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How does a girl deal with the constant need to be held when they will never have a gf and therefore will never get rid of the touch starvation
I tried casual sex, but I still feel this longing when they leave, and it doesn't feel any better. I just wish I had a gf who would hug me 99% of the day
Why won't you get a gf?
get a cuddle buddy
i need to be held and don’t have a gf (i have a bf)
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you have been conditioned by society to believe your worth is defined by being desired or that purpose can only be found in the pursuit of others. Truthfully the only person you should worry about loving in such a state would be yourself. take some time to consider all of the things that thousands of years of human suffering has brought to you, and to all people.

>clean running water hot and cold
>food free of disease
>transportation that dosnt require you to blow out your knees before you turn 30
>having a comfortable bed to slep in
>not having to worry about being killed in your sleep by enemies

the list goes on, but to summarize, there is more to life than finding a partner, to look at the bigger picture is to understand how profoundly fortunate you are to be where you are today. reflect on this and make use of your solitude to better find yourself, how can you know who you will be happy with if you do not fully understand yourself first?
Every day I wake up glad to be Ace

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