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malevolent transsexual faggot general
last episode >>36374992
who are you voting for bongers
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qott: would you get in the jar?
yes desu
for pity's sake
Would you get into the fag bag
my gf is such an angel I can't wait to have a car so I can see her all the time and see her smile and play with the cat she's going to adopt soon and maybe even move in with her soon who knows life is good
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ur gf is plotting against you
she DMs me saying that ur a nerd and if she knew you in highschool you woulda been shoved in lockers by her
watch out
sorry anon you will hate me for this, but i just cant jive with gun control or punishing people for working hard by raising their taxes
I'm so cooked
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big ed
Just wait until mono goes to work and write it all out
tactical vote?
yeh but i also appreciate them being the most pro-tranny party
are they? I thought they did not think too fondly of the gays at least, and the greens seem to be pretty good on trans stuff, snp somewhat good sometimes too
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fucking kill all redditors

>making a thread with a trip on
it was by accident
navy can you please at least tell gremlin if you're coming on thread/flirting with people. please
nice spoilers anon
thread w trip on -____-
>making a thread with a trip on
but now we know who makes the dogshit threads without the full OP
please tell gremlin because if she finds out and you're not who tells her you're going to kill her
im sorry it was an accident i usually drop trip to toast bread ;_;
whats bad about making thread with trip on anyways
paige does this too
plus like be real no one who actually posts here uses any of the links in the op
>thread with trip on
its there for newfags so they don't have to read the bile we post
>I thought they did not think too fondly of the gays at least
A leader of theirs a few years back was this religious guy tht actually got ousted by the party because of it when his views became more clear. Ed Davey is the only 1 of the current main parties who answered "yes they can" when the media went crazy about asking if women can have penises and lib dem are the only main party tht are calling the cass review bullshit
> and the greens seem to be pretty good on trans stuff
they had a lot of members that were terfs but there was a big culling so it might be good now, i jus think they're kind of a meme and wouldn't vote for them anyway
>snp somewhat good sometimes too
mebbe but im not scottish sooo
these people have autism, so like you can be into all kinds of sus activities, but you better NOT make a spelling error or start an op with trip on because that's verboten!
you drop in case people filter so they can still see OP
also just aesthetically superior when OP is very sleek and minimalist
just dont be a shit trip lol
>every anon is navy
yes that is why i leave out the one million links that no one ever looks at
i made sure to drop trip in the old thread when linking this thread i just forgot to drop trip when making thread
am i a shit trip anon
Every anon isn't navy but she does still post here, she's posted in this thread.
Trip on gremlin
i can tell when it's her and also screenshots of her flirting with chicks have been posted. someone is going to tell gremlin eventually.
never ask anon if you’re shit
People say I sound like navy so it might have been me
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oh man sorry i keep forgetting about that :(((
i will not post any more screenshot from elden ring dlc just to be safe

no, it was either accidental, or done accidentally. saying it was "by accident" makes u sound like a retard or a wigger

yeh the effort OP also has pastebins which have been used to post doxes before and i cba to check every time
i seek only the truth....
>no, it was either accidental, or done accidentally. saying it was "by accident" makes u sound like a retard or a wigger
things for the grammar lesson paige ill be sure to disregard this information at the soonest possible opportunity
>retard or wigger
what are you talking about
That is Paul not gremlin though gremlin and navy both still post.
>gremlin still posts
wait really....
i miss her
good point maiq, wiggers ARE retards. should've just said retards, i was being redundant and repeating myself
First of all nobody tells me what to do, that's cancerous and controlling. Secondly making a few cute semi flirty posts is not a massive betrayal. We are poly and by all rights I could straight up date or fuck others if I want to. I don't do this because I'm old and lazy, but I could. I try not to post but I get bored sometimes and toss a couple out there. Send it to me in a dm if you want to talk about it, posting it here is just drama stirring and makes me question your motives anon.
does linedin lock you out of viewing people's profiles if you look the same profile too many times
that’s not how you get it
“by accident” or “on accident” are perfectly legitimate expressions
>I could
as long as you're sure she won't be upset.
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beginning of week
end of week?
Yea true who like tall dark handsome fit transgirl tops with lots of money. I'm.sure some people would if very desperate...
She'd be upset but we'd talk it out. She wouldn't kill herself over a couple mtfg posts where I tease anya and chesh like I've done for years now :p
mid week because that's when I started and I'm too lazy to shift days because I dont want to redo my google calendar reminder
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>“by accident” or “on accident” are perfectly legitimate expressions
no they absolutely are not, unless you're speaking aave or something
also did you see the siren?

i do my injections on saturdays
normally a day where i don't have a lot of pressure to do other things, so it's easier to get myself to do it
it's mostly the participating in kat drama stuff. i think she would appreciate it if you disclosed just because she would appreciate your openness.
>I could straight up date or fuck others if I want to.
Would she be upset but you'd "talk it out" about that too??

