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hrt at 18/19 is barely different from hrt at 35
You get 16/17 extra years of being yourself
True, I have seen many late shits that still managed to become passoids. Tho 35 is very late, but a lot of mid to late 20s make it
I will not change your mind because I basically agree. The only passing trannies I have ever met did self inflicted testicle destruction at age 12/13
you get more feminization time so you will see whatever results you get for longer
nah. had you said barely different than HRT at 25 i'd have maybe agreed, anecdotally among the people i know there isn't really a difference between those who started late teens and those who started a few years later. however compared with the people i've known who started in their 30s it's night and day. men don't just stop masculinising once puberty is done, you can still get fucked over in a lot of ways. further facial masculinisation, upper body expanding, hair loss (the longer you've been balding for the less of a chance there is that HRT will reverse it), etc. it's not pretty. if you were able to transition in young adulthood or before you should feel fortunate, i know i do.
should have done this instead. sadly doctors gave me some psyop meds with penis enlarging and retardation as side effects because I couldn't pee lol.
my 33 year old honass would like a talk with you
to say what
ur not wrong soph
t. hrt at 18 & was called sir 2 weeks after my mardirossian ffs
underage begone
>hrt at 18 & was called sir 2 weeks after my mardirossian ffs
are you me from the future?
E tends to be much less effective after decades of t. I started at 39 and hrt basically has done nothing in 4.5y. Absolutely failed transition here
you will be if you don’t change your legal documents and drivers license gender recognition
how long was the wait after the consult, and when did you get surgery?
6-7 months
and my surgery was in april of 2024
thanks for letting me know, i will be detransing and trying again in 15 years
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It’s useless for most western anons since their puberties are so much stronger and earlier that by 14 many look like how 18 year old men in 1924 did.
But the people who aren’t can genuinely benefit. Especially if their goal is femboy moding rather than pretending to be women. They can often do about as well as the aforementioned western midshits.
TLDR: people who have had late/weak puberties can benefit
> who have had late/weak puberties can benefit
But don’t expect them to call themselves women. It’s much better off if they femboy mode and if male failing happens to roll with it .
ok thanks
its gonna be a while then ig
im probably never gonna get to start girlmoding :(
I think it's reasonably true, maybe not 35 but yeah. I was decently masculinized by the time I was like 14 or 15 and the damage was done by then. When I look at old pictures I look way girlier now than when I was a 14 year old boy with shoulder length hair
I think I'm probably closer to Cluster A even though I'm a lateshit, before I transitioned people thought I was way younger and I even malefailed a couple of times pre-HRT and presenting male when I was 27. I also have a shorter midface and a high digit ratio and I had tiny boobs and wider hips pre-HRT and I'm bi but way more into men.
>But don’t expect them to call themselves women. It’s much better off if they femboy mode and if male failing happens to roll with it .
That's exactly what I did, I wore a sports bra and made sure my boobs weren't that visible and just presented as a pretty man with nice hair and a little bit of natural makeup and stuff. I wanted to be seen as a woman but I didn't want to be cringe, so when people started thinking I was a girl I just went with it and responded to it and when it got extremely consistent I just outed myself and presented female. It's way better to look like a prettyboy than to look like a hon, people were super nice to me during that period

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