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>be me
>acquire scholarship in high school to attend Harvard for neuroscience and mathematics
>constantly get shit on by faculty and research directors for being le intern
>tfw smarter than literally all of them
>sperg out and seduce chaser research director always complimenting me on my hair/outfits
>get him to steal unused but highly volatile and safeguarded materials from the project we're both working on
>some faggot snitches
>both the chaser and I are charged with serious offenses for appropriating materials
>lack of physical evidence, positive character witnesses, and a good ass lawyer save my ass while chaser goes to prison for half a decade
>mfw he's getting out on bail next week
>mfw we're both still blacklisted from academia to this day despite my charges getting dismissed
>mfw i'm still using the appropriated materials to singlehandedly change the world and our understanding of human consciousness as we know it
stay on the lookout and remember this post, anons. within the next decade you'll hear about my name on the news in a manner that rightfully gives me the credit i've deserved this entire time. you'll be proud to have been there the day it was announced. i'm worried about the chaser coming back after me though and trying to put me through the wringer, legally speaking. does he have any basis? is there anything I can preemptively do so he can't fuck me over when i'm standing at the precipice of a technological and neuroscientific revolution here?!?!
i bet you aren't even well read on friston's works
You stole nixon's brain didnt you
tell me more about what you are discovering
the free energy principle was literally foundational to the design of my current project. my device uses advanced software to predict neural activity and provide real-time feedback, enhancing the brain's predictive coding capabilities. it helps minimize prediction errors and stabilize cognitive function
how did you become so smart? i want to be less retarded
how are you accounting for the role the cerebellum has in mediating type 2 thinking?
This never happened
…Joshua Taylor?? Is that you??

SOVLfvl larp
We need more like this instead of the usual trash
my device is designed to monitor and provide feedback on neural activity across the entire brain, including the cerebellum. it analyzes the connectivity between the cerebellum and the prefrontal cortex, enhancing predictive accuracy and cognitive stability. by integrating adaptive feedback mechanisms that consider the cerebellum’s activity, it optimizes both automatic and complex thinking processes. there's more to it than just this, obviously, but i've been working on this design for about four and a half years now.
What is the software like? How do you handle chemical signaling such as the gabaergic system?
no i'm not that much of a degen
>What is the software like? How do you handle chemical signaling such as the gabaergic system?
the software uses a combination of python and matlab for neural signal processing and machine learning algorithms. i use libraries like tensorflow and keras for deep learning models to predict and analyze neural activity in real-time. for real-time data acquisition and processing, I just use tools like labview and simulink. for chemical signaling like the gabaergic system, the software indirectly interacts with neurotransmitter systems. by monitoring patterns of neural activity, it can infer changes in neurotransmitter levels and adjust feedback mechanisms accordingly. this ends up helping stabilize neural activity and optimize cognitive functions. it also uses biofeedback loops that consider the influence of GABA on neural inhibition, enhancing overall brain stability and reducing excitotoxicity
No you haven't, I actually know about this shit and this was obviously written by chatgpt, you poser. If you understood how the cerebellum functions in terms of mediating free energy I might actually have believed you.
i get it, skepticism is fair. here’s a bit more detail: the cerebellum contributes to predictive coding by fine-tuning motor commands and cognitive predictions, essentially acting as a feedback control system. in terms of free energy, it helps minimize prediction errors by continuously adjusting predictions based on sensory input and internal models. my software models this by incorporating cerebellar activity into the overall predictive coding framework. it uses machine learning to adjust the feedback loops in real-time, ensuring that both motor and cognitive functions are optimized

the words you use are not the words someone familiar with this would use, sorry that you're a brainhon
an addiction to amphetamines and a need to prove myself from a very young age
i'm trying to explain advanced concepts in a generalized way to a board filled with nonpassoid sissy hypno chucks. if you wanna talk more about it in private send me your discord
NTA but it’s kinda funny how this post achieves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Most industry experts write more insightful paragraphs than this
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What kinds of materials did you steal exactly
that sounds like a weird excuse when someone in your thread is trying to grill you directly on your knowledge. what, you can't bring yourself to say jargon here?
nice try feds

you gotta go back to pol this is really sad how do you have 9??
I dunno how you think you’d get traced just by saying what you took
in academic and research environments, even small details can be pieced together to trace back to specific incidents or individuals. i'm not sure why that's hard to grasp
But you were cleared of it you’re not gonna get prosecuted
because of lack of evidence and good luck essentially. what happens if some faggot puts the dots together and reports me? i'm not going to survive in a men's prison. the details of my case aren't private, but the specifics of the missing materials' list is
you should not have posted this. delete it and leave the thread
But now you’ve got double jeopardy so you can’t be tried twice for the same crime. So give us the details you larper.
plausible deniability
>sperg out and seduce chaser research director always complimenting me on my hair/outfits
did you let him hit it?
wanna be my supercool scientist girlfriend?
>someone tries to start a larp over complex sciencebabble
>another troon on here actually knows about it and the thread immediately dies
stay winning sisters

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