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Have you ever met a they/them that did not have at least one other mental illness.
lol you right boo
Let's see "straight" cis aka normal statistics
trannies statistically have a personality disorder that persists after successful transition and after GD subsides, most notably narcissism
A distant relative was a staunch they/them but she grew out of it
my sibling is 40 and a they/them but they are blind (totally, completely blind) and don't use any social media so they're actually pretty cool and sane. They train dogs for a living and listen to books on tape and don't speak to any other they/thems.
im nonbinary / intersex, i use all pronouns… i have autism but if anything that just makes it more obvious on why i think of my gender differently than everyone else
you have autism. disqualified.

also doesn't that directly imply that it's your condition that makes you believe in the third option???
i mean… yeah? i have two things affecting my mind (intersex, autism) that makes me think differently regarding my gender and my role in society. that’s what I was trying to say

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