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I'm too comfy and it's boring me. My life is so comfortable. The comfort is excessive.

>be not you, but possibly me
>I'm in senior "management" now or at least my title says I am. think around director level or an equivalent, but not Vice President.
>solid six figgies+ with good raises
>one of the few that can afford to buy a home in my area on my own
>inflation doesn't perturb me and I spend recklessly how I want to
>remote work
>didn't do anything all day except shitpost on 4chan, reply to emails. I go to meetings sometimes
>boss is a really hot milf, it's unreal how hot she is. her boobs are huge and her cleavage is often showing. she's very nice to me.
>I'm just on standby answering emails or answering questions
>sometimes I get a phone call
>don't do any real work
>just sorta in meetings, and they're online meetings anyway so I don't even have to necessarily pay attention unless it's a smaller meeting
>underlings consult me for questions and decisions, I take a millisecond to think and answer in a half assed way or tell them to figure it out themselves.
>If you say that you're busy and look busy all the time, you can do nothing and no one will question it. If you've shown yourself to not be helpful, people will just stop asking you for help, but no one will complain about you because you're the boss.
>use ChatGPT premium to write all of my emails but I fix it a little because ChatGPT is retarded
>keep getting promoted and I don't know why
>all I did was kiss ass and do zero work
>I probably get credit for all the work of my team, kek
>seniors, middle management, and staff level really do everything.
>too lazy to do productive things like watching anime or playing games during work
>"on the clock" right now and as you can see I was typing up this shitpost
>salaried obviously so I could disappear for an indeterminate amount of time and nothing would be questioned
>goes without saying, I rarely feel stress
Life is good, why didn't you get a remote job?
>why didn't you get a remote job?
The most stress I've ever experienced was when I was fully remote. I basically became agoraphobic and forgot how to socialize entirely. Ordered 4 meals of grubhub a day. Got addicted to camgirls just to hear someone else say my name. This was BEFORE covid too!

I'm still recovering and I've been going into the office daily for about a year now. Hung out with a friend last weekend with only 4 hours of notice. Usually I need at least 3 business days to confirm the emotional capacity to interact.
Theres no good remote work for someone with no decent education
I have a very simple solution for you. Get an education. Easy, right?
That can be remedied outside of work.
The next best thing is to be my stay at home waifu if you are female. You get all of the benefits of my lifestyle, minus the trivial bureaucratic things I have to do.

If you are male, the next best thing is to be the guy slaving away for me while I get all the credit. If you kiss my ass for 3 years, I will give you a senior title, with more responsibilities, so you can slave away harder.

