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Why do people look down so much on trans women who get SRS? I was planning on getting it, but knowing getting SRS will remove my worth in the bedroom for like 90% of people (me being transbian) is just awful. What's it worth to be able to wear a bikini or tight dress when you're sexually appalling to the majority of people? It really is like clipping the wings of an angel, isn't it?
Mutilating your genitals is weird, not going to pretend that it is based in any way
If you really pass then SRS is not a bad option.
Honestly if you think srs removes your worth you're so fucking lost you should kys. Life isn't about what some fucking chaser thinks get srs get ffs mog the shit out of cissiods and get a straight husband
I can't have sex as a pre-op, I have like a mental block around it. So going from 0% to 10% is fine with me
I am also heavily motivated by more clothes being accessible
Why shouldn't i just date a cis woman at this point?
Exactly this, why would anyone just not date a cis woman at that point?
How am I going to do that when I've never ever felt a slither of sexual attraction to men?
As a transbian you can't go stealth with an srsussy. Afabs know how a bio vag looks like and will immediately clock you. It's probably enough to fool cis men, but not someone whose having a bio vag themselves
If you have genital dysphoria that badly I get it, do whatever you want. Just don't ask me to pretend that it isn't grotesque and weird.
Exactly this, and what fucking lesbian would want that? I feel like having a neovagina as a transbian is illness, it makes zero sense other than relieving genital dysphoria - which I do not have
So true! why not just date a cis woman at that point?
I don't look down at them at all, all power to them, but I've fucked srsussy and no thank you
Tbh I never got why you wouldn't just date a cis woman to begin with. Objectively better in every conceivable way. Insanely weird to degrade yourselves enough to date us
Have some self respect jesus
You can't make me, cis women mog me into the dirt where I belong
bullshit, vaginas are so varied it wouldnt be obvious at all. Only someone who has interacted with multiple srsussy might be able to sniff it out
because the people on here are either chasers who are scared their favorite girl will one day not have a penis or girls who can't access srs and need to cope with that
The almoght phallic blah blah blah some harvard lesvian trope from legally blonde
they can't

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