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I finally had a tgirl top me. She could barely get hard and her dick tasted weird. Cis men are way better tops.
Honey cis men are better at everything
Idk what you meant by taste, girl dick tastes like guy dick, except that they produce less precum, so it's slightly less salty. But that's why I bring onions sauce anyway
If I wanna get fucked, I'll get a cis man.
If I wanna fuck, I'll get a cis woman.
You forgot
>I want an autistic dump about the Warhammer lore, I get a trans girl

And I'll take the tranny any time
more like
>I want the worst music recommendations possible, I get a trans girl
if i just want a gf ill get a ____?
You're supposed TO TOP a tgirl. Tgirls are supposed to be girls and girls get fucked. Gock is just a beautiful essence.

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