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and post accompanying selfie, if ur brave enuf
why would i ever post the voice that makes me want to rip out my larynx?
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you sound like a 40yr old pedophile
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(this is what i look like in real btw)
yours is so good everyone can tell im a faggot
notable twang of cwc
i am a 24yo auto-pedophile
NOT boymoder voice >>>>:(
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what is cwc?
no way you sound like that azelf
p sure theyre calling you autistic (cwc is chris chan)
based if real
oh :(
thats what i sound like
Tempted to post selfie desu but held back
why do you sound like youre holding back an orgasm
ur lying
god i love 'strayans
u posted girlvoice in a thread specifically requesting boymoder voice u dumb freaking retard you don’t belong here
you look cute but you gotta start sounding cute man
annoying retard
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why does everyone have a better voice than me what the fuck
suifuel thread
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this thread is for BOYMODERS ONLY
this is my girlvoice btw
i just posted in /vtg/ but i guess i'll post here too since i am a boymoder afterall
https://voca.ro/18vYqTb8ERJ1 speaking
https://voca.ro/11m15NqmOGNC reciting
please let me know what you think!!
passoids kinda deserve the rope i’m gonna be honest
they have to monopolize every space with their insincere pity party because they are so desperate for attention and validation. they seem so empty.
they remind me of:
hi soph, i will tell you for the approximately 30000th time, i think your voice passes. i would advise you to no longer speak in your "boymoding voice" because i think it holds you back A LOT to have to revert to it all the time. the best practice is to always be practicing. as someone who's been voice training for a while, i can't even speak in my old "boy voice" anymore because it's been so long since i've used it. i think that could happen to you too, and i think that would be a good thing and would help you improve even more.
who in this thread do you consider a passoid? asking for a friend
most of them, and wouldn’t you know, it correlates with the ones whining about their man voice go figure
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pic rel is my selfie
imagine what a mane voice sounds like, and thats my voice so i dont even need to post a vocaroo
man's voice*
why does everyone sound at least slightly autistic
and that is NOT a selfie
everyone thinks im gay
I didn’t see there was a voice training gen, my bad boymoders. I’ll be on my way.
trender kike
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Yeah, pretty much
i hate this thread so much
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y'all are not committed to the boymoder lifestyle
you are all trenders.
you're right, i'm not committed to the boymoder lifestyle. i'm not a trender though. i boymode with the hope to someday girlmode. i boymode while gradually altering my appearance and my voice with the hope that it will some day be enough to start passing, and then start girlmoding. i don't want to boymode. i do it because im afraid people would stare at me if i started girlmoding and i don't want to be harassed.
to be clear, i know just about all women face some harassment, but i specifically mean harassment to do with transphobia.
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okie dokie i guess
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toughts. I have been told to raise my pitch.. should I?

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