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What feels better for fucking: pussy or butthole?
Butthole is tighter
How should I know?
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Pussy is overrated as fuck. Just get some oil and an affection starved tranny, and have the time of your fucking life anon
some occasional variety is nice, on the giving end, but they're different experiences and it's hard to say strictly one is better than the other (and if you're familiar enough with each other's bodies you should be able to stimulate each other in similar ways through either approach)
Butthole definitely tastes better
Everyone not saying pussy are virgins
pussy is literally made for dick and feels very nice, but the relative physical profile of tight vs loose and texture along with relative depth you can hit is very different (especially for smaller girls) so at least in my experience they can feel nice in different ways
pussy feels much better I assume
not a virgin
Both are nice
Picrel just for laughs
I'm not sure. What would feel better? A dedicated hole for fucking or a hole being misused that's made for shitting? Though one.
Purely mechanically? Pussy but oral feels better.
Overall? The hole attached to the fag you love.
>what feels better for fucking? the thing designed by millions of years of evolution/process of elimination to encourage species to reproduce by fucking, or the thing people switch to when they get bored of that after decades of normal sex?
We're still in the process of evolution so in the future vaginas will be phased out and buttholes will be self cleaning and lubricating
okay but today vaginas are better
what's it like eating ass? I sort of want to try it but not really. I feel like I'd get bored.
Ass eating isn't as tedious as eating pussy because you're not trying to get anywhere with it.
I haven't eaten pussy in a long time (and I find it boring) but I'm curious what you enjoy about eating ass.
It's just hot and quick and gets a big reaction. There's that point when you start aggressively eating pussy which is really hot and electric and then it just slowly wears off. Eating ass is just the best part amplififed because it is significantly more dominant.

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