Good thing you are a female, according to probability.
Straight chaser which I decided is a new persecuted minority. It's on topic because I'm a revered figure among trans women.
>That can be remedied outside of work.
Not for me. Leaving the house to go into the office gives me the inertia to continue socializing. Without that momentum, I inevitably fester in my hidey hole. The worst part of remote work was that it enabled me to live my worst life by deflating all incentives to do things I don't want to, but absolutely need to.
go away from our board fag
Are you a woman? Want to be my gf instead?
I’m really rich and I don’t work lol suck a clown dick wagie
If I was ever this useless I’d kill myself
Will you accept me once they add the C to the gay alphabet
so you live in your mom's basement?
This is just corporate America. If you were tricked into being useful for wages, it was by my design.
No I own a few apartments for passive income and live in a penthouse in a progressive city with my husband and kids
The machine was built long before you. You said it yourself, you don’t actually do anything.
is that why you made this thread? as a way of advertising yourself in hopes of getting a girlfriend?
Both statements true. But between the two of us, I was the one with the balls to benefit from this dichotomy. If you want to be useful, that's your personal choice. I paid my dues being useful already.
I don't have a pussy dawg. That was never an option for me.
When none of you make interesting threads, I will make a shitpost that I think will get (you)s. No purpose other than amusement. No need to get a gf. You are already my gf, you just don't know it yet.
What industry are you in exactly?
no i hope you kill yourself
i will never accept you
go date a normal woman or die
Not gonna doxx myself my narrowing the possibilities dawg, I talk to several hoes. Just saying the word management puts me under hot water, there are few straight males, few chasers, but even less ones that have their shit together in any capacity. Most are bum fucks. I'm a professional, that was already a given, that's all you need to know.
Ah, srs was a mega blessing for my life, made everything else possible
>why didn't you get a remote job?
i live in an overpriced shithole where it's easier to get a 500k a year slave job than a 100k remote job
have you thought about flaying someone
Dated many, what's the issue babygirl?
Telling us your industry won’t dox yourself. It’ll just tell us if you’ve truly ever been useful at all.
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im a man lol. t. picrel
please go date normal women and stop encouraging failed men to debase themselves even further
I feel like I've seen you doomposting before. Are you a dysphoric baby trans woman or what?
shut the fuck up tripfaggot
So LA, Seattle, Portland, Austin, or Manhattan? Show pics of the penthouse dawg.
ye youve probably seen me doomposting lol
im not babytrans ive been on hrt for like 4 years, im just cooked
Nope. I'm the nicest person alive t b h. Wouldn't hurt someone unless they disrespected me. Why do you ask, m'lady?
I'm not particularly attracted to you but you just look like a soft butch lesbian. People have all probably given you the same advice, just grow your hair out, continue letting hrt feminize you. If your voice is good, you'll pass. Don't understand the issue, are you extremely tall or something?
I'm also in 'senior management' and feel very similar. I'm a sr. director on track for vp next year. I just feel... dull. Basically everything you said I'm also dealing with.
can i get a job as your lazy manmoder maid
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im 5'6". i had long hair before and i looked bad. my bone structure is extremely male and i have a huge ribcage for my size. my proportions are awful
im just repressing and dating a cis girl and focusing on work. i was more committed to being trans a couple years ago and it mostly just led me to make poor decisions and fucked up my life a lot
So you're literally just me. Does your boss also have huge boobs, and do you also use ChatGPT to write emails?
no, I'm the big-boobed boss. And yes, I do. I have a team of 9 analysts and basically just send them chatgpt outputs each day. I do actually like my job and do work though but my life is empty and I spend most night staring blankly watching forensic files and shitposting here
>no, I'm the big-boobed boss.
Damn, this is the best post I've ever read. I really like this 4chan post.
I'm a nice guy so sure, I believe in giving people chances. You can live in my closet, it's quite luxurious and big in there. Send me your resume.
Do you happen to have massive boobs btw? That would show that you're extremely qualified for the job.
Did you get a bad dosage or something? I don't know how this works but you seem to have potential, haven't seen your body or anything. If I imagine you with long hair, I could easily see you as passing. FFS and a boobjob would probably make it better too. You're also short. Don't think it's that bad. Do other trans women think you're cooked, or just you?
i didnt get a bad dosage i just have very masculine features
w/ hrt some people seem to make a lot of progress very quickly because they had little skeletal masculinization but very male fat redistribution and hrt makes a significant impact
some people were skinny and androgynous men beforehand and it's common to assume they'll transition well, but after years on estrogen they'll still just be skinny androgynous men
i actually had absurdly high levels for a while (1200+ pg/mL) and i still look like this lmao
Wow I really like this post, you are so cool and awesome.
>but my life is empty and I spend most night staring blankly watching forensic files and shitposting here
Don't you have a boyfriend, though? Or maybe a girlfriend? Someone like you is more likely to be married by now. If you're socially reclusive as I'm inferring, what do you say when people ask how was your weekend or what you did? Most people have kids or something, I guess.
I'm just curious what other trannies said about you. I don't think you're unpassing or have no future as a trans woman. Don't you need to get fat to redistribute the weight or something?I honestly think you're fine and you just need to try different things. I'm not trying to gaslight your experience though, I realize I'm ignorant. But, I mean.. how you perceive yourself may not necessarily be reality or how others perceive you. By the way, didn't really understand anything you said.
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>didnt really understand anything you said
aight lemme break it down barney style. see picrel.
>what other trannies say
idk i dont really talk to other ppl abt this stuff. the trannies i know have their own lives and i dont want to whine. i look like a man though, that much is apparent
>get fat to redistribute
ive done that multiple times lol. its been 4 years. ive tried a few things
oh no you're not exhaustively familiar with the lifestyle choices of insane faggots on the internet. what a shame!
Just throw some massive tits in there, you're golden. Big boobs fixes everything.
i have the highest skeletal masculinity possible IWNBAW FUCK MY LIFE i should run around at night in the sketchiest part of town someone should murder my disgusting ogre self
yeah I have a partner of 8 years. we're very happy. just... I don't want to say 'lazy' because it feels more like dazed. A struggle to do anything all weekend, a struggle to spend money for fun, just sort of plodding forward. Vacations are at least fun with a lot of money.
ew no
my torso is already huge i dont want more volume there
itd probably look better proportionally but idc i dont want big boobs
That's cool, I wonder if your partner is indoorsy as well. It's good that your life is comfortable.
both women that should be kinder to themselves
>be OP
>have cushy high-pay low-value job sustained by fumes from corporate low interest rate goodtimes
>spends money recklessly
>probably doesn't even have a portfolio that could sustain their lifestyle for 5 years, let alone 60
>likely due to being bad at saving and also spending like a retard
>comes online and indulgently humblebrags about being bored and too complacent
>is a peter principle promo, is too stupid to understand the change in monetary policy and corporate finance has already put a stopwatch on their remaining employed
Insightful stuff, probably mostly true. I have a six figures brokerage account rn, and I can tap into my 401k. But sure, I'm pretty fucked if I get laid off or if the economy gets fucked. But so is literally everyone. Surely there would be an open position in corporate America somewhere, and I'm a great interviewer. My on paper credentials are also great. I'm too stupid and comfy to care or feel concerned about anything you're saying though, if your intent was to perturb me. Sustain me for 5 years? I guess I'm probably pretty fucked, my lifestyle is expensive and I'm often impulsive.

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