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When they come for us, nobody will defend us. We can fight back, and the official report will be that a pedophile committed suicide. Or we can just surrender, and there will be no report whatsoever.

How long do you think we have left? I give it 6 years.
the good ending, but seriously don't worry much fascist have a tendency to kill each other than us
holly shit that's a grim post. my plan is to flee to latin america if things get sketchy here idk
Holy shit get a grip
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>tfw /k/ommando
I do not understand the aversion to guns LGBT/queer/whatever has, you need to arm the fuck up if only so you can take one of those bastards with you if they try any funny shit. Marsha didn’t throw a brick at cops so you can just sit down like a cuck and take it.
>How long do you think we have left?

In England? 3, maximum.

Then they engineer it so no matter what we do, we commit a crime by existing then go to prison.
>Trvth Social Press Agency
>Local Pedophile Dies in Police-Involved Shooting
>By Hermokrates of Spokane
>PORTLAND, July 2, 2032 (TSPA) A suburban home was consumed in a raging inferno when a trans-identified man known to the community as a homosexual democrat pedophile fired at police officers serving a warrant for his arrest on charges of book possession, atheism, and perverting the natural order. No one was injured, but one police robot was slightly damaged by gunfire. Coroners later recovered the remains of the pedophile. The Portland Fire Department is still investigating the cause of the blaze.

I'm not saying I disagree with your decision, but nobody here said not to fight back. It's just that, the only thing that changes is do you get a news article or not.
I wonder if any country is safe at this point
>September 27th 2034
>The midwestern freehold is established when a fuck ton of rustbelters are violently forced and kicked out of their homes and towns, the rich rapidly try to gentrify the area but are repeatedly attacked by former residents aided by highly disgruntled and disillusioned groups from Appalachia which as been a mass squatters zone for more than 5 years

November 5th 2035 Hackers manage to break into the code for personal security drones owned by billionaires and politicians, chaos ensues as the robots either kill maim or kidnap multiple individuals, multiple uprisings in the major metropolitan areas happen 25% - 30% of rural Americans are disgruntled enough to join the second American revolution

The war ends up lasting a little over 2 years, millions die in the conflict, innocent people are rounded up and put to work in the fascist governments work camps, resent for the government and billionaires only lead to further more violent revolts its been more than a decade since Americas brain drain

Central and south America have been Fighting bloody Continental resistance against American occupation which consists of kidnapping people to slave away in lithium mines because people off the street are cheaper than robot manufacturing, the newly conquered American territory reaches down into Panama
October 1st the midwestern freehold is beaten into a bloody pulp by robotic humanoid military grade killing machine most go into hiding others flee to occupied Canada which is still trying to resist

The third world war looms over head up until the 2nd American revolution happens
The fascist remnants of the Old US government are hunted down across the globe by the new united nations the old one was disbanded during ww3 which started in 2031

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