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>June is over
>still no TERF AI app
will radfems ever deliver?
i can't wait til it starts clocking terfs
what about the renaining 0.15%?
what about their beloved, well-respected detransitioners?
Lol last I checked the ai algorithm they use for this is shit, chances are if you have long hair it'll think you're a woman
link to the AI?
he got clocked as a tranny by the same model
>heat emissions

You know just because I disagree with GC people doesn't mean I like to see them grifted.
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>I dont understand! Why does my app keep telling ME, that I'm trans
>I created this app yet it tells me I have masculine features like a *spits on the ground* tranny
>I look nothing like a tranny!
>I'm a rael bioloogical wooman!
Don't remember what it was called sorry, was like well over a month ago
Maybe it's "improved" since then but even if so you can't rely on an algorithm for this kinda stuff
there could not be a worse example of a person creating this app
self awareness in these women doesn't exist
why are 9/10 terfs incredibly masculine and ugly, and 1/10 terfs objectively very attractive
There are two types of TERF, by far the most common are cishons, they're angry that they don't pass and that awareness of trannies has raised the bar to pass. These aren't real terfs, they wouldn't care if they were less ugly. In the minority are truTerfs, they're terfs because they represent the peak of femininity and are dedicated to defending it from those who would try to claim its majesty
literally looks like a boymoding chvdjak.
Do you think that they're they bitter b.c. they're a repper or were they once a normie cisles that got mistaken for a tranny one too many times??

My theory is that the hot terfs lean towards the first one and the ugly terfs lean towards the latter. cf J.K. Rowling. Detransitioners are an exception ofc
Sorry troons but you can easily tell in real life
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>Women can't into technology
What?! No way.
males emit more heat
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They haven't yet programmed an AI that doesn't give false positives.
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I once had a trans-inclusionary radical feminist (TIRF?) get mad at me for saying sports are segregated because men are physically stronger/faster/more durable than women so she asked me to name one measurable thing men are better than women at so I said men produce more body heat and linked a research article and she said "this article is from the 2000's it's out of date" I hate feminists so much it's unreal
ok but did the study include any trans people because trans wmn are real wmn and so their body temp matters 2?

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