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are there normies trannies here?
There's no normie tranny
the whole board, basically
im normal when i take my antidepressants ^^
There is a 30+ thread on here. That's probably as normal as it gets
i am looking for normie frens
I'm a daywalker, I'm a mentally ill retard at heart, but to any outsider I am a normie. I roam both worlds
kinda, i browse tiktok and insta, i dress like every other girl and im a swiftie
too fucking many
ok add my disc then yall
im too weird for the normies and too normie for the non normies
what mode is this called
i feel like it's almost impossible to be a "normie" and trans unless you grow up in an extremely supportive and accepting environment and a country with great medical services and legal protections for trans people. so like <1% of trans people.
trans people are made into outcasts, and outcasts are never "normies".
>asks for normies
>expects them to add a random anon on disc
Let me tell you a secret, whoever thinks it's a good idea to add you, isn't going to be a normie
beautiful angel moder
whats ur discord
I might be a normie, I have a job, a house, I'm fairly stable. But at the same time everyone at work agrees I'm the weirdest person there. I'm attractive enough that this is seen is quirky and not gross though
Pick one
You being on here already makes you not a normie. Being cute enough can make anything be okay though
It's kinda fucked up how that works. Also implies I'm going to have to be less weird the older and less attractive I get.
Not looking forward to either of those.
Meee hiiii, it’s literally only because I pass btw
That's how life works for everybody, just a fact you gotta accept. Just make sure you get all the really fun, weird stuff out of the way when people will let you away with it if you suck them off, kek
Maybeeeee lol probably the cyber version of eddie hall vs two pooners lmfao
>only because I pass
prove it

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