Take choline.
>i just cant jive with gun control or punishing people for working hard by raising their taxes
republicans do not care any more about this. they are trying to seize the state and turn it into corpofasicsm, you think they're gonna maintain these civil rights pet projects once elections stop mattering at all?
also they literally already raise taxes. trump raised classes on everyone who isn't a multimillionaire and called it a tax cut
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oh no... not like this...
thank you
i take mine at the end of the week (sunday) because i get grumpy by the time it starts to wear off. so being fully 'charged' for the start of the week helps me
Be nice to each other pls.
democrats and republicans provide america with competing visions of how inclusive we want our corporate fascist future to be
voting democrat matters because their fascism relies a lot more on hiding and pretending to care and going slow, so they let the status quo go on a bit longer
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Eh I saw someone suffering like I did and I couldn't help but feel I should talk to her. True it got me involved more than I should but I'd feel awful not trying to help someone I thought needed it.
Google poly
Handsome feller
whew just started Shadow of the erdtree
mfing bitch ass lion king mufasa looking ass ain't SHIT
edit in some actual power up noises or go home
you didnt even sound like it was your final form...
Anyway not posting anymore you """people""" like drama too much. Get a job or a hobby lol
wait can u be my friend idk who u are
looks really cool
i just hope you're right that it will be okay.
Could use some input. I'm in the military and transitioning through the in-service transitioning program. Pretty much, you start hormones and get waivers for certain things like hair, facilities, and fitness - but for the first year you're still considered male in the system. Then at 1 year year you flip to female. In the grand scope, this means you don't need waivers anymore and can just be you.

I got my uniform/hair and fitness waivers (thank fuck on the latter one, my stamina ate shit) but declined to get facilities waivers because I felt U comfortable going into the women's room as a hairy ass dude with slightly out of regs hair.

I'm coming up on a year now which means I'm about to flip over to F across the board and... I'm still not incredibly comfortable with the idea of going in the women's room. I have longer hair now and noticeable boobs (but alas, the uniform is VERY flattering), but to me I still look like a dude. It makes me uncomfortable, and I'm sure this would make other women uncomfortable which doubles my discomfort cuz I don't want to do that to someone. The crux of my anxiety is that after unit workouts, I don't have enough time to drive home to shower. Showering with the dudes I've been showing with for the past year has only been mildly awkward (one only realized TODAY that I should be ma'am after seeing me with my top off) - but I can't even wrap my head around showering with the women.

It makes me feel incredibly fake. Like, after working my way up to this point, I can't just ask my Commander to let me keep using the men's room. But I can't quit - HRT has given me my capacity for emotions back after decades and that's fucking priceless to me. I feel like I don't belong anywhere.
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anybody in maine tryna do fent percs and meth and die together woof i got discord
im in southern new england but occaisonally am in central maine to see family
disc is omewette if u want it

I'm just not sure how to frame it in a way that doesn't make me sound batshit to a cis person who is probably only tolerating my existence because EO would run them up the flagpole otherwise. I remember how leadership got when orange-man gave them the greenlight - lots of really """nice""" officers suddenly didn't want anything to do with you and the "closed doors conversations" I heard as an ostensibly cis person at the time were mortifying. (Wishing literal death in one circumstance)

Hey Colonel, I know I've been adding a lot of paperwork to your plate greenlighting me doing stuff like grow my hair out and be barely deployable... and now I am authorized to do all that stuff without your intervention... but could you pretty please roll back this one specific issue and let me shower with the boys again? I promise my blossoming bosom won't make any of them weird about all this.

Yea that'll fucking roll over well. Eugh.
dead cope thread
does anyone know any good horror/guro yuri vns? im just about done with the one im playing rn
>good horror/guro vns
yes actually
>no that's totally fine if you want to get permission to still shower with the other guys
ugh i want to join the military now
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>make joke about seeing boobs on CCTV
>mom orders me bras same day
thanks mom
Can you phrase it like being about not wanting to scare the women or something?
My town used to see monarch migrations every year and it just occurred to me that it hasn't happened in like 10 years :(

climate change is so mean
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made steak frites with au juis for dinner marinated the steak in ghee thyme and pepper for two hrs
it's pathetic how you think you're being smart
>Hey Colonel, I know I've been adding a lot of paperwork to your plate greenlighting me doing stuff like grow my hair out and be barely deployable... and now I am authorized to do all that stuff without your intervention... but could you pretty please roll back this one specific issue and let me shower with the boys again? I promise my blossoming bosom won't make any of them weird about all this.
why not leave the army? it sounds like you hate it


i mean ill take the rec even if theyre not yuri but will prob be lower priority on my list of stuff to play
im a creep im a weirdo what the hell am i doing here
my main motivation to get a higher paying job is so i can eat out at restaurants every day
im a real fat cunt

learn how to cook
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i’m 23…
gore screaming show is the classic rec, but i’ll assume you’ve already at least heard of it. nie no hakoniwa came out this year and it’s decent imo

I'm planning on it actually. I have 3 years left on my current contract. Took the hook one last time because they offered to a) retrain me into cybersecurity, b) pay for my transition, and c) give me a $100k reenlistment bonus. I took the bonus, gave the GI bill to my kid in the same contract, and immediately started hoovering up cybersecurity certifications and working on my degree while retraining. My mentor got out last year taking a $400k offer from a bank downtown. I plan on following in his footsteps.

