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I dont make the rules, Im simply giving the truth.
It really doesn’t make any logical sense to dress and fashion yourself in a manner that is objectively disgusting to most of polite society, people dislike others who lack self-awareness because their behavior is unpredictable and would result in communal friction 40,000 years ago
Who are the pretty "girls" on the right?>>36380266
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shes unironically hot move her to the right
I mean, more power to the people who do it despite looking like fucking Aliens, but the trannies on the reason I'm not transphobic on God. If everyone needs transitioned that well trans rights would have a single issue getting dealt with over night lmao
bro got no standard
this reminds me of when someone posted a 2015 polycule and I was in the trenches here fighting for one hon with promise and potential
It’s amazing that you can be so stupid but not spell anything incorrectly. Technology has come a long way.
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who is this beauty?
nvm i found her thank you google recognition
alexis healy
looks like Chris Chan
>google recognition
Who are the ones on the right? I already know Alexis Healy
my girlfriends

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