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File: myboyfriendsback.jpg (439 KB, 865x1366)
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439 KB JPG
My boyfriend is richer than you, and we've traveled to more countries together than you ever will. Jealous?
not really. i dislike travelling its too stressful. have fun though where's next? :)
meh, the fact you feel the need to make this thread to make you feel better about yourself is sad tho
i hope youre a gay guy or a pooner bcuz if youre mtf, then im sorry to say this but your bf looks like he takes dick pike a champ when youre not home and moans like a girl when getting a blowjob
my bf is way more masculine than urs lmfao
this is damn fine bait. clean, simple and clearly effective. well done.
If you gave this nigga HRT he would be a Passoid
How rich is this nigga? Give me an annual income straight up. I probably make more than this fag, I make multiples of the median income in the richest part of the country.
i don’t need money to love my boyfriend
you do realize the guy in OP's pic is white, right?
Don't care. How much does your bitchboy make?
nigga doesn’t have anything to do with black or white, are you Racist?
But how much does this fag make, I need to know if I'm considered rich to a tranny
you're rich to some and poor to others.
That's true, but I need to know OP's bf's income to satisfy my insecurities and e-peen.
>She still didn't list his salary
He is clearly a poorfag bitch
Isn’t this a faceapp of that one Australian mtf everyone on this board hates
Ava or something
literally who.

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