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hello trannies (and chaserbros who could help)

my gf (mtf) [soon to be pregnant housewife] has insane body problems issues which makes her want to kill herself (amongst a PLETHORA of other issues i am whittling down alongside her for her) and i wanted to ask; should i get into bodybuilding?

the reason im asking is that she is insecure about her he shoulders and stuff.its been a year and a bit since she started her transition so i know it takes a while for any changes to be visible but right now if i begin to body build and framemog even further will it assauge her discomfort towards her shoulder width even if they are the same size as before?
you guys are fucking disgusting and ruin every trans space you enter, kill yourself
these threads are 100% started by bored neet trannies, like the fuck face op
first post and im lready being told to kms

>soon to be pregnant housewife
that hurts a little but i understand it’s with good intentions
it probably won’t help no. unfortunately bdd isn’t always about direct comparisons but abstract or general ones (maybe his shoulders are larger than mine, but hers are so much smaller). i don’t think anything can really be done. now if you wanna get into weightlifting anyway she probably wouldn’t mind, but it’s not likely to change her overall feeling about her body
hmm so trying to make her shoulders feel small to her wont work.

is there anything thats youve experienced that helped externally or by a caring oartner. or is it just trying to help slowly come to terms with bdd as her transition progresses.
not saying it wouldn’t work, it probably would make her feel a bit better when next to you, but i don’t think it would last. sadly i have yet to find a cure. bdd doesn’t seem to have an easy solution and dysphoria is in the same boat. i think the only real thing you can do is offer your love and support her whenever she needs it. personally i would avoid mentioning areas she seems nervous about, but do a little bit of scouting cause some trannies get turned on by being told they could never look like a real man (you in this case). you could also “reward” her in some way whenever she talks about something she likes about her body, since that would build a positive association with liking her body. i wish you the best of luck anon, it proves you care to be willing to get muscled up for the sake of your lover
do things that may make her feel more feminine. buy roses, call her princess, do bridal carries idk
this is also reallygood
thanks ill try those things i aprecciate this annonette.

alright someone close this thread i dont need it anymore

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