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Do you guys really want to look like this or is it just a meme that I'm not getting? Cause to me this is a pretty gross body
I want to fuck that, in which case i would probably last 3 seconds if she was on top of me
yeah looking like that would be nice, could you post an example of what you want to look like so i can see a comparison
AGP find this very hot and ideal. HSTS would rather die than go over 25 BMI.
What's gross abt it? the big tits or the pretty face? pretty lust-provoking image you may not be into girls?
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Like this
damn guess im agp now. sorry i never got the memo that being an anamoder was required
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my absolute ideal is thinner and smaller chest, but yes i'd kill, for her body
I want to look like Britney in her prime
The huge stomach and flabby arms
fair. i don’t see anything wrong with that body type. i guess i just want to be excessively feminine but your pic here probably ages better
honestly, i just want to look like something people could see being a woman
at least convincing enough that i can find one person who sees me like that loves me

i have no idealized self image, im lost and dont know what im doing
lucky bitch. yes i want to look that way.
Disgusting, 1 step away from a mobility scooter
I'm glad this type-hype never got foot on the ground
I’m actually pretty comfortable with my body I just want a bit more muscle and hopefully my boobs even out
so starve yourself to death then retarded anamoder, no one share your disgusting twisted vision of what is best to pass
If you cant keep your bmi under 25 you're just a lazy unhealthy fuck. Don't expect me to act like it's hot because it's not. Only other lazytards will say so to make themselves feel better
id like my body if my hips were shaped like a human being's and if my shoulders weren't too wide
>pretty gross body
wew an actual faggot on the lgbt board, finally
i lay in my bed all day and i struggle to intentionally become fat. there's nothing lazy about fatties, their hunger is simply infinite and no amount of exercise will save them from consequences of gluttony.
No one is talking about passing love
It's fucking simple, don't consume more calories than you burn.
Measure by body fat percentage not BMI. My body fat is 12%, I have visible abs, and my BMI is over 25 because most of that weight is muscle
keep lying to yourself
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I would love a tranny with that figure, but I much prefer some one slender like picrel
>but I much prefer
>the prettiest tranny of /tttt/
We all do lad, we all do...

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