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so I'm on an e dose that's supposed to be every 7 days but I forgot when I last did it
anyways for the past hour I have been bawling my eyes out for no reason other than this week's chainsaw man chapter I'm pretty sure I'm like 4 days into the cycle but I'm thinking of taking another shot earlier because I just want to stop crying
Take your E shot every Sunday, or choose a specific day and take it that day. Its only 7 days lol
just set a reminder on your phone and have it repeat every x days, thats what i do
do what the other anons suggested, just select a day to apply your E and go from there.

yeah nayuta is dead, thats so fucking sad. it seems that our boy denji won't have a happy end, he keeps losing all the things dear to him.
maybe in the end he will turn into death and bring the apocalypse or some shit
Imagine how funny it'd be if it turns out that the sushi denji was eating was Nayuta too

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