USAF btw so the culture is a little more tolerable. But still big suck. They're dangling a promotion to Master Sergeant to try to retain me longer but fuuuuuck that noise, I've never met a MSgt whose job I wanted.
and ur mommy still buys or clothes? lol
>a) retrain me into cybersecurity, b) pay for my transition
>give me a $100k reenlistment bonus
holy shit wtf
>ywn be a cute gay god with a loving boyfriend who makes straight guys seethe
>gay couple in videogame
>one is a brainwashing rapist
>the other is their victim
what did they mean?

Oh yea. 1B4X1, Cyber Warfare Operations, has the highest bonus of all reenlistment bonuses. We also get special duty pay and capability pay. All my bonuses together add up to more money than non-cyber/non-pilot officers get. The enlisted side of the house has huge retention issues (something like 70% of cyber enlisted get out in one contract) because corporations and contracting companies offer several multiples more than what the DoD can offer with 10% of the bullshit (no chain of command, no deployments/TDYs, no fitness tests, no having someone stare at your junk while you piss in a cup, no boomer officers calling cyber operations "cyber sorties" and insisting on applying pilot lingo to everything, I could go on and on and on)

Enlisting is a shit move overall that I would only recommend to someone who doesn't have many other choices. But if you do, going cyber or another skilled non-combat field is 100% THE play.
radahn isn't a victim, he willingly wanted to be with miquella
don't listen to the straightoid redditbro cope over their heccin wholesome boi got raped by le ebil shota
radahn wanted to bang miquella and vowed to do it

how many women are in cyber warfare operations doing what you do, that aren't transwomen?
How is Navy rich? As rich as mongo or?
Also is Navy identifying as a man now or as a woman honestly asking I don't get the pronoun situation?

And lastly if Navy is a top why are there these pics of Navy having sex with a male chaser and being submissive aka sucking dick and giving up bootyhole that sometimes get posted here? Thank you lore-lords.
>how many women are in cyber warfare operations doing what you do, that aren't transwomen?
paige can u stop seething for once in ur life
ur not owning le transwomen ur just making urself look pathetic and bitter
which tbf you are but you could do a better job of hiding it
It's definitely a male dominated field, but there's plenty of cis women here. I'd say the ratio is a out 1:5 by my reckoning. There's no barriers to promotion either - I see a lot of women in leadership because CWO really cares about skill first. My current Flight Commander and Squadrin Commander are both women.

I should also note there is a pretty huge presence of trans women. In my squadron of ~100, I know 10 - including 2 that are in active leadership roles. So the AFSC is pretty inclusive - again because of the "skill first" mentality.

That SHOULD ease my anxiety, but anxiety is an illogical bitch. I've been considering grabbing my director(trans) or Flight Commander (good working relationship) and having them stick with me the first few times at least. I just got into a huge argument with my leadership today tho (told my supervisor that his decision on something was bullshit in front of 30ish officers and NCOs) which caused a lot of my anxiety to boil over.

Pheh, rambling.
care to extrapolate? it's not seething, i was genuinely curious what the ratio is like
>I should also note there is a pretty huge presence of trans women. In my squadron of ~100, I know 10 - including 2 that are in active leadership roles. So the AFSC is pretty inclusive - again because of the "skill first" mentality.
wow that's a lot
ty for your rambling it's ok
it came off like u were using ur question to make an implication that trans women in tech fields are male brained
and knowing u that was 100% the implication u intended to make
yeah, because she loves me >:p
Hey mono nobody cares
i work at raising canes ama

no i dont know the sauce recipe
how much do you get paid?
16.35 USD/h
i get an extra dollar for every hour i work after 10 pm
People get paid?
its paige so what do you think anya

It really surprised me - the field seems to draw us. Double up that the main hub for CWO is also where the DoD's centralized trans healthcare clinic is. Most trans servicemembers need to TDY here, I can just drive 5 minutes down the road and knock on my endo's door. Hell I saw her in the gym the other day, told her I'm gonna twist her arm about prog tomorrow (she's been stubborn, much to my dismay)
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just told her i miss her again
glad shes not dead atleast
no, just that women are underrepresented in tech fields
turns out that's the case in the military as well, which is sad


kek it's pretty common for shy effeminate boys to end up into tech because it's not super masculine like sports but it's not girly enough to get bullied over, plus a lot of autistic boys end up as transwomen too and computers are like autism catnip, especially computing security
i started out majoring in information security and forensics, but started switching majors to linguistics bc i couldn't stand the thought of working for the government or corporations, before dropping out entirely. unironically modern computer knowledge is similar to how witchcraft was perceived in prechristian europe, as being unmanly and effeminate and full of trannies

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