. You'll understand why non-fats hate the fats. It's a completely justified hatred to human ugliness
>I guess all it took for people to treat me like a human was to not be fat
i hate human beings too, since there are people who choose to be an eyesore when they could just lose weight
Sorry but fat people are just disgusting to look at and everybody knows it.
how did you lose that much weight?
Do fat people really think nobody notices how fat they are?
yeah fatmaxxing fetishists are full of greasy shit, skinny bodies will always be the ideal
Honestly its hard even looking at fat people, I understand why people dont like to socialize with them in general.
I hate fat people
please tell me how you lost that much weight that fast
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i lost 100 pounds from 240 to 140 in a year and all it got me was extended family saying i looked like my dad so i trooned out and stopped seeing them
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>I went from 320, to 170 in about a year
320 - 170 = 150lbs lost
1lb of fat is 3500 calories
150 x 3500 = 525,000
525,000 ÷ 365(days/year) = 1438 calories cut per day
Even accounting for water weight and muscle loss I'm calling utter bullshit on that. Even if you stretch "about" out to 6 fucking months all that means is you still maintained a rock steady -1000 calorie deficit for 18 months with zero breaks.
Congrats on the weight loss but run your numbers by yourself again.
Ive gone from 220 to 170 this year so i think its somewhat believable to do 100 pounds in a year. Especially if your tdee is in the 2000s and you exercise.
i gotta anamaxx
I went from 150 lbs to 95 lbs and no one cared. At least I can wear size 00 skinny jeans now.
That's cause you went from cute to ana
Unless you're real short
Is 5'7 real short
Yeah that's super ana, icky icky
At +300lbs, a 100cal deficit doesn't seem unreasonable when you're absolutely still going to be above 2000cal intake a day for awhile
Anon I get called a twink at 145lbs 5'8, 95lbs 5'7 is cancer patient tier
yea bcs fat ppl are disgusting retard its a spiritual and physical failure
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Yeah, same. Trooned out and in the process, shed my excess weight too. Went from a 270+ pound guy to a 165ish pound thing with smooth skin and titties. And look at that, night and day difference with how I'm treated across the board.
People don't like fat, ugly, miserable, sad. People DO like skinny, pretty, happy and confident. I can say that even without passing I changed for the better and people see it, and treat me far better for it.
Even when I boymode and wear baggy sweats, even when I put zero effort into my looks that day, I'm still treated far better now than I ever was when I was a fat, sad, depressed repressor loser. I was miserable and ugly on the inside, and it manifested on the outside. Now, I'm doing the opposite. So yeah, I'll agree, people naturally prefer healthier, more fit people. That said I'm damn near exclusively into chubby hairy men myself
Man I miss being skinny but I just can't get on top of my food addiction/comfort eating. This is good motivational fuel OP, thank you.
same here, lost half my body weight (wound up with ana but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and transitioned, the difference in how people treat me is like night and day and i know this shit is killing me from the inside out but i don't want to lose this
It's actually not hard to keep a 1500 calorie diet. Just never eat out and skip breakfast.
I unironically wish I could induce ana.
My therapist yelled at me for suggesting it was just as bad to be too skinny than fat so I screamed back about how hard it is to find clothes and how people treat you different for being fat. People who have never been fat will never fucking get it.

Just the simple fact of being under 180 pounds or so (either sex) puts you leaps and bounds above others as a viable sexual partner in America. Being normal weight in America is RARE. And the older Americans get, the fatter they get. Once they hit 40-50 or so, if they have a stable life and their basic needs and wants met, they just completely stop giving a fuck and become schlubs.

I personally hate hate hate fat and I would never even consider fucking a fat person. For me, solitude isn't just preferable to a fatty, it's vastly preferable. It's not that they're bad people, I am just simply not sexually attracted to them at all and would never want to hug or kiss them.
Yep it sucks same but losing weight got me to passing.
Now that I have that attention now aging terrifies me. I now look only 4 years older than I am before I lost the fat in my face from second puberty, so my cheekbones will clock me at mid 20’s. I never thought I’d be the Botox type of girl but here I am.

Getting skinny made me so fucking vain out of “self defense”, but if I’m honest it’s because of the love hate relationship with attention I get. Where I hate the fact I have to be skinny for kindness but love the special treatment as well.

Not to mention I’m not at all happy with my literal dream body… like if I’m bloated or gain any weight I hate myself can’t look in the mirror. Literally no winning it’s like I got what I always wanted via a monkeys paw

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