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I don't get it.
>claims to be anti trans
>all "his" self inserts and mouthpieces are cute girls
What did they mean by this

Also reusing the pose in 2 out of 4 panels lol
i don't get the first three panels, or even the last panel, but i think the last panel is referencing the jewish practice of circumcision, and (rightfully) calling it mutilation
many such cases
card allegory used to represent gender by rank. first panel is a jack telling a queen he wants to transition. second panel shows that the jack is now rank-less but has grafted on things to represent a woman. third panel is queen calling rank changing (or gender transitioning) a cult about genital mutilation. last panel about how jews do circumcision which is the same thing. the ultimate point of the comic is that gender transitioning is a ploy from jews to spread their cult. it’s dumb but i think i got it right
jews get it now laugh
are they supposed to be playing card people?
the artist is obsessed withe the quuen of hearts thing in alice in wonderland
First person is FTM, you can see they have an eggplant picture over their crotch, second person is MtF because of the watermelons and peach.

It's just trying to depict surgical transition as nothing more than plain cutting, mutilation, with a paper-like flimsy facade over it.

This is then pointed out by the hero of the comic, our normal looking girl that Tetsuya self-inserts through, saying such a thing must be a cult, for how can they not recognize the obvious mutilation they experience, yet only focus on the insignificant paper pieces put over it?

Then she notices Jews practice circumcision, and the comic has been veering in an anti-Semitic direction for several months now, so it all ties together in like... a stone-toss n00ticer kind of way.

Also bonus points for the "transwoman" literally having ??breast augmentation?? and ??SRS?? but still having a full as beard lmao.
>Troon Bad
>Jew Bad
This makes them look like actual nazis tho...
I think if your ethnostate kills 35,000 civilians for fun, the nazi comparisons for criticising you are over.
The Israel issue is making leftists into rightists essentially
You can't go a thread without seeing some freak repeating misinformation or screeching incoherently about Palestine
Like with Trumpers it's so obvious you don't know what you're talking about, and that you can only communicate via nonsensical talking points. It's wild lmao
I don't support the "State of Israel" either but what I meant to say was that Ishida is just being anti-semitic. "Troon Bad" because "genital mutilation cult" just like "Da Joos!".
*jewishly wipes babies blood off hands*
>itz da joos
Who cares? They’re just islamics
Let’s use the Jew to wipe out Islam then take the Jew out after they’re done
this couldn't be a more obvious d/c if you'd started it with "hello my fellow goyim"
>arabs kill 400000 arabs for no reason
>leftards are silent
>jews kill 40000 arabs as retaliation in war
>leftards turn into rape apologists and start heiling hitler and call for global islamification
well for one thing, slavish open support for ISIS isn't the official policy of western governments
Like how Iran funds Hamas and Hezbollah? Or how Hamas itself is at roughly the same level of authoritarianism as Isis itself?
>isis is bad because they're slightly more islamic than hamas
>go hamas! go hamas!
I think it's funny how both fat left and far right people will depict us with full beards and no effort at all, like what the hell lol. It's horseshoe theory, this is like those racial caricature that are completely inaccurate. If they really want to draw an accurate tranny she should be built like a tall skinny twink with no facial hair and with frizzy hair and glasses and be borderline flat chested and wearing a lot of black
>I think it's funny how both fat left and far right people will depict us with full beards and no effort at all, like what the hell lol. It's horseshoe theory, this is like those racial caricature that are completely inaccurate
yes it's actually quite funny (not funny at all it's scary), essentially the left and right hold the same beliefs about gay/trans people just with opposite value judgements. So the right sees trans women as just crossdressing men who are destroying traditional society and are all probably evil communists who want to force everyone to wear pronoun pins, and that's a bad thing. While the left sees trans women in the exact same way, but it's a good thing.
I get it. And it’s true. Body mods of any kind should not be done on kids. I don’t think they should even pierce their ears as babies. They literally cannot consent
nobody is doing trans surgeries on kids
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>I don't get it.
They're comparing transgenderism to Judaism.
>the last panel is referencing the jewish practice of circumcision, and (rightfully) calling it mutilation
Oh it gets better. Ever heard of Metzitzah B’peh?
>western artstyle
> japanese name

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