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>have my cool friends on the computer
>we all try to meet up irl once every year or two
>didn't go last year
>started hormones instead
>they're all very supportive and etc.
>surely by the time the next year rolls around i'll be okay
>it's almost time
>only had effective levels for 9 months
>couldn't do laser right away because of unexpected money issues
>still have slight shadow after my 5 sessions
>every time i try to put makeup on to cover it i look like a ghoul
>it hurts my upper lip too because i try to scrape it raw every morning
>it's never enough
>nobody around to help me
>the time is looming soon
>i'm already committed to going
>can't avoid this
>know i'm going to have to sit there and look like some wretched disgusting gorilla to them for nearly a week straight
Why? Why is time so cruel? What can I do to avoid this? I'm not even going to look like a hon, I'm going to look like a complete freak, they aren't going to be able to ignore the fact that I have visible shadow. Nothing else matters but that. There's something wrong with my face, it's impossible to cover, every time I try to put on a full face I end up looking even worse somehow and want to cry.
have you told this story before? it sounds familiar. did you do anything to actually improve your situation? maybe just pretend to be sick?
If they're cool they'll enjoy seeing you. I love my friends for the people they are, not whether I find them physically attractive or whatever. I'm sure you look much better than you think anyway. I hope you enjoy seeing them.
If after 5 sessions you still have shadows then change your clinic idiot
no this is the first time i'm talking about this. i can't pretend to be sick though, i've already paid my share.

I guess, it's just really hard dealing with the idea that I'm going to go there and actually look like one of the people posted here to be ridiculed, I just can't stand the idea of being seen and known to be trans and still having facial hair.

??? I thought that it was normal to have shadow up until like session 6. Mine is barely visible at this point but I had like a full beard before. They set the power up every time I'm there and it's really painful so I don't know if there's anything wrong there.
uhhhh consider learning about color correcting make up, and buying more expensive brands... get a good concealer and base, try different products in the store and see how they dry on your skin
Lol just cut your hair
No you fucking idiot at the first session you must literally cry your eyes out anything less os bullshit
Please 41% yourself you're too stupid to be a tranny
i do cry every time i go there.....

idk if there's enough time, and i have barely any money left
Then why do you still have shadows, have you tried waxing?
everything i've read here and elsewhere says that shadows aren't expected to go away completely until the 6th to 8th session so i don't know where you're coming from and i don't know where you're going with waxing because you can't do that while doing laser
>i've already paid my share
well how much do you value your self-image?
You can do whatever you want what I did was that after every session(2 or 3 days after each on) I would wax my face and and then shave when they came back before next session(40 days between each session) waxing harms the follicles. Good luck with your party anon
i try not to post too much but seriously try to use this website less. your friends are your friends, theyre not like the vile userbase of this website, theyre gonna see u and see their friend and nothing else matters to them beyond that. youre gonna probably have a fun day if u stop hyperfocusing on things that dont matter, just do your best in a healthy way and try to have fun. then next year do it again and so on and so forth. your face is fine, and youre okay, just try to stop focusing on all of those things so much and just try and have fun
how long does a wax last?
Hate to be that guy but you have a dedicated group of friends so it's not as bad as you think
I don't what your hrt recipe is. The truth that e doesn't do much when it comes to body hair it's the testosterone that matters and the strongest anti androgen out there is cyproterone and if you combine it with dut you get the best results but any way waxing should last about two weeks
Wax it. You can get a decent kit on amazon for around $40-50. Alternatively just go at it with tweezers. Time consuming but works. Tweezerman are the main brand worth buying.
Hi sis let me help you!
First off you need to look into hydroquinone cream, rx strength if you want the shadow to be gone fast.
If you have a few weeks, try tranexamic and azeleic acid together, and also a good vitC serum.
The 'shadow' is not from the hairs but the skin being pigmented from irritation (either melasma, or hyperpigmentation) via shaving often or the laser.
If the hair grows back too fast then get it waxed. But after 5 sessions they should be growing back either very slowly or just a small amount.
Good luck
my T was at 19 pg/ml last i checked so i think i'm fine there

I only have a few days until I have to go but I might go to a place to get it waxed then, I don't trust myself to do it. Does it really last for two weeks? Can it fuck your skin up? I'm worried about trying it and finding out my skin is damaged and I'll have to go with red marks or irritation all over instead, since that would be humiliating.
wear a fucking face mask and say youre sick as an excuse... or tell the truth, as you wish.

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