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do you think Elliot/Ellen secretly regrets their decision but knows they can't go back now because the backlash would be crazy
It would be funny if she goes full circle and turns back into a straight woman
Yes he doesn't look happy but he doesn't want to give TERFs another reason to bash us I respect him
id be unhappy too if I had that haircut
mentally ill women really shouldn't be mentally ill in public
No. Do you think?
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I actually don't think it looks half-bad IF its styled..
i don 't usually subscribe to the "ftm transition because of trauma" but i strongly believe it is the case for Elliot. also that face looks photoshopped i can't make sense of the angles
that is a different haircut she has a two-block undercut thing going on in OP
It's just grown out with better styling, watch them wake up with nothing in their hair and it'll look p much the samething.
He went from a her that was like a 5 at best to a sir that is like literally a 2 lol All ftms hate their no cock and he is a huge poster child of the right so even more hate, but regret? Maybe, doubt it tho.

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