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Would you date a person who has to travel a lot for their job to many nice places and countries where they offers you to come with them. But while they're working during the day you have to spend time alone in a foreign city and can only enjoy their company in the evenings and maybe one or two extra vacation days before or after?
Also post letters
Not if I'm looking for love. It would make me feel like an escort more than someone in a relationship
mtf, sure. assuming i wasn’t currently nailed to my location for university i would have no problem needing to jump from country to country if it means i could spend time with the person i loved
No I'm too needy for that I wanna be with them all day long
Colleagues of mine do that, they bring their wife's with them and the wife's have a day out together while the men are doing their job
Why are hotel rooms so comfy? I want that vibe at home.
Because they are made for fucking
real. i love being in hotels generally. yes when you think about it it’s gross but there is something so enchanting about them
I need a visa for all of developed world :|
Lol trust me, when you've been on business trips so much that you are in like 4 different hotels within one month, you wouldn't be saying that anymore.
At my high time I couldn't see Hotel breakfast anymore...

But there are still some highlights from time to time, e.g. one 5 star hotel I get booked frequently, has a room service telephone above the bathtub, so you can order yourself dinner into the bathtub
No you just need to marry me :)
yeah, i guess i just like breaks from normalcy but for you that is normal. i hope you can find yourself a partner to make these trips more bearable.
Yeahh and still wait years for marriage citizenship
Lol I fucking miscounted. In that month I was referencing I was in 6 not 4, while getting sick in between. God this month was such a shitshow

But at least I was getting high in Amsterdam, drunk in Rome and mugged in Bukarest
it seems like an interesting life at least, travelling the world is the ambition of many, but i suppose most of them don’t want to do it by frantically going from hotel to hotel while having a day or 2 to enjoy whatever part of the country they ended up in. can i ask what you do and what type of person you’re looking for?
as someone who went through a similar situation, your friends don’t really care. you need to just go and be lowkey and just be yourself. if you overthink it and overdo it (force it) you’re just gonna regret it. they will see the real you if you simply relax and don’t take it so seriously. they’re not gonna fuck you, so who cares bc they already know you’re a tranny and desu they’ll most likely be pleasantly surprised by your appearance if you don’t try to look like a turbohon (forcing it). just do what you know you can do well and dress comfortably so you feel confident.
bro wtf how did i get here
they wouldn't take you anywhere tho. you would be bored housewife taking care of the house all day. i've seen it too many times.
>can i ask what you do
Very broadly speaking it's in the realm of international (mostly EU) politics (not party politics tho)
>what type of person you’re looking for?
I mean I don't expect to find a partner from a random 4chan thread, this was more some sanity check if the idea of getting a partner and taking them with me on those trips would be imaginable, or if I'm just a lunatic

But generally idk, someone I vibe with ig. Whatever this means I can only figure out on an individual basis
If I loved him yeah. Hopefully we could settle down somewhere eventually though.
Also some countries might not be safe for trannies to travel to. I wouldn’t wanna go through the airport scanner in Saudi Arabia lol

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