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File: IMG_2734.jpg (92 KB, 828x828)
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Boyfriend 6’4, I’m 5’9. What anal sex positions are there where I can easily stimulate him (I care about maximizing his pleasure). Most of the doggy positions are difficult because he is too tall. Tried but reverse cowgirl but failed to move sufficiently. Please describe in detail what are the best anal positions, top gay and chaser descriptions preferred.

It also kinda wanna use the stuff on the picrel, can someone explain how can I integrate such stuff in sex. I’m hrt’ified weak ass low energy bottom tranny.
Put your wireless mouse inside his asshole and play League of legends
Missionary is your best bet. Put your legs into the air while he spreads his knees out far enough to be able to put his dick in.
>sucks at cowgirl
bro did you practice at home first?
prone bone
nice nails
I lowkey love missionary, he can get really deep in me and I love being able to leg lock him to let him know how good he's fucking me.

t. mtf tranny
Yes but I wanna try new things I don’t want to do the same thing alwaus
didn't read but that picture gives me tingles
The suicide position.
You tie a noise to the ceiling and kick a chair from under you make sure ur neck is being tightly held by the rope and ur feet aren't touching the floor. Faggot

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