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It feels like it. I repressed a really long time & mostly socialized with males (straight & gay.) I feel like they were pretty straight forward & honest for the most part
Since starting transition, and the few years prior, I changed that. It's been mostly female socialization (cis mostly, some trans).
I've been hugboxed to no end. I'm at the point of calling it lying because there's been some stuff said that is downright wrong. Even service professionals like hair removal ppl and therapists have been outright untruthful.
Is this just normal female socialization? It's surprised me and damaged my trust by taking them at face value.
I'm basically at the point where I don't trust anyone anymore
yah a lot of people lie to keep the peace esp weak people
I wish people could be direct or honest ever
dude the whole world has been told if they say the slightest wrong thing to a tranny, the tranny will off themselves. Of course I'm going to fucking lie to your face.
>let's lie to this man and tell him he's a beautiful passing woman
>he surely won't kill himself years later when he realizes everyone lied and he has no chance at ever passing and I'd an absolute freak
Good plan

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